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Data Scientist | coming soon.....

We live in exciting times, taken over by technological dominance. Just imagine fuel delivered at your doorstep. Possible? Well, one may find it hard to accept, let alone believe but that’s exactly mission to achieve – beat all the odds. Man to mars – not as a cosmonaut but a commoner. Incredible, and  mind-blowing.

Are you aware how many photos gets posted, messages tweeted, videos made and posted? The social media is busy and gets busier by the day. And it does impact your business. If you care to look at the data accumulated, don’t panic if it looks like a deluge. What happens to this data? Think about it,  as its growing every day.

There can be data pile-up in your workplace. Imagine having multiple folders with hundreds of documents and completely clueless. Processed data becomes information. But who will process the data? Data Scientist. Something unheard a decade ago, is fast becoming the most sought after profile, and rightly so,  given the data produced in a day. 

To give you a glimpse, “According to computer giant IBM, 2.5 exabytes - that's 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) - of data was generated every day in 2012”.

The total amount of data in the world was 4.4 zettabytes in 2013. 

So, how much data is produced per day? 2.5 Exabytes. That’s a whopping number. A colossal one.

And to deal with data, you need someone adept and hands-on in weeding out the unwanted and clean out the clutter. You need a Data Scientist. 

Data scientists are big data professionals who wrestle with enormous  data that can be structured or unstructured , and bringing to the fore their exceptional statistical skills , Data Scientists can assess, evaluate and organize them. On top of that, they apply their analytics prowess to bring out solutions for challenges crippling the business.

Typically defined, ‘” data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.” And they are placed in a prominent slot as a formidable force. Just check out the pay of a Data Scientist.

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Watch this space for  more news about the launch of Data Scientist Course. Coming  soon.

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Work-life Balance with Discipline | Project Management

There seems to be early burn-out in IT professionals. Doctors are appalled at the heart-risks and related ailments that when wheeled a young person into the emergency ward, the first question invariably is “are you working in IT?” why is too so? Job pressure, peer pressure, management pressure – the stress is too much. a number of factors collide and contribute to this havoc wreaked on youngsters. Heart attack in the forties or fifties doesn’t shock or surprise but in late twenties and early thirties psyches the physicians, who are perplexed dealing with the predicament. Such is the severity, and cut-throat the companies, work force either by choice or force end up staying late at their desk ‘burning the midnight oil’. 

Does the number of hours clocked or the contributions made in fewer count. The misconception in the market is one who spends long hours in the office is deemed ‘hard working’. Anything less and your talent is questionable or the workload is not just enough to justify your paycheck. So some just pretend to stretch or ‘kill’ time by indulging in other activity instead of freeing up bandwidth to take up additional tasks. “If I do this task or accommodate more chores in addition, will the amount in the salary credited change?” this reflects not just the individual lack of commitment, but reflects poorly on the leadership as well. 

Devotion to work should be willful lest its leaves one dissatisfied and disgruntled. Once resourceful, now turned rebels are primarily due to poor people management. Hours makes one hardworking? Then at what cost? Tradeoff at the cost of health? Everything ought to be balanced – including work. 

A project manager, whom I used to report, will sit beside me and plan the ‘tasks for the week’ taking my inputs for the ‘hours allocated’ and sometimes let me estimate the ‘number of hours’. Effort estimation is both critical and crucial. Bagging the project by heck or crook, and later slogging the days, night and weekend are typical signs of burnout. It’s like cutting the foot to match the boot. That’s not project management. Weekends usually act as buffer and my manager maxim of “if you can’t get the work done in eight hour, either you are inefficient or incompetent.’  People also tend to procrastinate – another malaise with no medicine in sight. Hence there is blaming the managers. There has to be a middle ground. 

The 40 hour week

Any project manager with appreciable knowledge and experience will not estimate more than 8-hours as man day in the project plan. How many hours do the team work is another question but for the record its hours, and usually the weekends are not factored – and mostly serve as buffers. Remember time is money and hence any inflation in your estimation will have an adverse implication on your cost estimation. The budget balloons and the project just slipped out of your hands. It’s a typical trapeze act or skating on thin ice. So balancing the 40-hour and keeping the project within cost calls for a skilled and smart time management.

Performance and Productivity

No matter how many hours you clock, its 4 hours spread across 8.  The body might be willing but the mind simply is not up to it. Exhaustion, fatigue leads to failure. Your ability to concentrate ebb s with passage of time. There should be a reason why Henry For came out with the brilliant strategy of ‘weekend’ so as to boost morale, improve productivity and increase time spent with family.  Sources from public domain cite that working fewer hours increase productivity and thereafter tend to wane.

Work-Life balance

“I am too busy at work” is the usual refrain. You start before the kids awake and return after the fast asleep. Many professionals itinerary falls in to this pattern. Genuine cases of work chewing and even gobbling time is a possibility but that can’t become the norm. Its not family first or work at any cost. One has to strike a balance to do justice to both – stakeholder management.  Your internal and external client included family too is part of stakeholders. And its important to attend on everyone, and if possible content.

A gallup study revealed that we work 47 hours – which is 7 hours more. What will all the dollars, incentive, promotions and perks amount when the people you value the most – your family aren’t there to share your moment to happiness and bask in glory. 

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The Significance Communication | Project Management

Records reveal that 90% of the productive time engaged by Project Managers is on communication. The PMI’s 2013 Pulse of the Profession report states that effective communications to all stakeholders as the most critical in project management.

The report further cautioned about the high risks due to poor communication, which is a shocking figure of 56% percentage. 
 One of the reason attributed to this rise in risk is the negligence to proper communication as project managers, at times, tend to take it for granted.  Communication during the inception, especially about requirement walk-through can prove critical and impact the outcome of the project. It’s important all the stakeholders well informed and educated about the expectations. Capturing the requirement correctly – usually exchanging notes and drawings or prototype – is again typical communication management. If the start is good, it’s as good half the battle won. Most of the failures when analyzed point to the requirement analysis when the customer and vendor’ understanding failed to match. For the scope of this article, let’s look at key aspects that stress the need for effective communication in a business project.

Understanding stakeholders’ expectation: it’s easy to misread as ‘requirements’. Stakeholders always have an expectation as to how the project should evolve and shape up. It will be difficult to gauge the expectation in the first call and hence it’s iterative. The back and forth exchange is a necessity till all involved are able to read and interpret the message in voice – unanimous.  The objectives agreeable mutually should be engaged as the mission of the project. 

Risk Mitigation: Any undertaking will have its share of risks. Black and white is almost picture perfect. There will be some grey area, which is expected in a business engagement. . When the communication is free and frequent, chances are good in ironing out the difference and closing the gaps. The worst of risks are the assumptions made in the absence of valid or required information. Correspondence between different stakeholders will cut down the clutter and enhance understanding. The better the understanding, lesser will be the assumptions.  Assumptions are inevitable, but efforts should be made to keep it to the minimum with least impact.

Transparency breeds trust. Communication helps to earn the stakeholders confidence. Much depends on the matter and manner which is being communicated and the manner. Its time bound and information critical to build a good rapport in order to build credibility. When there is nothing to hide, why will be the need to doubt? Open and transparent communication always clear results in garnering goodwill and establishing trustworthiness. An honest response that conveys an unpleasant message might be difficult to savor but that’s how integrity is build. Trust deficit or erosion can create serious conflicts in slowing or stopping project. On the other hand, earning stakeholders’ confidence will help in better understanding within both the parties to allow some leeway or latitude. All said and done, it boils to the trust – how reliable you are, and more importantly, truthful.

Precise and concise communication. Prompt, punctual and proper exchange of information using appropriate channels defines communication.  How many actually acknowledge a mail receipt – though it’s the best way to assure.  It doesn’t need to be rich in prose or sound poetic – a simple message using simple language is enough as long it communicates the required and desired information. Besides, stakeholders, especially decision makers are always short of time and may not be read the length of the letter. Hence it’s recommended to keep it precise and to the point.

Regular and frequent communication. It’s never construed as disturbance when it comes to the messages affecting the commitment. Free and forthcoming communication that’s scheduled or unscheduled is always welcome and never understood as an intrusion specifically about project updates. The daily status report, weekly status report and similar reports are scheduled ones that are expected. And any alerts, warning or clarification exchanges are unplanned or unscheduled. Frequent communication will help in project navigation and better understanding of the actual progress made as accountable stakeholders will confirm or raise flags as concern to undertake remedial measures, if required.

Communication Management features as one the knowledge areas in PMI’s PMBOK® A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). If you have a comment, please drop by and we can discuss it further. 

We are one of the leading educational service provider offering project management programs as part of niche certification courses.   In case you are interested to know more, please visit our website  

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Scope Creep | Project Management

(A personal account of the perils of scope creep)

As Jobs puts it ‘we can only connect the dots afterwards’. That’s the benefit of hindsight? Well, if you have that as foresight, it makes you a visionary. Las Vegas was just a desert till one guy redrew the map toasting success on the sand dunes, and Vegas couldn’t have been just conjecture then.  

When I took over the reins, the project looked promising. Communications were open and the client very forthcoming in comments. One look at the team composition and my hopes were inflated: a trusted hand, a familiar figure and a total stranger, rest of the crew comprised of tester, Us Ex, web developer. The lead developer is more of a man-Friday as we have engaged in couple of projects and hence a tried and tested chap. It looked good and should have soared to great. We could spot the shore. If wishes were horses then beggars would ride!

We prepared the plan, sized the effort, scoped the requirement, and swung into action. The progress too was pretty much in line. We built a good rapport with the client and the stinkers were sporadic. The plan and progress almost matched with some slippage. A qualified tester got onboard and it was a shot in the arm. I had several sessions with the team and joint calls with client in understanding the requirement.

The long evenings, late nights, brainstorming sessions, soaring rhetoric and sizzling arguments, and not to miss the cat-fights, we saw it all as a team. The phone would suddenly scream followed by a volley of questions growing in decibel, and my team mate would politely hush her husband ‘I will be leaving in 5 minutes’. Remarkably, she taught me what I can never achieve no matter how much ever I aspire – that patience and politeness in answering an agitated call.
Perplexingly the problems and posers kept piling, and from then on, we prioritized issues as critical, major and minor with color red, yellow and orange respectively. An open document was created and shared with client. And the bug count closely monitored with status reports both at start and end of day. The fixes left me vexed; flummoxed by failure after failure as I knew for sure that the bugs will be reopened.  I chewed my finger nails all the way to my knuckles and went bone dry when the count refused to climb down. We dragged out weary souls and worn-out soles day-in and day-after licking defeat in the hope that ‘we lost the battle but will win the war’.

The client is not to be blamed completely as for the team goofed up pretty bad in managing the scope. A little here and a little there and the result wasn't scope creep but a bloated scope with too many ‘bells and whistles’. It wasn't the foot in my mouth but the whole leg. Chewed more than we could swallow? It wasn't time to wallow in self-pity. But I couldn't help feeling sorry for the team; for myself and then DH Lawrence hit me hard where it hurts the most ‘I have never known a wild animal feel sorry for itself’. May be I am ‘domestic’ – heck, man is a social animal, if it can be used as a disclaimer. The client squeezing hard and the management make it clear about the climbing cost, the noose was tightening. The stakeholders had a simple mandate – the timeline. Problems and philosophy are a pair. When you muck-up big time, be prepared for your back to be blackened. But as they say if the progress is as per the plan, then there is something wrong with the plan. Then why plan? [we will discuss as a different thread]

Tell me something, only Results count? Is it? I checked this quote by Jacob Riis who, it seems, coined it for me.

“When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before” - Jacob Riis. 

Results count but efforts can’t be discounted.

We narrowed down the action-items as in-scope’ and passed it around, armed ourselves with facts and figures as counterweight.  We managed to complete the project but not in the prospect and promise we had pinned our hopes, rather it was mixed-feeling of bitter-sweet that the final handover happened. Post the delivery, when we did the causal analysis, the scope creep sank our boat. Expectedly CRs (Change Request) were raised but they were either counted in as ‘courtesy’ or ‘cost-free’ who didn’t treat it binding as billable.

It was a lesson learnt about clearly recording your scope and securing a sign-off on the deliverables and we became more conscious and cautious about the creep in succeeding projects. It was indeed a slippery slope!


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PRINCE2® 2017 – The Exam Updates

Continuing with our previous blog post about the changes in the PRINCE 2017 Release, this posting covers the exam details for both Foundation Exam and Practitioner exam.

The details are provided from the Axelos site to preserve integrity of the data, and also avoid unnecessary ambiguity

Foundation Examination Design

Exam Design

• Number of questions reduced to 60 (previously 75 with trial questions), and no trial questions

• Exam duration unchanged (1 hour)

• (Pass mark may be adjusted following standard setting)

• Negative questions removed, except where it is part of the learning outcome to know that something shouldn’t occur (e.g. NOT, FALSE, INCORRECT)

• Number of list and missing word questions reduced, i.e. more standard questions

Foundation Exam Structure

• 5 Questions on key concepts

• 8 questions on principles

• 28 questions on themes

• 3-5 questions on each theme

• 19 questions on processes

• 2-3 questions on each process.

Practitioner Examination Design

Exam Design - Questions

• Number of questions (marks) reduced to 75 (previously 80)

• Exam duration unchanged (2.5 hours)

• (Pass mark may be adjusted following standard setting)

• Question styles removed:

• Multiple response

• Assertion reason

• Question styles retained:

• Matching (for BL3) – max 3 marks with 5-6 tokens

• Classic (for BL4) e.g. Yes, because…..

 Practitioner Examination Design

Exam Design – Scenario/Information

Candidates will only need to refer to:

• A one-page project scenario

• One page of additional information for the organization theme (person profiles)

• Approx. 4 lines of information before the question stem to provide the context (especially BL4 questions).

In other words:

• No separate lengthy additional information (except for organization theme)

• No ‘delete entry 1’, ‘amend entry 1’ questions’!!

please watch this space for more update. We will keep you posted more about the developments about PRINCE 2-2017 release.

Wishing you good lucl in your endevaors.

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PRINCE2® 2017 – The Latest Release And Updates

PRINCE2 – Managing Projects in a Controlled Environment, is one of the well-known, widely acclaimed, and globally recognized certification in Project Management.

Those familiar with Axelos-PRINCE2 (2009) don’t need any introduction. By Mid-2017, Axelos decided to roll out an enhanced edition, which they named as PRINCE-2017.

Recently PRINCE2 has evolved further with changes incorporated in its syllabus, Examinations for both Foundation and Practitioners. The changes reflected are only in English language and for other language supported by Axelos, the release is expected in 2018.

Now you may ask, why Axelos got this change done? What is so different in this new edition?

AXELOS regularly seeks feedback from the international community about the standard and usage of its Certification programs in enhancing the ability of the PRINCE2 certified professionals to manage and deliver projects successfully. The feedback over a period of consultation from 75% of Accredited Organizations (AOs) concurred the need and agreed for an update of the program syllabus and exams. Not only the AOs, but Industry experts and stakeholders were consulted in improving the content to align with the work-environment that’s fast-paced and ever-growing to reap more benefits for the practitioners, customers and other associated benefactors.  

Answering the second part of the question, as to what is so different in this new edition, the themes chapters have been restructured to enhance flow and readability and to accommodate important new material on how to tailor projects.

Besides, The update is characterized by an emphasis on:

● tailoring PRINCE2 to the needs of organizations and project environments

● the principles that underpin PRINCE2

● greater clarity on the link between the themes and principles

● the restructuring of the themes guidance to accommodate specific examples of tailoring

Now the next question expected would be, ‘why so much stress on Tailoring’?

As you know, PRINCE2 is extremely flexible, versatile and completely scalable., which  have  always been a key factors in the success of PRINCE2: the method is readily tailored to the needs of any organization. The philosophy and practice of tailoring is a thread that now runs throughout the guidance and the training programme. In fact, it permeates the entire thinking of the PRINCE2 2017 update.

Summary of the changes in PRINCE 2017

With regards to the syllabi: 

In the Foundation level, Addition of chapter 2, 4 and 21;  

Chapter 2: Project Management with PRINCE2

Chapter 4: Tailoring and adopting PRINCE2

Chapter 21: Practical considerations for organizational adoption (Tailoring & Embedding)

Notably the old Chapter 19 (PRINCE2®: TAILORING PRINCE2® TO PROJECT ENVIRONMENT) removed.

Now, there is much emphasis about Tailoring.

In terms of Exam, the changes include:

Foundation Exam

 – Focus is clearly on the core of PRINCE2

- Elements of the exam that are not part of the core have been removed 

- Assessment criteria around tailoring have been added

- The emphasis on different parts of the syllabus has been readjusted

The Practitioner exam 

The major changes include:

● The Practitioner exam will now test candidates on all parts of the PRINCE2 method

● The emphasis on different parts of the syllabus has been readjusted

● The candidate is now tested on the general application of the core of each theme and process and on their practical ability to assess, in a particular context, whether an approach to project management is effective and fit for purpose

● Improvements to the exam design have been made.

In our next blog posting, we will dive deeper about the exams, especially the format, number of questions, duration, pass mark, - and more importantly how does it differ from the previous version.

Watch this space for more information. For any queries, please write to 

Disclaimer: to avoid ambiguity, some of the information used in this blog were sourced from Axelos.

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Data is the new Oil | Digital Marketing

The most powerful mode of marketing is the word of mouth.  

Is Digital marketing same as word-of-mouth marketing?  Yes or no? Well, what do you call ‘thing going viral on the social media’. The word spreads faster than a forest fire. We bank on referrals and trust the testimonies of our contacts before deciding on a service provider or business provider.

Today, it’s too expensive to try out the trial and error, and hence we follow footprints to be better safe and sure. Check and double-check. And that’s the reason why the online reviews are attached too much importance because you can’t collect all the information from your known sources, and hence, need to rely on unknown sources as well. Be it a travel or hotel booking or buying a car, we need to arm ourselves with facts, figures and Opinions. It matters more these days on others’ experience to get a perspective of ‘how it will be’, before doing it on our own for the ‘self-experience.’ Isn’t it? How many times have you checked a restaurant‘s reputation online before booking a table? And scrolled down all the way to sniff out foul smell? Yes, that one star rating which makes your face frown. Yes!

Word of mouth is more personalized. But in this digital era, where time is money, it’s impossible to knock on every door to get first-hand feedback. Technology has advanced. We speak of being ahead or behind the curve in technology. So the best way to pool in people’s views in one place would be the internet. And if that be, what’s stopping you from marketing using internet as a channel.

This could be the genesis of digital marketing. People prefer both brick and mortar shops and online shopping too. There exists a market share for both, and if you consider convenience, comfort, choice, online shopping is head over shoulder.

Times have changed and it’s wise to turn along the tide. So hoardings which do exist have shrunk in number and instead the online banners have risen exponentially in numbers. The medium of sale has shifted. Online transactions have spiked in numbers. Marketing of products and services using technologies through internet is otherwise known as Digital marketing, wherein the online space is used to provide the user experience to the best extent possible in promotions and pushing sales.

‘data is the new oil’

Why? Because that’s the most valuable resource. What moves the needle? Sales. And sales to happen, you need data. Refined. There, indeed, is an information overload. Looks like there is a data dump, and that’s why refined. 

Transparency is the key. Be it a website or a product/service promoted in a website. ‘how many users? how many likes? how many new users?  And that leads to the next poser ‘do you have the resource to refine?’ 

People are crunching the numbers and scrambling for data to dissect the demography in order to study and better understand the market conditions and customer behavior.  Anything that cannot be backed up with data becomes merely an opinion. Credibility is the cornerstone.  Data integrity. Everything centers on it.

Know your customer.

When a customer shops for a book, or a perfume or a laptop, or holiday vacation or anything for that matter, it gives a glimpse of the customer in terms of taste and take. Next time when the same customer visits the page, there will be “you might also like” with several  allied products or services listed. If that can bring a smile on customer’s face, then its good user experience.

Now this can be made possible only we have credible data.  Don’t let data sound so technical. It is information. How much you know about your customer to serve better and thereby improve your relationship. Relationship building is the ultimate key because that's how you earn the customer’s confidence. 

Data is the decisive factor.

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We will discuss more about this subject in the week to come.  Stay tuned.

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Managing Successful Programs – an overview.

Quick rundown on what are key skills & expertise that helps to manage the programs successfully. First and the most important aspect is how well we connect with our customer and how soon we speak the language of our customer, which really helps to get the connect with customer and their stakeholders.

Business Context/Knowledge: The person who is in charge of the program should have the complete knowledge on the Customer Business in terms of revenue generation model, and their customer base etc.

Broader View/Vision: Scope of the program is much larger than the project and in most of the cases program contains more than one project stream in it. Hence it’s inevitable for the program manager to have the broader vision of the program that would help to streamline the projects in it.

Antedate Customer Needs/Solutions: We need to provide solution upfront before even customer identify the problem. Fierce market condition deprives the luxury of attention. Customers are not interested to wait anymore for wireframe. They instead ask for prototype for which they might prepare their business specifications.

Effective Communication: What do we mean by effective communication? Everyone communicates and people who communicate effectively influence the people with less time. Communication is not only speaking/presenting but also formal and informal mail communications and how effectively facilitates the meetings etc.

Stakeholder Management: Stakeholders are groups, organizations or individuals who can affect, get affected, or perceive themselves to be affected by a programme. The stakeholder response is critical as some may oppose and some support. So the threat can come from within and hence it’s important to have the buy-in of the stakeholders as some may stand to gain or lose, some may see the program as a threat or some will support. It cannot be a mixed bag. What about the human resources? They too can become stakeholders Resources given their competency and skill.

Wish to know more about this MSP – Managing Successful Program? Please click here or call +(713)-287-1252

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The Sixth Edition of PMBOK® Guide Will Be Soon Out

The Sixth Edition of PMBOK® Guide Will Be Soon Out | Project Management

PMI (Project Management Institute) is expected to roll out the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition by the third quarter of 2017. It is expected that the draft version of the Sixth Edition is ready by the first or second quarter, and the final version of the Sixth Edition should be available by mid-2017, if things go as planned.

What are the changes expected in the Sixth Edition?

>> The size of the book. Presently, the fifth edition PMBOK® Guide, has 13 chapters that spans 415 pages. The sixth edition is expected to be quarter the size of the 5th edition, which means it should be close to 84 pages and the number of chapters too have come down to 10. So, sixth edition should be 10 chapters with 84 pages in the draft version. By the time sixth edition gets published, PMI  possibly will add more pages. The final number of pages for now is unknown.

>> Inputs, Tools & Techniques, Outputs (ITTOs) – the sixth edition will not dwell deep into ITTOs, rather it will be covered at a high level.

>> The first version of the PMBOK 6th edition is ¼ the size of the PMBOK 5th edition. The 6th editions currently has 10 chapters and 84 pages, while the 5th edition had 13 chapters and 415 pages.

>> Alignment with Process Groups: the sixth edition will be divided based on the 5 process groups, and not the 10 knowledge areas. This is considered a major change as the Role Delineation Study (RDS)  conducted by PMI has presented its findings and proposed the changed to be aligned  with process groups.

>> Combination of first three chapters. In the sixth edition, the first three chapters will be combined as one – the interpersonal skills  of the project manager and organizational skills will be merged in to one.

>>Two processes are expected to be deleted. The Close Procurements process and Estimate Activities Resources are more likely to be deleted.

>>Two knowledge areas to be renamed; Time Management  and Human Resource Management to be renamed.  Time management will be renamed Schedule management, while human resource management becomes Resource Management

>> Knowledge Areas to feature four section. Every knowledge areas will  have four new sections, namely, Key Concepts, Trends and Emerging Practices, Tailoring Considerations and  Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments.

>> An exclusive chapter on role of Project manager.  This chapter on Project Manager will cover the key concepts about core competencies, expertise, leadership skills expected in leading a project.

>> Approaches for Agile  : every knowledge area will be inclusive of a section with  approaches to Agile, Iterative and Adaptive Environments’. This section will  detail the integration of agile practices in project backgrounds.

>> PMI Talent Triangle™: PMI spells the details about the technical skills, business intelligence , and leadership considered the key skills for success. It is also known as Talent triangle.


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The biggest challenge in any corporate or company [big or small] is conflict management. Most of the professionals as part of the human capital are admittedly millennials and the most worrisome aspect is their psyche. This generation is simply intolerant or less tolerant. However talent they might, being a bigot is the last thing a Project Manager want in the team, the delivery is not going to happen. No project has ever delivered by one person. It’s a team effort. The team has to be open to each other and are to criticize the ideas but criticize the person. That’s a very line as differentiating a person from their thought isn’t easy as put. Many tend to take it personal.

Another challenge is that most of the people don’t have common objective.  Or the vision is not the same for everybody. The same thought can be perceived differently – just like half full and half empty. We tend to see things differently looking at the same object. So this lack of sync in project members adds to the conflict. Hence people at different layers in a project need to be in the same and understand one another. This, of course, is easier said than done because there is something called residual anger that becomes a huge bottleneck. There could be a bitter rub in the past project or some engagement and human by nature are egoist. Hence, in a professional environment, we have to conduct professionally setting aside personal differences.

How to fix when we have multiple stakeholders [internal stakeholders]?

People should know their boundaries. [It is already mentioned that they must have common objectives,]. There might be a QA manager in the development team. Though the QA Manager identified some issues in the development, it will not in in the person’ premise to fix as part of the common objective. Rather, the QA manager must escalate to the Dev Manager who must attend on the fix. The conflict arises when the QA Manager tries to solve the Dev manager’ problem out of enthusiasm or interest or urgency or reason conceivable. But this is unacceptable.  This will cause chaos and conflict in the system.  Unless they are the owner of the problem, they should not solve the problem. In a professional environment, if every profession tries to solve every other problem, that itself will create conflict because different people will different strategies to deal with problems and manage project. The need of the hour then is people at al layers must be organized – they should their mission, vision, boundaries and roles & responsibilities.

In a complex project, conflicts are common, and this where the project plan plays a critical role. The project plan helps in communication plan – as how as stakeholders – must communicate with each other and the frequency of communication and manner in which information can flow back and forth. The moment people start to respect their project plan, then there is less chances for conflict. Sometimes we may need to set back and view what the plan states. T There might be moments when you may have to listen to your instincts. Before the project started, you might have agreed to do, and by now looking the project plan, you may not be on track and even lag. Whether you are over boarding or under. Whether there burn rate is more as compared to the efforts or within control. Going by experience, the burn will be more. That’s why you may have to sit back and look back at the rule of engagement drafted at the start of project initiation for greater clarity.

The boundaries for the stakeholders too must identified, well documented, and respected. Thus will avoid inference, intrusion and encroachment. Thus when there is greater collaboration and cooperation within the team is paramount to keep the stakeholders satisfied. 

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Management Styles

Coercive Style – This style if project management is possible when the project manager is technically and functionally knowledgeable enough to give the detailed direction to the team. Though there is not much risk to the project in this style, as the project manager has all the details to the last very point, many may not agree with this style. As the solution is provided  by Project Manager, team may lose interest after some time with this project Manager. In this style of project management, there is no or less chances for innovation. This style will fit in some mission critical projects in water fall methodologies however this may not go well with Agile methodology as everyone should own the responsibility and accountability of the delivery made by the project team


Authoritative Style: In this style project Manager gives the direction to the team however team has space to come up with the solution and implement the same. Project Manager has complete vision of the project and helps the project team to understand the vision and let them to execute the same. In this style project team gets assistance and guidance. In this case project Manager needs to have very good functional and some technical expertise to exercise this type of management style


Affiliate Style: In this style project manager is more friendly with the project team and also takes care of they needs including the career goals and personal needs. In most cases when the team has right set if technical and functional skills where the team needs very less guidance from the manager on the project delivery this style will fit aptly.


Democratic Style: In this style everyone in the team has a say in the project execution and planning. In this case to arrive at the proper project plan, it takes longer time as everyone in the team involves in the planning and at times its very hard to come to a conclusion when more than one people have different opinion.


Coaching Style: Any project Manager is required to play the role of coaching at some point in time of the project execution. This too comes along with democratic style where project manager encourages the project team even in their times of failure. This skill/style is more required when the project team is inexperienced and needs more hand holding.

We have gone through the different styles of project management, and its clearly visible that we may need to exercise different styles at different phases or times of projects. Depends on the complexity, maturity of the team, stakeholders we have to decide what type of style we should exercise..

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Role of Project Manager

Role of Project Manager Vs Different Cases of Project Types

 Here I would like to share some of the project management styles that would be effective in certain environments. We can consider some of the common project environments and what type of project management style will go well with those situations


1.       Customer is well organized (Clear Scope, fixed time line & Efficient project Teams)

This is very ideal scenario however this may not the case in most cases but there is some challenge if the project team is not engaged well, there is high chance they will lose the interest which will damage the work. So in this type of environment Project Manager needs to be more organized and more people -centric to manager for the project to be successful as the focus needs to be there on the people more (in terms of engaging them well)


2.       Difficult Customer (Scope changes, Demand fixed timeline & Efficient Project Teams)

This is most common scenario which we can see in most of cases. Here challenging part is stakeholder management and clear communication mechanism should be in place. In this case Project Manager needs to be commanding and have control over all the stakeholder to ensure that all commitments from different stakeholders are honored on time. All communications to be strictly followed and any deviation to be communicated and rebaseline accordingly upon the approval of the respective stakeholders


3.       Difficult Customer (Scope changes, Demand fixed timeline & Unorganized Project Teams)

When both Customer and Project Teams are not as expected, then project manager’s role become even critical and Project Manager needs to implement almost all the project management principles strictly in all phases of project execution so that he/she can bring the predictability of the project to the stakeholders. So in this case for sure Project Manager needs to be trained in Project Management thoroughly to reduce the risk to the project.

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Are the curtains coming down on certification? NO

NO. The title was coined deliberately to draw your attention.  But the layoff and downsizing news is all over the media, especially IT sector, and some in the industrial sector too. During the appraisal week, its no surprise to hear about the pink slips. No performers has a place in the team. Typical chopping off the deadwood. Some companies follow clearing of bottom 10-20 percent workforce, but the figures read in the media seem to bamboozle as the layoffs is by hundreds and thousands. Accept the fact the market has changed. It’s a buyers’ market, and talent alone is spotted. Rest is not even counted.

Companies strategize by shrinking the workforce to keep the focus on their talent pool. Companies are increasingly scrutinising their human capital to compete, especially, in niche technologies and that’s when the certifications from reputed governing bodies really make cut above the crew. There was a time, when hiring was made on a particular technology or expertise. So if you are good in conventional development particularly waterfall methodology, then the typical hunt is for the profile fitting the requirement. Nowadays, even the profiles needs the resume revived has to be mixed-bag. Will this resource help us for an agile based project since the experience weighs heavily on waterfall? And that’s why and where the certifications count. Mentioning experience in a particular stream of technology won’t suffice. You need to be accredited. And that gives you the recognition to be at least considered as a candidate. PMI has its own certifications, of which PMP is their flagship, but the PMI-ACP has gained traction these days to lend the stress on your agile expertise.

Now you might question why the ‘flavors’? These days, project managers are expected to code. The managing, leading, supervision is the very job description, but coding has also become the minimum expectation. If the project manager starts coding, who will manage the project? Its an interesting poser. The project manager will have to manage time as well to apportion some for coding. It is something added to the job profile. Unless you are proficient in coding, how will can you assess your team’ productivity, or even trouble shoot by rolling up the sleeves when needed.

Resources must be so flexible that they can be placed anywhere – doesn’t matter what is the technology. Be it java or dot net; be it water fall or agile; be it proprietary of open source. And the expectation set is very clear: the quality cannot be compromised, and the learning curve cannot be steep. Mostly, its on the job, or beforehand.

Its tough. Yes, it is. ‘when the going gets tough, the tough gets going’. So the shine of the verifications has not waned. In fact, it has become more of a necessity to possess, and the more you have, more are the chances for you to be identified and after that the interview process takes over. Even then, you will learn that all you spent in the time of certifications has made you more confident in facing the panel.

Good luck.

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Temperament – Tame Your Tongue | Human Resources Management

The tongue has no bones but it can break bones. You heard it before, now hear it again.
"Three things that never come back; the spent arrow, the spoken word and the lost opportunity” said William Gregory Paige. So we ought to be careful with the choice of words and its utterance as well. The tone and modality matters too.

At junior level, when cant brook no dissent, seniors must even be even more careful when wielding with words, a word spoken out of line can mar and make matters worse.

When tempers flare, this is expected when people of different opinions are around, even the put a leash to your tongue so that you don’t end putting your foot into your mouth.

An agreement that has be signed didn’t see the ink on its paper because there was a someone said something. Eventually, business suffers?  People suffer.

In a fit of anger we throw a volley or words only to become remorseful for what was spoken cannot be swallowed not the hurt inflicted become can be reverted to normalcy. Something in life are irrevocable.  At some point in time, we all have been guilty.

Recently a co-worker walked away because the superior screamed at her in full force on the floor with everyone watching. Human dignity won’t allow its self-respect to be stepped like a door mat. Collecting herself and whatever leftover on the table, she quit on the spot and walked out. That’s a typical lose-lose situation. She was a performer always ahead of her timeline and never failed to deliver, something she made or said sent spark flying and the senior manager just lost it. The composure crumbled like pieces of cookies. It would be unfair to say that a replacement is impossible after all no person or position indispensable.  But when you are in a team, and develop a rapport build a reputation and there is chemistry when you know ell to count on the performer, find another one to fill that chair is just impossible. Let’s accept that.

You can do the ‘what went wrong’ will be more as post-mortem, but there are two bruised souls licking up their wounds, corporate or conglomerates – they are still humans  bundled with emotions and touch a raw nerve and there is an explosion. In this case, had the superior handled with more care checking the temperament, that’s questionable, the firecrackers could have been avoided. Instead of giving into your emotions, rein in and even reason. The employee that walked was was someone on whom the company had invested time and money in the form training, mentoring, grooming and upskilling, and with one word that turned toxic, would torment the superior no end. Eventually, all things pass but some take quite a bit of time. Like the say there is light at the end of end of tunnel but no know how long is the tunnel. Like, this will pass but the timeline cant be put in days or hours.

To become a better you, take note of what gets you offended quickly and never go there or let it come to you.” 
― Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You


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Quality Management - Six Sigma

Automation is almost everywhere, and head more in the IT sphere. Of course it started from there and soon spread to other industries. It wasn’t a question when they are introduced in software industry, especially in testing. It was more about the replacement skilled hands good at manual testing. No matter how good you are testing, there is a slack on everyone as the day wears out, human fatigue, wear and tear is all part of the daily rigor, but for a machine that’s lifeless and programmed to perform complex and complicated work, there is no such fatigue except the glitch, which the engineers anticipate, preempt before deploying into production. 


There is flip side into automation but the benefits far overweigh manual testing and hence the job loss.  With automation taking over as a technological drive, it was only a matter of time before manual testing would replace men with machines. That’s the reality and sooner one reconciles and find alternatives to stay relevant, and required there is less to worry about pink slips.


It is a technique that was devised way back in 1990s by two engineers working in Motorola to improve the quality by decreasing the numbers of errors that might occur. It is basically about identifying the causes of the errors, and systematically removing there errors, so that there will be not any recurrence. The quality engineer follows management methods based on experimentation and observation and analyse their findings through statistical methods. 

The higher the probability of reducing the errors, then higher will the profitability to the organization. This was the underlying principle. This practice created a specialized pool of talented people who have an eye of detecting the flaws and direction solutions to fix. 


They follow a step of methods that sequential in inspecting and identifying the defect to create a defect-free product. Statistically speaking 3.4 defective features per million opportunities means 99.99966% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part that are free from defects. That is six sigma in a nut shell.




Six Sigma Green Belt Certification





DPMO is Defect Per Million Opportunities. From the chart, it is evident the desired six sigma level is 6.


Along with the various level of identification came the expertise with in a person to handle six-sigma related projects and to evaluate their expertise, karate belts like yellow, black were used to identify the skillset of the six sigma professionals.

The Six Sigma Green Belt professionals are generally employees who are involved with maintenance of Six-Sigma as part of their job responsibilities. This does mean that this is their only job but one among many parts of their line of work.   Six Sigma Certification Online is very much possible as training centers provide different modes of imparting knowledge transfer: Instructor-led Classroom, Instructor-Led Online Class and E-Learning.


There are many benefits of Sig Sigma testing, some of which are highlighted below:


Improved quality: when Motorola initiated in early 90s, it almost went unnoticed. Jack Welch made it popular when he announced the annual results and heads started turns to Six Sigma and more companies followed suit.


Increased ROI:  As mentioned above, higher probability of reducing the errors leads to greater profitability to the organization.


Greater Customer Satisfaction: It’s a win-win where both the stakeholders are happy: the client and vendor.


Employee Recognition. The employees who worked in bringing the turnaround by tightly controlling the defects deserve due appreciation and accolade.


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The Importance Of IT Service Management.

Does artificial intelligence fall under the ambit of IT services? Yes, so long they are used for IT related projects and programs.  Automation is again big time in the software industry. Check out and you will find them more IT-services based.

Failed computer replaced during U.S. astronauts' spacewalk [source- Reuters]that doesn’t speak of IT Service Management? News like and a horde of such articles and news items in the public domain only stresses the importance of IT Service management.

Who will manage the IT Services?
Of course, IT Service Management team, that could include  IT System Managers, IT Administrators, System Administrators, IT Quality Specialists, IT Audit, IT System Analysts and Quality Control who are either responsible for streamlining the IT Systems or part of IT Service Management team, Quality Assurance teams responsible for software and infrastructure.

Who will manage the people handling IT Services?
The reiteration IT Service management is because there is no sphere of our life which IT has not shaped up. IT is ubiquitous. It’s almost everywhere. So you need people who are skilled in managing and handling IT systems. The need for ITIL® Certifications is more as a test of competency and validation expertise in handling critical scenarios. IT Service setup can be simple or complicated, and more often not, the complexity varies in severity, and you can take it for granted that any IT System will be complex. Hence, most companies prefer skilled people with experience and rich expertise in entrusting the systems. Just like mirror servers, company don’t prefer to depend on any particular team, rather they prefer a mix of teams who can be deployed and pressed in to service should a situation warrant. This is the very reason why the ITIL® Certifications have gained prominence in the recent times as professionals start at foundation level and then move on to the intermediate modules – which can be either  Lifecycle modules best suited for professional pursuing management of services and the other is capability modules, which is apt for professionals preferring the process, and the next  level of certification is the MALC ( Managing Across the  Lifecycle)  and clearance will lead to ITIL Expert.  So given the mix of management and process in the intermediate levels, companies also use a judicious mix of people capable of handling scenarios pertaining to management or process or both.

Who will maintain the IT Systems?
It is an interesting poser. Maintenance of IT Systems need not be the same as the one managing the IT Systems. There can be a dedicated team exclusively for IT system maintenance. The prerequisites, qualifications, certification and validation in terms of capability and competency remain the same. Maintenance is a critical and crucial as managing. In case of any faulty issues or malfunction, troubleshooting will be taken care by the maintenance crew who are always on standby. Expecting the unexpected is a good maxim and mostly follow b all the companies that have deployed IT Systems. There is also a misconception that IT Systems pertains to the software industry. The perception should ‘wherever IT Systems are deployed’, it calls for managing and maintenance of IT Systems.

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Problem And Incident – Are They Same? | Problem Management

Problem is an unwelcome situation that has to be overcome. It is something we must deal, and solve. A solution that should purge the problem from persistence and recurrence.

Incident, is an occurrence. It’s more specific and confined to something that’s happening. 

While problems and incident are different, the similarities lie in their potential to trigger trouble and difficulties in our scope of work. The hardships imposed could very unsettling.

Let’s gets both these terms in a project perspective.

Incident management and problem management are critical areas to be concentrated and contained for the smooth functioning, streamlining, and success of any project.

Incident in a project mostly refers to a particular happening. It can be at a task level to a module level, whereas problem can be across the project and same problem can be encountered in many phases and many parts of the project cycle. 

Incident management and problem management are by itself exhaustive and quite complex. The severity may vary but every incident or problem calls for a thorough identification, analysis, solution and implementation. More than the fix, it’s even more important to avert recurrence. If there is Recurrence, then the fix or solution was only provisional and not a final resolution. 

Incident management
The primary aim is to identify the incidents which are adverse in its impact, develop the fix, test and deploy. If the incident severity is high, then the concerned stakeholders should be ‘on-call’ till issues is resolved. For sure, impact analysis will be conducted to ensure the fixes deployed are successful.

Problem management 
Problems ideally states that ‘system doesn’t work the way it has to’. So steps to recreate the problems will be enumerated to ascertain the validity and then identification of the root cause – using methods like fish-bone analysis etc., fix the bug (problem), conduct impact analysis, deliver and deploy.

Sometimes root cause of incidents can be a part of the problem and that’s how they are related.

You can get to understand more in-depth by enrolling for Project Management (PMP®) Courses. 

 For more details on PMP® Certification training course, click here. 

You can also know more about PMP® Exam cost and how to apply online for your information, Project Management Professional (PMP)®  is based on   A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) —Fifth Edition.

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Topline is Talent

The HI-B visa creating a ruckus and protectionism playing it out in the front  with full force, the parity in the pay that reckoned to be lopsided, the crunch now will be on the talent as the metric has been set for the minimum pay – be it native or foreign workers. Still, there exists a gap between the available with the desirable. The numbers simply don’t add up to it. The reason why foreign workers were  hired was to offset the numbers. Jobs were there in numbers but hand were fewer. With the new change in hiring policy and severe clamp in the Hi-B policies mainly aiming to guard the interest of the citizen.

Alright, enough said about safeguarding jobs of residents. The question now would be “are you employable?” as one of the leading online education service provider, we regularly conduct boot camps, workshops and training mainly to equip the professionals/participants in enriching their knowledge base, and confidence level in order to become capable of becoming counted first as candidates and then crack the number of interview rounds to be make it on top as ‘employee’. The grind is difficult. Its talent alone that takes you to the top of the heap. Remember, there is no shortage of resume, it’s the skill that suffers a shortage. The demand-supply is always skewed and very rarely have we witnessed the demand surpassing the supply. More often, vacancies remain vacant for want of the right talent.

You are an amazing resource – just showcase it. Most of us are unaware of our true potential. Tap it. How will you when they are hidden. That’s when mentoring helps. 

Consult . Especially the ones you respect and value their opinions. 

Mentoring. Everyone needs a mentor. A guide to show the path and lead them on. Not everyone can become your mentor. There has to be a connect and chemistry, the one who earns your confidence and you repose faith in them to groom and guide you.

Identify your natural skills.  The ones that comes to you naturally. May be writing is your forte, or painting  or some sports. Every individual is gifted with some ability. It’s all about sighting and sprucing up. Remember, that’s your primary skill.

Whatever be your chosen field, unless you excel and exceed expectations, you talent remain unharnessed. Certifications help you to amplify your skills and , get the doors opened. Talent is what takes you further to the top.

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Where the Differently-abled Deliver | iCertGlobal

By the time Beethoven was in his prime, he was deaf. What about the greatest music compositions? The innate abilities will somehow find its way.

The creations are unique and unequalled. That’s the beauty of life. Mortals can be so different. The law of nature is such that any shortcoming or deficit is made up in its own way. 

I am reminded of the story when one night a blind boy walks beaming torch light in a dark lane. Two boys who happen to walk that way guffaw “why are you lighting that torch when you can’t see?”  The blind boy replies “the light is for you to see. I know this way well.” Stunned, that smirk on their faces was wiped off. That’s when they realized their stupidity and respected the blind boy.

How many of us think street-smart till someone physically challenged humbles us with their human dignity. Remember Hellen Keller’s emotional outpour “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”. It’s awe-inspiring.  Every individual is incredibly talented. 

In this company where I work, the most incredible and impressive aspect are the opportunities provided for the “Differently-abled’ people. I shook hands with that new face and question about his native and he responded through gestures and sound “I have hearing problem and speech too” and for a moment I stood there transfixed. I warmly shook his hands and mouthed a “pleasure meeting you” and never miss to greet him whenever our paths cross. 

When the CEO announced the top performer for the month, , it was that person who went to collect the gift and certificate from the CEO and beamed me huge smile flashing a V sign. Moments like that can make one emotional. Oh yes, I was incredibly happy for him. Despite the physical difficulties. the sheer courage to overcome and become one among the equals. Call it fortitude. That moment of glory is frozen in my memory. They have to complete like any of the employees. My HR confided that we have many such ‘professionals’, An individual career path is carved and can carry oneself with pride as being ‘specially and significantly’ abled. And deliver too.

I was reminded someone saying “life is like a chess board. We cannot get into a white square without crossing the black”. Pearls of wisdom from all the corners of this place that enlighten me and continue to do so.

You don’t have to enlisted in the fortune 500  or rake in millions as turnover. In a small way, you still contribute to the society by hiring people who are ‘specially-abled’ and qualify to be recruited. To me this wasn’t just benevolence or CSR, but very noble to ’have such a heart’ to that you don’t have to big shot in business – just a big heart will do. Awesome!!!

And the company I am associated is iCertGlobal.   

Divya works as Business Manager, and is actively involved with NGOS and charitable institutions. Divya actively contributes to our blogs .She loves arts, music and fond of street-food. 

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Get Certified. Get PMP®. Gain the Edge.

The certification is no assurance of a ‘job in waiting with wings spread wide’ and not a down or flip side of certification –its ground reality. Surely and certainly, PMP® does equip you with the knowledge considered essential and emboldens with a positive spirit to take the ‘corporate bull by its horn’. Given a choice would you want to flaunt your certification or your crazy pay check with incredible numbers? My take? Simple: a judicious mix of both. It’s left to the discretion of the individual in the given circumstances to highlight which but there have compelling circumstances with dire straits in trying to cloak the pay over post. Market sentiments reek stronger of the smell that emanates when one reads headline as like ‘Certified PMPs earn 25% more than non-PMPs*. It can be dismissed as subjective bereft of substance but the market seems to buy that by gorging the plate dirt clean with no leftover. Such is the frenzy with respondents react in this space that any such comparison is lapped and when numeric data are inserted to drive home the message, the market feeds on it and never dumps.

Possessing a certification in not just a cosmetic facelift; it’s all about cognizance. It stamps your understanding of PMP concept in measurable data good enough for interpretation and thereby allows validation of your profile that’s close to correct. Globally recognized and demanded, the PMP® certification course is an accreditation clearly demonstrates you have the experience, education and competency to lead, manage and direct projects. PMP is a definite differentiating factor to distinguish you from peers. Very seldom an advertisement these days is placed without mentioning PMP as a mandate of skill and talent acquisition. A certified professional earns for sure 10k dollars more as compared to an uncertified one. You are better with it than without.

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Attrition Has Never Been An Issue To This EdTech Company - iCertGlobal

People are leaving. Dropping off like nine pins. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, stating he the people who quit was at 2.2% which translates to 3.22 million Americans. The highest seen since February 2001.

Does it impact the companies when employees leave? It depends on who is leaving. If it is a top performer, then it might rock the boat 

No Scarcity In Skills

iCertGlobal has faced a number of challenges, but never struggled with talent erosion. The ability to anticipate and manage expectations is one of its cornerstones. The company has risen in headcount steadily – not in leaps and bounds, but steady growth, just as their bottom line. “From that simple set-up with few heads” acknowledged their CEO Irfan Sharief “to where we stand today, I would say we have grown in numbers, increased our technology space but never compromised on core principles.” 

Attrition Low. So what’s the big deal? That speaks a lot that fails to meet the eye. For an industry that’s known for poaching talent, it speaks a lot about the stability of the company. 

It’s not a story by luck or chance that a company is started and survives and thrives in the digital transformation age when competition is fierce and you need to more than firefighting tactics. It’s one of audacity and ambition.

So, the challenge always is to enroll the employees in your mission. Unless, there is a buy-in from the staff, things will stall. 

Pay, Passion, Or Profession

Why do employees stay or quit? The same reason can be cited for staying or leaving – the corporate culture, may be suiting or stifling. Again, subjective. The likes and dislikes vary from person to person. As a professional, what drives you to work? Pay, passion, policies, principle, or perks or any other factor. It could also be the same for you to stick on. It may be difficult to pinpoint. It is imperative to retain key talent. Looking at workforce, some have chosen to stay since inception.remain since inception.

What makes them stay? This is a place wherein every hand is ‘deemed’ indispensable and the philosophy of the ‘leader is as good as the team” is perfectly embodied in spirit and letter.

The vision is to reach out to everyone wanting education – the level doesn’t matter. It’s the willingness to learn. One of the reasons to switch the knowledge transfer to electronic mode apart from connectivity is cost. When education became expensive, affordability raised too many concerns and the drop-out rate increased. To curb this drop rate and encourage to enrol, e-Learning met many objectives. It was swift in reach, affordable in cost, and powerful as a platform. And who will deliver them? Not robots?  So, it becomes even more important to retain the staff. Never undermine the check on attrition. When you take care of your employees, they will take care of business.

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iCertGlobal wins Business Leadership Award | Success Story

An award — for the Accomplishment

iCertGlobal was back in the news bagging their second award in the year.

During the International Achievers Summit, 2017, convened last week, iCertGlobal was awarded the Business Leadership for their outstanding contribution towards progress and development in the educational segment. The selection committee for the award included the Chairman-ASEAN Affairs, Thailand, President-IB Alliance, Russia, Vice-Chairman, Indo-American of Commerce (IACC). iCertGlobal emerged as the winner after a close scrutiny in terms of excellence in commitment, market strategy, business potential, financial stability, innovation and leadership outclassing its peers and rivals.

As one of the thought leaders and pioneers in Edtech Industry, iCertGlobal was acknowledged for its influence and involvement in shaping the career of many professionals by its dedicated drive to up-skill and thereby close the skill gap.

“The Business Leadership Award by the International Achievers Summit is a telling testimony of iCertGlobal’s outstanding performance and contribution in augmenting and enhancing soft skills of professionals in the region.”

Participating in the event that was graced with Diplomats, leading lights from various industries, other dignitaries and hundreds of delegates, Irfan Sharief remarked “we need to reinvent constantly and continuously, to stay relevant in this market where people compete for mindshare. We are pleased to receive the award and humbled by the recognition. It will be an honor in carrying the expectations forward.”

iCertGlobal, is one of the leading professional certification training providers, offering several programs to corporate and consumers. Based out of Houston, Texas, US, and operations in UK, Australia, APAC and India, iCertGlobal has a global imprint across the globe.

Microsoft, one of the major corporate, among many has partnered with iCertGlobal in recent times for nurturing more talents.

Success Streak

When queried for the success in winning this award, Irfan remarked “we have upgraded from traditional teaching to technology backed learning, but offer the choice to the customer to decide on the mode. As compared to the physical learning and current training, there exists a huge gap. Our job is to bridge. From classroom training to eLearning and then Instructor led Live Virtual classes, the customer has many a choice. Be it blended or dedicated mode, we strive to offer the best and scale as much as we can by staying competitive in cost, and to pass on the benefits to our customers. It has been a rewarding experience so far as we have never stopped in our efforts to strive and scale.”

iCertGlobal conducts professional trainings on varied and diverse list from Project Management, Service Management, Quality Management, Agile & Scrum and Niche technologies. They are active in both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumers) models, and successfully trained more than 75,000 professionals with more than 3,000,000 quality hours of active training, spread across strategic locations like Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, India, Australia, UK and US.

Irfan further asserts “our charts have climbed ever since commencing operation in 2013. We have seen variations in some regions, and managed to keep the sales steadily rise up. We never saw any slump so far. “

Some insights about iCertGlobal

About The Company— — -Industry: EdTech Services

US Headquarters: Houston, Texas — Growth: up by 200%

Headcount :up by 300% — — — — — No of Trainers:300

No of SME 200 — — — — — — — — — Founded:2013

‘What lies ahead of Successful run ‘

“Huge opportunities” noted Irfan.

Reminiscing the time of start, Irfan walked down memory lane “there are newcomers in the market with soaring ambitions. And that’s inevitable. Just the way we started, there will be new faces trying to explore. Today, the customers are spoilt for choice, and competition is real hard to outrun and outclass. So, it’s all about digging deeper and harder to keep pace with the changing expectations. What the customer want yesterday, may not remain the same this day. So in such a dynamic and volatile environment, one can’t be complacent. So to be successful, treat every day as special and significant. Keep igniting yourself with innovation in customer service. That is the edge. That zeal and passion should never waver or lower. It might be trite but so long you compete with the best, burning as much energy and enthusiasm, we can be successful.” iCertGlobal has posted remarkable growth year on year. On a concluding note, Irfan stressed “customer service is undergoing a paradigm shift. From my experience, it looks like the finish has been redrawn upfront to the pre-sales. You need to convince the client about your capabilities and move forward together. That’s the way ahead.”

About the Award

Achievers’ World Excellence Awards

There are people in the society for whom circumstances, lack of resources and setbacks are no hurdles. These individuals are people of strong will and dedication. Despite all odds, these champions polish their lives so much in their field of interest that they stand apart in society. Having achieved great heights in their respective domains, these individuals need to be encouraged, hence Achievers’ World Excellence Awards.

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Classroom Training Is Still Required And Relevant? What Do You Say?

The technology outreach is phenomenon today. In every sphere of life, there is impact of technology. That probably could spell the sophistication in learning approach and mode.
Nowadays, individual and more companies and corporate switching to online mode in training and knowledge transfer. all the more reason to leverage technology and its benefits. So given all the advantages, the need for more traditional learning is losing its touch? This point is subject to debate and deliberation. Why do we have classroom training still?

Have you stopped using a pen or pad?
Seriously. This is not some data point. If you look around, have we disposed all stationery? With the advent of touch-pads and novel laptops with touch-enabled screens, there is no need of pens. Why then pens around? The answer is obvious – a matter of convenience and reach. The classroom setting makes sense in some cases – what happens if the internet is down or beyond reach? Why do you need online classes when the team can be assembled in a room? Besides, the tutor-led instructional set-up is more conducive for brainstorming, sharing and dissemination knowledge. Learning can be different – with different kind of people.

Competitions compliments coaching
The positives of classroom training are the infusion a competitive streak, which is identified as healthy as it promotes learning. Constructive criticism is welcome. Where there is scope to exchange ideas and deliberate on thoughts, won’t you agree it is healthier? Only when you are challenged, can you expect real growth.

‘The more things change, the more they stay the same.’
It is a French quote by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, which is true in this context. So much has changed with regard to learning but the fundamental aspect of classroom still remains relevant. There is a need to retrain on new tools or learn new skills in the digital disruption. Agreed. But has technology good enough to do away with classroom? No, if at all, there is virtual classroom. Why? The system is hard to replace. We still need a white board for discussion and analysis. it is hard to dispense with the essentials. One doesn’t wish to tamper the time tested mode. May be chalk is replaced with marker, and white board to smart board. Call that incremental innovation, in terms of technological advances.

From generations to millennial to centennial, the system has preserved and persisted using conventional classroom mode for education, Man has witnessed the agricultural and industrial revolution and stands witness to scientific upheaval.  And with time, moved along the changes.  Some, though, remains.

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Learning And Learners Knowledge Management

Learning is for a lifetime. Learn from your mistakes. Learn, learn and learn. Do you ever stop listening to such suggestions or at times, sermons? Be it office or home, professional or personal, the aspect of learning never ceases. Unbeknown to us, don’t we learn?  We do. But do we apply? That’s questionable. Take it from day-to-day life; there are many facets of learning. In fact, we are shocked at the level of our learning and also of ignorance. ‘My son’s sixth grade teaches me a lot many things which I didn’t know it existed’ remarked a colleague. ‘I was ignorant until this moment, but no more’, said another.        

Learning Passionately

Some have never-quenching thirst to learn – willfully, without any constraints. They spend the time liking what they do - the kind of people who are passionate and take pride and personal ownership in their engagement.  There is self-investment in the form of time, energy and other utilities. The one interested to learn won’t mind the investment. For the learned and informed are more equipped and well-prepared to make good of opportunities. In the best-seller, ‘Corner Office’, the same subject is taken up the author while asking some 700 leading CEOs about their success and the response amazingly was “passionate curiosity.”

There are the kinds that can view ‘failures’ as part of learning. Nothing succeeds like success but there can be no better trainer than failure. To take failure in your stride and move on with learning is the mark of an experienced mind. It is easier said than done. All it takes is just a stone to break the glass ceiling. There are many examples of the most successful when stricken with failure to fumble and fall down. And there are some who can still stand up and face it – the notables. Check with them and they will attribute learning as key takeaway.
 “Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will do in the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant… One of the main features of human existence is the capacity to rise above [our] conditions, to grow beyond them.”  -Victor Frankl
The Reluctant Learner
Not all have the same interest or inclination. Not all are interested in reading, which doesn’t discount their abilities. But there are some poor learners- failing to learn from mistakes and past experience. Some need to be enticed with incentives, for instance, ‘promotion’, ‘pay hike’ and other perks. Some companies, these days, are making it a mandate for working professionals to be ‘professionally certified’ to be ‘eligible’. Some companies make certification a prerequisite in screening resume – this type of pruning can be observed when there exists a skill gap, whereby the supply greatly exceeds the demand. For want of better profile, certification is set as a criterion, failing which you don’t make the cut. The typical carrot-on-top method employed by some companies is to ‘make them learn’ by enlisting for programs or become certified in some practices. PMP is one typical example for companies of repute to insist as a minimum requirement for their Project Managers or only hire those who are PMP certified.
To their defense, not all are reluctant. "Show me the space to allocate bandwidth for learning and I will gladly enrol." And to some extent, it cannot be denied that those wanting to pursue higher education or professional certification that might burn efforts, unless there is time to follow educational quest, 'how to' will dangle as a huge question. And that's fair an expectation and also proposition.

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Turn the Threats to Opportunities Risk Management

 Sometime back GE’ CEO hit headlines with a zinger that threw even the reader off the rails.”If you are joining the company in your 20s, unlike when I joined, you’re going to learn to code, "GE CEO Jeff Immelt wrote in a LinkedIn post on Thursday. "It doesn’t matter whether you are in sales, finance or operations. You may not end up being a programmer, but you will know how to code. We are also changing the plumbing inside the company to connect everyone and make the culture change possible. This is existential and we’re committed to this."

Become multi-skilled. Expand career options.

One can’t figure out the relevance of code with someone handling compensation or making cold calls in the hope of a prospect. How does coding propel a career in finance, HR or Sales? It’s hard to connect and yet the call is to ‘code.’ Is that a threat or opportunity? Look at the plus side; if you become competent to code, hailing from a finance background or pursuing a sales career, isn’t that a shot in the arm, with ‘soft skills” making your profile more sophisticated. Besides, in terms of career choice, you have more than one option. The choices presented upfront are just wide and varied. Turn that threat to an opportunity.

Don’t rely on one individual. Transition.

From newly found start-ups to deep grounded companies, this curse of leaving the core knowledge in the hands of very few, or someone reliable and then totally rely on that person is a paradox that remains unsolved till date. Can Manager code? It could be the pitch to the millennial, but from experience, can senior-level managers ask the programmers to move aside and start coding? Then who will manage?

Some of the tools and even languages that were potent and popular during their times have either faded or obliterated, distanced or disappeared. You don’t get to hear about BASIC or FORTRAN or Pascal.  Where are they today? They had their hour of glory, shone in limelight and stepped offstage for some other language to become prominent. The show goes on; the actors change and so does the costume.

Besides, Managers have a higher calling than coding. They have to manage overruns and burn rate, keep cost within budget, cope with  scope, rein risk and always an eye on the bottom-line. Leaders are expected to extract the best/optimal outcome from the team. Lead the team with strategic vision. As long as leader keeps their next level or second-in-command motivated to take care of things, they can focus on other responsibilities. 

Today Leadership is about connecting with everyone and not the peers and reporting heads. That aside, isn’t it a threat to depend on someone or identified few? Over-dependence or too much reliance is harmful to the interest of any organization. It is a threat. Pooling all information in one server or maintaining multiple mirror servers spread across different geographical locations so that they will come in handy should one server crash - which makes more sense? Knowledge in the hands of one or concentrated  few is a serious threat. To mitigate this threat, start transitioning.  Disseminate. Distribute. Decentralize.

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Let Us Agree To Disagree Stakeholder Management

 Disagreements can turn toxic. Those who are confrontational by nature tend to handle disagreements differently and that usually is far from friendly. How do you handle disagreements?

 It can be a clash of ego when emotions run high and are not kept in check, resulting in aggression and confrontation, which can be potentially disastrous. How do you handle confrontations?

The best way to avert the head-on collision is to avoid the collision. Many a seasoned HRs would advise on the ‘discussion and dialogue’ mode, rather than ‘returning the fire’. One HR opined, “Confrontation takes you nowhere and leaves those involved with heartburn that’s going to take some time to heal. Instead resort to conversation which doesn’t get heated as altercation. There is a fine line between conversation and argument. Debate is encouraged and so is deliberation. Those who tend to be too argumentative are going to making things difficult for themselves and those around them."

Find resolution; not reasons to justify.

Meetings with pain points can drag on and on for hours together tossing back and forth with both parties either reasoning why ‘they are right” or typical cat fight to clamor for the attention. The lie when uttered the loudest becomes the truth kind of maxim. Don’t turn meetings to shouting matches, instead gain control and aim for closure at the earliest possible. If you don’t have the authority to take decisions, then collect data points and carry the conversation assuring action by escalating to the next level. There is always a way – when you are composed and collected unwilling to pick a fight, how can someone start a fight? Experience plays a critical role as profiling of employees is possible to a mature professional. They know how to give and take; accede and agree; identify common ground and settle as well. Typical trade-off.

Negotiate, but don’t negate.
What is meant by trade-off? Go for a win-win situation. Sometimes, the employee might be a valued asset and hence losing will not be a profitable proposition. In such cases, companies do tend to go for the mutually settlement whereby both the interests' are protected. There is no need to negate the grievance; hear it out and if and where possible, negotiate. And outright rejection is refusal to entertain any request or remedy. 

Leave room for Disagreement
The work place is made up of people, not puppets pulled by strings. So as individuals, everyone is entitled to their opinion and its highly likely there might exist difference in opinion. A progressive culture will call for debate and disagreements. If dissent is the essence of democracy, then disagreements should be heard and sorted. Sweeping aside or dismissing those disagreeing would make the culture regressive, suffocative and stifling. Everyone must feel that they have a voice – which may agree or disagree with the views/opinions presented. You can’t force someone to think on the same lines as you do, and you can’t be always right, and neither can you force someone to think right. Agreeing to disagree is a challenge and you better be up to it, if you want to be successful in whatever you are engaged.

Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. -  Mahatma Gandhi

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As an Employee What Are The Returns On Your Investment ROI To The Company Stakeholder Management

You draw salary ever month, right? how it is accounted? as CTC – cost to the company. Everything comes at a cost. Be it a server or computers – all of these fixed assets or movable assets come at a cost. What about human assets? Of course, they come at a cost. But expensive as compared to any other.

As employees, there are so many expectations. Likewise, the employer too harbours much from the workforce. Harmony is when both the expectations are met. In many cases employees whine about a lot many things – some just need the perfect excuse to complain and the whining begins, and at times never ends.

When things are not to your satisfaction, accept and adapt.

Human psyche is such that nothing satisfies – ‘when one need is meet, another crops’- Maslow’s law and very much applicable in all places. We don’t live in a perfect world. So expecting a Utopian set-up is worse than wishful thing or simply aid ‘unrealistic’. From a small startup to established behemoth, there are always possibilities for people to complain.

Always contribute more than your job description.
When you work to your true potential, you can do more than that’s specified in the Job Description. Meeting expectation is breakeven. You are compensated to the services rendered and company CTC is justified. No loss. No gain. When the equation does become beneficial? When your contribution becomes more in scope and involvement on a higher scale.

Widen your horizon and Broaden your Base.
When do you, as an employee, exceed expectation? When you complete tasks ahead of time; when you rise far and above to the call of your duty; when you go out your way to accommodate more work. But if you are comfortable doing the same job, then get out of the comfort zone as you tend to become complacent and soon a replacement to fill you slot will be lookout.

Wear Multiple Hats and Multi-task.
The demand versus supply is skewed. The competition is cut-throat. The more skilled and more ways of skilled will make you outstanding. Now complementing a ‘specialist’ role with ‘add-ons’ draws more eyeballs as end of the day, like it or not, companies do tend to question ‘what more do I get from this resource?”. It was about primary and secondary skills. Since the competition has intensified, so have the expectations. So how many primary skills and how many secondary skills are calibrated by the recruiter in terms of proficiency: elementary, Limited Working, Professional Working, and Full Professional working. These metrics are just a sample and companies have their own systems of measurement to score marks for profiling. The more, the better are your chances to get past screening to selection.

The Budget on you should not become a burden.
The company apportions budget on its requirement. Spending on salaries is huge slice of the pie as it’s a recurring cost. The investment of other things can be a one-time or yearly (like renewals) but salaries are paid monthly. So unless, there is appreciable returns from the employee’s output companies will start bleeding and remain in red. Forget breakeven, the company is headed towards loss.

So what are we driving at?

Since you, as an employee, come at a cost, ensure your returns to the company IS ALWAYS HIGHER, else you become a liability. All those trainings and workshops and knowledge sharing are meant to shape you up for stellar performance, and the when you fail to deliver, what happens to the investment on you? Many companies ask such employees to leave or quit, and they come out and crib  as ‘injustice’ without justifying their cost to the company.  Increase you value-add. Become the game changer. Bring more to the table. Do more. Let your action-items increase in number, and add to the revenue.

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How Do You Really Manage Time Time Management

They say ‘it’s easier said than done’.  Truth be told, we are all pathetic in managing time. Take for instance, when you arrive at the Airport, and read the flight status as “Delayed”. The Project delivery is marked “Delayed”. No Project finishes on time without incurring some delay. Delay is now acknowledged as part of life and surprises springs when things happen on time.

Don’t take your time for granted

Its 24 hours –like it or not. Yes, these days, its hardly enough. Science changes many things but not the solar system. So 24 hours are all you have. How best to utilize without wasting? Then much depends on what is ‘waste’? But what is certain: time is limited. Life is short.

Time flies.  When it is ‘about Time’, then wrap it up. So work within the time limit set. That’s why estimation is essential. Though accuracy is something difficult to achieve, even with the advancement in techniques and thought process, historic data or past experience should at least provide you ballpark. When you plan a task or trip, what’s that you focus on? When will we complete / when will we reach? It’s the ‘when’ which is assigned the maximum weightage.

Likewise, where and whom you spend your time too matters. Professionals don’t work in line with the arms of the clock. Overstretching leads to early burnout. In reality, it impacts the productivity of the succeeding day. When you are dead tired after a hard day’s work, then you miss out on a lot many things, especially stress relievers like family time, rest and sleep. The hangover is carried forward. So the following day, your weariness pulls you down plunging the productivity. Consistency is the key, and for that managing time is the most important of all.

Some are sticklers to time. A minute late and tempers can be seen flying and epithets and expletives expressed unreservedly.  Why? Because the person values time so much, while the ones to go easy with are more likely to take time for granted.

“ Better appreciate what you HAVE before it turns out to be what you HAD! “

Don’t take others' time for granted

If your respect someone, you will respect their time as well. “Don’t waste my time and your time” – sounds familiar. Typically annoyed or totally disinterested. Why? Because the time can be spent on something worthwhile.

Besides, there are some characters with their own idiosyncrasy, who just take a sadistic pleasure in making others wait – for the heck of it. Since they sit on plum positions that offer the kind of cushion, comfort and the control, people wait. Wait as they have no choice – it can be anyone from a vendor to a stakeholder. Now is an employee a stakeholder? Of course, yes. And is it fair to make them wait just because your calendar for that day is crowded. Whose interest supersedes – an individual or company? Company. But without the ‘individuals’ will the company survive? And wont the individuals have their agenda for the day and ripping off their rationed time for family is fair just because you’re the Business Head or the Manager or the CEO? Those who wait might oblige grudgingly, but the payback can be expected in some form. Those ‘Heads’ must think about the possible ramification. Repercussions are bound to happen. When the suppressed spirit finds release, don’t expect it to behave benevolently. ‘You will be repaid in the same coin’ and ‘taste your own bitter medicine.’

Your agenda for the day might be jam-packed, and of course unknown or unexpected calls might spring up, which can’t be ignored.  They need to be accommodated without affecting the agenda adversely.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey

Remember, just as your time important, so will it be for others you interact. Don’t abuse your position by taking their time for granted. That’s the worst form of injustice.

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The Art Of Poor Communication

 When you are in a commanding position – from a Lead to a CEO or Stakeholder, much is expected in terms of communication. Someone said ‘giving is the best form of communication’. What do you give? Information.

And what exactly is communication? Transmitting thoughts that can be read and understood. It’s not the mastery of the language or the command of the vocabulary that makes your communication good. These are of course required, if not good to possess, but the essence of communications gets down to the basics. The simpler the content, easier the read, and greater the understanding – it applies to both verbal and written form. We tend to assume speakers who can speak for hours are good communicators. Some of the greatest communicators, like Former President Ronald Reagan, who was known pen his own drafts, is hailed one amongst the best in connecting with the audience. That is the ultimate objective. Exchange of thoughts in manner there is no misunderstanding.

So what are the pitfalls in communication that makes it poor? There are many, and we have selected some of the most recurring and repeated mistakes.

Occupation Hazard:
It could be an occupation hazard or the work backdrop, that communication suffers – though unintentionally. A Marketing professional uses some jargon frequently used at the work place which subconsciously influences the fluency. “So, what is the bottom line?” can have many interpretations and mostly misunderstood. It can mean as the ‘most fundamental aspect’ or ‘the balance sheet’. So how does a kid understand? ‘What is that you want to say finally?’ that’s why the disclaimer ‘occupational hazards’. It happens. Take for instance, the acronyms. MSP can stand for “Managing Successful Programmes” to “Medicare Secondary Payer “and several more expansions. So the context is essential. Set the context, and even the jargons will fall in place. Else Mandarin and Cantonese become Chinese languages but totally different.

Follow the 5-minute rule:
this happens with mind boggling frequency at the senior level when they have to go through hundreds of mail in a day that some get missed out of oversight but the sender feels slighted and, at times, insulted. It is a good practice to post a return mail within 5 minutes, even if it’s just a line. “I am busy right now. Can I get back by the end of the day?” and let’s say you miss by the end of the day, the sender will give you the benefit of doubt that something caught up and put the response on hold.

Avoid condescension
; another bane when mail or phone calls are deliberately given a pass because of any reasons, mostly personal. Or even the gap in the ladder? “Oh, that person is just a junior”. To shake your head sideways to proclaim ‘I never did that’ is sanctimonious, at least, you would have delayed and assigned lower priority. To say the least, the very act is unprofessional. So avoid. Effective Leaders are known to make others feel exceptional, especially at the grassroots and above. Treat everyone alike actually commands respect that they salute your spirit.

Beating the bush:
Time is money, and when time gets wasted, the loss is colossal. This happens mostly in meetings when the speaker meanders, wandering around the world or circling around the centerpiece without ever approaching the subject. Agile standup meeting is cited as an example for its effectiveness in communication as there is an agenda and a time limit. Carry an agenda and stick to it without deviating much. There is a difference between brainstorming and team meetings. Let’s not confuse and get carried away. Sometimes, even after hours of deliberation, attendees have stepped out of the room scratching their head “what really went inside?” this is the reason ‘Minutes of Meeting’ helps.

Listen and let the other talk
. There is no need for dominate but carry the conversation. Don’t pretend listening or don’t listen with intent to ‘give it back’. There is a streak of self-righteousness in all of us and hence we feel right in our sight and assessment and most unwilling to entertain an alternate or opposing perspective. You learn a lot by listening f only there is patience and willing to hear out till the end without interrupting. Preempting or try to prove ‘I am always right’ only weaken your stance. Rather let the other speak and hear.  ‘The less he spoke the more he heard.’ Business conversations ought to be professional.

No Communication.
This is the worst form of communication. A meeting scheduled for a face to face interaction gets postponed or deferred or doesn’t happen at all.  A response to a mail is delayed, deferred or plainly ignored. This can be both discouraging and demoralizing. It is poor in etiquette, and pathetic to note that willful negligence can only resulted in wasted hours.

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Communicate with Clarity Stakeholder Management

 All us will agree to the need for greater clarity in communication – be it any form, verbal, or written. We say a lot and

really don't mean anything much.

Conflicts arise mainly due to poor communication. When words are minced, message loses its meaning. Basically, we failed to

make sense, and probably never realized.  Confusion is otherwise called as noise.

Let’s look into some real-time scenarios:

Despite a set agenda, meetings, at times, drag for hours not deliberating the issues tabled, rather a stray thought entertained finds resonance with someone seated and soon the discussion veers off in a direction that’s tangential. When the meeting is concluded, everyone leaves learning a lesson not to get distracted but fall into the same trap that was supposed to be safeguarded.

Likewise, a client call to collect requirements goes into an infinite loop of ‘back and forth’.  Why? Either the message is

not clear or the stakeholders are not in the same page for the lack of understanding. It’s as if the conversation is taking

place in a language that the attendees in the call are absolutely clueless. This, when Language is no longer a limitation

can be so ironical.

Or, the instance when a simple mail intended to communicate a message can be so misleading.

So, how do you bring clarity in communication?

You don’t have to be poetic. Just be precise.

There is no need to compose an essay. A 2-liner will be enough if the message can be conveyed.

Be verbal, not verbose. Compose crisp concise message using shorter sentences.

The second paragraph is this post itself is typical disclaimer as to ‘how not to write’. Rather, simplify. Make it easier

for the reader to understand. It should not be a test on IQ.  Is your message easy to understand? Assess the easiness. If

yes, post. If not, rewrite.

Clarity means simplicity. We often confuse that word as a business jargon. The challenge today that 'you might be possess

the knowledge of a professor' but can you explain in a way that a third-grade kid can understand?

There should not be any confusion at all; nor the need to refer the dictionary. Prose that is plain yet elegant; correct in

its context brings out greater clarity in communication.

It can be challenging. So is clarity in communication.

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Resignation / Retention: A Page In People Management

When resignations are rampant and the attrition rate spikes, all the eyes invariably turns on the eyes of the HR as scapegoats, when nothing concrete comes out as evidence for the exit . other than speculations flying thick and fast which twirls into wild rumours, the real reason for someone’ departure is never disclosed, for whatever reasons.

Some of the most heard is “blame the manager”. Fine. What happens if the manager quits? Blame the manager who managed the manager? We can keep going round in circles. The bottom-line – the person was either willing to go or forced to leave. The reasons can be anything – from conjectures to outright conclusions.

Pinning on a person fails to make sense. Rather look at the person leaving. Particularly HR. The HR derives no pleasure as they alone know better the ‘cost of hire’ right from advertising about openings to screening resume and shortlisting and hoping the candidate will clear the countless rounds of interview so that they can close the file or requirement. It can be daunting in cost and effort. And it gets tough on the Hiring manager to bring the ‘new hire’ to speed, the transition in timeline will sometimes roll into months. So overall, it is an expensive exercise that no one wants unless or otherwise forced to engage. Rather, it is far more prudent to retain than release. That’s why many companies consider to ‘talk it through’ the pain points that made the employee severe ties.

And what could be the pain points? The data points collected from various exit interviews and successful retention discussions were pooled and the most striking listed :

Stagnation. When an employee feels grinding the same stone with nothing new but regular, routine, monotonous work, frustration boils and resentment builds badly seeking a release. That’s when they look around. Everyone has an axe to grind. When you do something repeatedly, that’s called monotony or specialist?  Its your take. Somehow the passion in you has replaced with pressure.

 Stunning Offer:  something you can’t resist or refuse. Obviously, it far better than where you are that has made up your mind to move. A great work culture, exciting job responsibilities, eye-popping package with perks and all the freebies and holidays. Sometimes, the allure with the offer tantalizing which is hard to let go . money is a great motivator – the lure of CTC. Not many read CTC as cost, but as ‘package’. Not many realize the grass is just as green on the other side.

Sense of belonging: by far, what many fail to admit or accept is that the employee simply lost  the sense of belonging in in the work place . “I don’t fit in here anymore.” What made the employee draw such a conclusion could be attributed to any factor – may be the manager or the employee itself for underperformance or incompetent. But the unmistakable fact is unless one feels "I belong here", expecting to stay on is simply chasing the wind.

Erosion in trust. It works both ways. The employee loses or the employer. Trust is sacred. Trust is both strong and fragile. So long trust is upheld, it remains strong. But just like one stone to bring down a glass plane, its so brittle. Once doubt creeps, trust dilutes.

Unreasonable timeline. Overwork overburdens. When the effort estimation is not realistic then one has to wake up to reality. Pushing beyond the permissible limits can prove punishing. Expecting productivity is preposterous. Sometimes, one has set reasonable expectations. Stretching in grave situation is acceptable so long the stakeholders concerned are accommodative, failing which the situation simmers with hostility. The person in-charge can hammer about delayed deadline while the programmer under pressure  will cry foul about the fixtures.

The way out is a win-win. Earning confidence is the best way to build a relationship. Times have proved how the crew went beyond their call of duty to combat challenges only because of the confidence and faith placed in them. People management is a practice that many leaders are yet to perfect.

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Brace Yourself for 2017 Reskill Reinvent and Reboot

Why is that we tend to view cynically when concerned with future? Why cant the way forward be brilliant. The search for the predictions for 2017 yielded so many results that it was difficult which to discard. But something that met the eye was ‘Will It Be Easy to Find a Job in 2017?’ Finding a job , in the present scenario, packed with aspirants and applicants by the horde whereby the supply greatly exceeds the demand, is compounded in its woes with automation leading from the front. A bellwether company in the south asia has actually ‘released’ 9,000 employees because of automation. So battling out with other contenders for a key slot is going to be tough, and to qualify will be a major hurdle. The recruiters are smart to skim the top talent. The important question is: will you find your resume in that short list? It’s good to greet with good news. Some of the predictions stated were on a promising note “Tech jobs will continue to boom”, “Responsible workers will be in demand”, and “Hiring will be up for new grads.” Now if that fails to sound positive, what else then? These are all predictions and not prescient. So take it at face value and look into the future with renewed hope and rekindled spirit. As is the want in any case, preparation is the key. Its very much evident that in a fiercely competitive market, acute shortage of skill and desired talent for the demanding roles that comes with lucrative packages and high slaries, 2017 is expected to witness the same trends of ot the previous year. Clearly, data security, big data and cloud technologies emerge on the top. With massive breaches at Yahoo announced last December, security is a major concern, and at the same time presents a great opportunity to make good. Big Data dominated the news in recent times as “weaponized, it is essential that you reskill, reinvent and reboot. The opportunities are plenty. Be optimistic.
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Work life Balance possible Oh No We do tend to procrastinate Time Management

Work-life Balance possible? Sounds like a trapeze act. For most part of the day, working professionals spend more time at office. That 8+8+8 doesn’t really work out as it is difficult to apportion 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours to work and 8 hours family, friends and folks. In the present times, it is simply unimaginable. So, forget working it out. What matters most? work or life? Some state “family first”, while some “I want to make money”, and others quip “I want to learn more and move soon up the ladder.” Priorities differ from person to person. There is no question that present times are very demanding and challenging that many professionals, especially, in IT, scratch their head and tear their hair apart in time management. Don’t get surprised to hear like “I wake up before the kids and return when they are fast asleep at night.” From lament, it has become an accustomed line often heard in the corridors or the coffee-dispenser. Usually, task assignment is done after consulting the concerned professional about the time estimation. Now if you can complete the work in the estimated time, you are meeting expectations. If you complete ahead, then you exceed expectation. In case, you lag behind, you are below expectation. Thats the norm. Are we working to our optimum potential? Some days, yes. But, consistently? The total output in a day’s work doesn’t really justify your true potential. Our productivity is only as much, because as the day wears out so does our energy and focus. A proper time estimation will never utilize more than 8 hours in a day, if not, it’s not a proper estimation. well, then the onus is on the professional to whom the work is assigned, to complete it in 8 hours. Why then the delay? Though some are genuine like a minor bug unexpectedly burning hours to fix resulting in delay which sometimes shocks the developer and the project plan, one cannot dismiss the tendency to procrastinate due to confidence or complacency. "I will do after lunch or after a break or .." postponing is the most poorest and pathetic way of functioning by a professional, and we all will be guilty of committing this cardinal sin at some point in time. To a Project Manager, that exposes a chink in the armor, and thats why they moniotor closely not just the delay but the reasons behind the delay. A season project manager will attest no project plan will run as scheduled and if it is on course, then there is something wrong somewhere.'Slippage' is expected but not for reasons hat can be avoided or anticipated. Project manager, in fact, get the jitters to note that everything is proceeding as per plan that check and double-check. No project completes as planned and slippage is expected and accepted, only the time of delay is contested. That said, You can do your 8-hour stint at office and get home to attend on your personal matters. But why are you stretching hours at the office? Because concentration is compromised. And we end up burning more hours and eventually burn out. We might blame people, place and process, but self-admission will shift some of the blame on ourselves as well. Actually, we bite into a lot of hours meant for family by simply procrastinating. Delay! That’s a difficult word to digest. A flight delayed or a train delayed or anything that has to run on time gets delayed makes you restless. What happens when your deliverables are delayed? What happens when you are holed up at office at an hour meant to be with family? Who is to be blamed? Think about it.
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The year 2016 closed on a high note 2017 is greeted with high hopes

The year 2016 closed on a high note. The low-profile CEO of iCert Global went on stage to receive the “Arch of Excellence” award from AIAC. Collecting the award, he commented on the sidelines that, “the key behind the success is our openness to ideas and innovations, especially with customer is in the center stage. Expect the unexpected – be prepared always. Learn from the defense services – why do they do the drill day in and day out? That’s preparedness. Keep educating yourself. Reinventing – is learning new things and innovation is about ideation and iterations. Figure out your strength and try channeling in many ways – that’s what makes you versatile.” True. It was a fitting finale to a trying year filled with uncertainties and yet we prevailed. “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.” So, the ultimate test will be who is the beneficiary of the training? Only when the customer is enabled through education, business grows, and not the other way around. The motive of any venture, undoubtedly, is to make money unless it is philanthropy. Absolutely. It’s the goal of any enterprise to make profit. But how do you make money matters? Money sounds crude, so replace with bottom-line to mask. But whatever words you wish to use, one can’t erase the ultimate objective of making dollars and cents in every engagement. So, how different are we then? Fair enough to question. We exist because of our customers. And the growth is synergetic. But who first? Customer always comes first. It might sound clichéd but that’s the age old truth which has stood the test of time. At the end of the day, if you have successfully transformed an individual life positively, that’s an incredible feat. Something to feel immensely proud as achievement. At iCert Global, our endeavor is to transform as many lives as possible. We must be futurist in our thoughts, take and toil. Complete customer satisfaction, prompt service, on-schedule and within-budget delivery are the company’s guiding principles. The soft-spoken, hands-on and low profile CEO signs off in a classic statement that’s inimitable. ‘The award makes us more conscious, now that we have been recognized for excellence. It motivates us to better ourselves, and strive to deliver more than we did before. There is always room for improvement and our performance will pay off eventually in the form of recognition. That’s as important and outstanding as this award. We have very high hopes of outperforming ourselves in 2017. Wish you all a prosperous New Year and success in all your undertakings.” Happy New Year – 2017 to one and all.
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When the stakes are high Stakeholder Management

Reputation management is critical to business interest. Customer experience is THE differentiator in moving the needles. Ensure the user experience in the superlative, lest your business interest would be superseded. Bad user experience is more than a frown. It can beat your bottom-line so hard to mark it purple and bleed crimson. You don’t need others to wreck your image: your action or inaction will do the damage, sometimes beyond repair. Googled is an acceptable word today replacing ‘searched’. Adults to kids are aware and very much convinced that the search engine has an answer for every query posed. Remarkable, more than a search engine, it becomes kind of a genie ‘to fetch the answer at your beck and call’. It’s no more an illusion of the Alibaba ‘open sesame’. But every tidbit pooled and served as ‘information’ – whether phony or perfect, anything on the net leaves a digital imprint. So it is imperative to be on your toes when it comes to customer service –regardless of the domain or industry as a customer is a customer. In as many languages possible. Period. What rattles a service provider – it’s the review. For 100 positive review, it just takes one nasty one to make you feel so negative. Like a pin-prick to a blown-up balloon. Why? Is it because bade vibes spread fast and leaves distaste? From your personal experience, check out how many time you have searched for ‘any negative comments’. Because we tend to believe others’ experience. Because we lend credibility to the bitter cry of wrong customer, without even validating the statement, assuming everything typed by an individual is true to the last letter. Because we are too lenient to offer ‘the customer’s experience the benefit of doubt’ rather than question the authenticity of the statement. If one cares to notice, more than ever new business boom big with growing interest and alarming consumption of the internet that people’s lives are impacted by internet, Google and social media – which seem inevitable and indispensable. Gone is a single day without a shy at the social media and as consumers, our appetite is insatiable. Our hunger to know is fuelled all the more. Our thirst for knowledge is never quenched. It’s for the good? No one is competent to address that poser, but admittedly inadequate to come out with a convincing answer. When business depends on the customer, then make sure the deal is fair, engagement positive and memories pleasant, else it will boomerang and knock you out of your senses. For the best brand out there, their best ambassador is the customer. The unofficial spokesperson. Any word spoken out of place from that spokesperson can erode your company’s credibility. We weigh in too much about the personal experience and too much reliance on anecdotes, which can be figment of imagination or statement of exaggeration or just someone settling scores. Words can be far from the truth, but who validates before your reputation is already in ruins.
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Certification Counts. But why iCert Global

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Before it sounds to be another sales pitch, let us be fair at the start with a clear disclaimer that facts must speak for itself, that in the face of evidence any vain claims can just fall flat. Are you content ‘scratching the surface’ or wish to ‘dig deeper’. The well isn’t dry till you try, be it a person or professional. Professional Certification proves to be in vogue as an important gradient to success not just adding another dimension but differentiates by its distinction. Given the changing patterns of commerce, information overload and plethora of choices available to the customer, the differentiation will be always be based on distinguished minds (Trainers) engaged in delivering the doctrine of intellectual quest. We wanted to reach out to the customer regardless of the destination to door deliver technology, particularly to a global audience, and the internet revolutionized connectivity by making the world very small. It’s no longer four corners but more like next door neighbor. The combination of brilliance complemented with exemplary course material delivered to the delight of the participant – the ‘fantastic’ user experience is the underscoring criterion for success and so far we seldom struggled but always strived with long strides to better our peers in terms of pace. We operate in nearly 3 continents, and successfully trained more than 100,000 professionals. iCert Global, most certainly and well deservedly, reserves its own place in this exclusive space.

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iCert Global Awarded the Arch of Excellence by AIAC 2016

iCert Global , the Startup from Houston, that stood top wining the ARCH of Excellence 2016 Award from AIAC Excellence 2016 award Some make news. Some find themselves in the news. iCert Global, a US-based Startup offering professional certification training, made headlines when AIAC awarded the ‘Arch of Excellence’. The company’s CEO Irfan Sharief’’, cited, “the key behind the success is our openness to ideas and innovations, especially with customer in the center stage. Expect the unexpected – be prepared always. Learn from the defense services – why is that the army does the drill day in and day out? That’s preparedness. Keep educating yourself. Reinventing – is learning new things and innovation is about iterations in ideas. Figure out your strength and try channeling in many ways – that’s what makes you versatile. Training is our core competency but where we made headway in the competition is the delivery with a personalized touch. I always admire this quote and live by it as a decree that ‘if you don’t take care of your customer, someone else will’. Its true for any business. The only way to standout is to shine in customer care.” Irfan further added, “First try to understand the customer’s requirements. Training is too broad, instead tailor it to every individual. It so happens that some individuals have common interest, it is to that collected group we conduct our workshops and boot camps. Yes, you can apply Stephen Covey’s principle of ‘Begin with the end in mind’, and so long you are committed to reskill and upskill every participant, you not only deliver but truly add value to their lives. Your learning will be tested in its application, and that’s the reason why we engage trainers rich in experience and domain expertise. The most fulfilling moment is when a participant calls or writes to us about the effectiveness of our services. This Arch of Excellence award humbles us as an organization and motivates us to move forward in furthering our customer’s interest. Out start was simple, and managed to post a modest figure in our first year and then on there was looking back. Presently we registered, 400% as year and year growth. On behalf of iCert Global, I wish to thank AIAC for recognizing our potential and appreciate all those involved, especially the corporate and individual practitioners for having placed their faith confidently in our capabilities.”
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iCert Global's CEO : The Norm Is To Outperform

There was something more assertive in the tone of the young entrepreneur who still in his twenties has nearly 8 years of work experience tucked under his belt. When posed how, he answered ‘well, I have been working since school days. I managed my own graduation and worked night shifts to support myself and the savings to seed fund my own company.” Was it tough? “Yes, but it was an amazing learning experience that helped me realize the hardships as education can prove expensive. I could sense that struggle in some of my classmates. Looking back, the entrepreneurial streak sparked during the discussion with fellow mates airing grievances about affording good education. The ground work would begin few years later though but that spark was definitely at college.” Irfan Sharief is the founder and CEO of iCert Global, a edutech startup with headquarters in Houston, Texas, United Sates and offers its services across the atlas, with prominent presence in 3 continents. Besides, United States of America, they are very active in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and United Arab Emirates. The company’s footprints gradually are all over the place. Initially the operations were limited to key geographical locations. Maintaining a very low-profile and prefer to let the results speak, he adds, ‘every role performed by a professional here is something I have dirtied my hands-on. I have cut my teeth in the industry by slogging for some years, more for the apprenticeship to learn the industry well before taking off on my own. It helps to be hands-on. To stay relevant in this industry, you must realign and reskill.” iCert Global is a Registered professional certification organization in the areas of Project Management [PMP®, PRINCE2®, MSP], Service management [ITIL Foundation, Intermediate, MALC and Expert Track], Quality Management [Six Sigma Green Belt & Lean Six Sigma Black Belt], Agile & Scrum [CSM, PMI-ACP®, CSPO], Citrix, Cisco and Emerging Technologies. The Reason and rationale Irfan Sharief founded iCert Global aiming at closing the competency gap by effectively using internet as a platform to provide quality education at affordable cost. Irfan countered “When internet sparked a revolution in ecommerce, why not education? In fact, the cost of education is significantly lower. If so, what stops them? What do you get in a college that would be missed in virtual classes? A certificate endorsing the education? Fair enough. What about getting something similar online as well? It was then the governing bodies stepped up and started issuing online certification. If one cares to look around, the pace and ease with which customers took to the change by ‘going digital’ is by far the best in market response. Brick and mortar options for college system are limited in number to cater to the ever growing educational needs. The best alternative can be provided by internet. The founding thoughts on iCert Global were primarily connecting the corners of the globe in imparting exceptional education at remarkably low-priced classes. When queried about the etymology or the reason choosing such a name for his company, Irfan came out candidly “ Many ask me, why name iCert Global? Well, that embodies and epitomizes our mission and vision statement. iCert means online certifications, and ‘Global’ represents ‘world-wide audience’. You just have to connect.” Starting from scratch Recalling the stint served in learning the ropes, Irfan accepts “Whatever earned during the stint as ‘apprentice’ was pooled as seed funding to start the company.” The concern was not capital but crew. The challenge right at the start was to enroll talent that can get behind him in steering ahead. “Admittedly, it was very difficult, and understandably, who would want to drop what they are doing to join me in a startup.” So known contacts that trusted his vision and versatility agreed to pitch in and joined aboard. It was a start from scratch with few who followed the founder. Back in 2013, it wasn’t neither crowded by competition nor funded with so many investors. The pick-up was slow and the pace sluggish. The company took a year to establish and by the second started gaining steam mostly by word of mouth. Was it prescient or path breaking? “Neither” responded Irfan “as there was not much leveraging of the online experience towards education. We had great difficulty to accept the concept of college empowered by internet. This certainly was something I chewed on endlessly.” When iCert Global became operational, the last two quarters reported on lead conversions and business was done. The first two were consumed with the typical activities in setting up, and bootstrapping. The need for skilled professionals led to the growth of the online. A professional feels incomplete without a ‘professional certification.’ So why not empower? One look at the growing user base will be a good start to uncover the startling growth realized in the years. On a year on year basis, the sales pushed the needles and still at it. The company initially riding on the big wave of the courses and slowly emerged from its own shadow banking on its strong word of mouth marketing, to outperform its own forecasts. “When I hear newly coined vocations like ‘new collar’, it might sound prescient but I wouldn’t feign prediction. Projection is the word. One could see the gap widen between the supply and demand. We have resources but not quality resources who qualify to the needs. That’s how the gap gets widened. And if you look into the investments, notably the footfalls that walk in ready to invest, the private equity firms’ readiness to fund nearly $208 million into the education sector presents the incredible scope to scale higher. And if you look into our offering, we have broadened in every category and the pipeline is lined up with the latest offerings ready to roll anytime.,” opined Irfan. From modest start to 400% Irfan isn’t taken in by surprise nor exudes overconfidence. “During our start, sales were in spurts. In fact even in those days of setting up office, calls started trickling in and I was quite sure and confident of creating an impact. The figures are for the record, but what really matters is the customer’s experience. Not one in the industry has a track record of 99% success rate, and this I state with humility. You may ask how? Once a participant completes the training, its not end for us, rather credibility is earned during post-sales. We follow-up with our customer (read a participant), and those who couldn’t, for some reason, clear in the first attempt is offered revision session to brush up the basics to advance without any charge. Likewise, the examination fee charged is makes the eligible to appear for one exam. In case candidate fails, we make them reappear after prepping up without charging for the examination. This was done without any publicity or fanfare and soon the word spread around and we saw our sales spike, and witnessed unprecedented growth year after year. That’s how, aided by our client’s expectation and desire to exceed their expectation, we set the norm and outperform” concluded the founder sounding upbeat about the year’s achievement and remains very optimistic about the outcome.
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How iCert Global empowers the Professionals across the Globe

iCert Global is the fastest growing Education Industry, both as an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) and Accredited Examination Centre (AEC). Recollection It was a humble beginning in a 1 BHK flat. A simple flat for soaring ambition, is by itself too ambitious. The founder and CEO Irfan Sharief, recollects being very independent as a child, and quips “I guess it’s the self-reliance more than independence - the resolve to live on my own legs. That attitude perhaps strengthened my determination in the days to come. “ He funded his own education by moonlighting and also gained a first-hand experience of the financial hardship in educating oneself. “Surely, there has to be some other alternative to college.” That was a nagging thought that trailed him long since he successfully graduated and got to work in the education domain. Life, in a way, is more comfortable if you are salaried because you are taken care, well-fed, sheltered and most of the needs attended. Hence this guaranteed life is a good deal for many who just settle down pushing paper and changing chairs. On my own Entrepreneurship is about getting out of the comfort zone and come to face those insecurities and uncertainties with grit and gumption. Irfan always wanted to go on his own, and that nagging thought turned out to be the idea incubation. He aimed at providing alternate to brick and Mortar College by enabling the internet as the medium for knowledge transfer so that education is affordable and accessible. He decided to break free and took the plunge. Soon he checked into a 1BHK flat which would be office cum home for months. Finance was from friends and family – it was not a gamble but a tug on the back or call of the hour that he decided to pursue his passion of ‘empowerment through education.’ Vital Statistics and Vision statement The HBR 2012 stated in their survey done globally of managers and leaders, a compelling 67% felt the need to update their middle level management programs. Alarming was the talent gap even at graduate level with only 15% of potential students emerging out successfully. What happened to the remaining? So brick and mortar colleges won’t suffice and education space offered good scope and space to grow and scale. Present day’s statistics of the surplus funding seen in the education stream almost to $208 million dollars might appear to connect the dots but 3 years back it was sporadic, with investors hard to come by. So the first statement to be written was the vision ‘To become most preferred organization in training, consultancy.” The target market being educated professionals, the mission was to ‘enrich education and empower professionals’. And the mission was not just to retain talent but reach out to the unemployed or fresh graduates and train them to bolster their confidence in employment pursuits. Complementing the physical classroom, online or virtual classrooms found traction and the demand for organizing classes started to grow in numbers – for primary reasons of cost and access because comparatively the cost was much lower and the flexibility to plan study was convenient. Handful of employees and few thousands Registered in 2013, operational by mid of 2013, with a handful of employees and few thousands in funding, the company today caters to the education needs of both corporate and individual, offering their services across 3 continents and 150 nations. With headquarters in Houston, United States, the Company is primarily into online Professional Certification training programs and successfully trained and transformed the lives of more than 50,000 professionals. Industry experts with years of experience and domain knowledge design and develop the course ware, ably delivered by our capable Trainers, who themselves are renowned and recognized in their sphere of work. The most significant aspect in this business is to understand the context and customize the offering. To make the engagement more meaningful and not business-like. The takeaway of the customer should make them reconsider. That’s the bottom line.

iCert Global – a profile

                  iCert Global at its inception offered training on select certification courses.
 Today, it has an array of courses and attractive catalogue that should meet most of your needs.

modes of Learning
3 modes of learning, namely Classroom which will be a face-to-face instructor led sessions, Live Virtual Instructor-led Training for those with a disadvantage to travel, and finally the self-paced e-Learning which you can take up anywhere, anytime. 

core Offerings

      iCert Global has heavily invested in programs like Project Management, ITIL    Practices, Quality Management, Cloud Computing, Agile & Scrum and Emerging  Technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, SalesForce and so  on.

Key features 

Some of the key features include money back guarantee, free revision session on request, career counseling, Professional Development Units (PDU), comprehensive course ware, assistance and arrangement while filling exam application forms (many are misled by the notion it’s a breeze. If anything, it’s arduous and quite demanding. You sure need assistance and that where you will appreciate our assistance). 


                 iCert Global as one of the fastest growing edTech brand is accredited by           leading governing bodies and examination centres like Axelos, TÜV SÜD, IIBA,    PeopleCert, Acquiros

Clientele include some of the fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, hp, Capegemini, Cognizant, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services, IBM, Infosys to name a few. And yes, that 1 BHk proved too small to occupy 200+ workforce. The company has shifted its premise to a vantage point, known to be the hub of learning. 

Different People, different Demands 

Not everyone who walks in wants the same, and there were instances when a group enrolled for the same course. So, different people make different demand and the ability to rise up the ask calls for a kind of agility that sets one apart. The market is ferocious, cut-throat and competitive. It’s the fighting spirit and survival instincts that enable to keep the head above the water. The endurance and perseverance in pursuit in excellence in any engagement is the differentiating factor. “The benchmark is set by the customer or consumers of our services and we find the yardstick rising, which in a way is healthy as it increases appetite and inspires to scale further. The world today has no boundary, and competition can crop from anywhere. We have seen some rough weather and sailed smooth. So those roaring waves and soothing water are nothing new to us. If anything, they grow in intensity and gear us to be more prepared,” remarked Irfan about the competition. “Other names in the industry make us to acknowledge they too have a space to share but our uniqueness is underscored by our competency and capacity to deliver as testified by the success rate of 99% with more than 50,000 professionals from various industry verticals all across the receiving quality tutelage in clearing certification” acknowledged the founder, who is still in his late twenties and already rich in work experience with more than 8 active years to his credit. Irfan is buoyant about the market performance and the company’s growth has been positive and quite steady at the rate of 15-20 percent and sales forecast has climbed in numbers with the coming months expected to pick up steam and move the needles.

'think about them' 
Every individually is talented and abled, and physical limitation is never a limitation to the one who can qualify on merits. And so far iCert Global has provided employment opportunities to those whose services have been on par and earned our appreciation and faith so that more such persons call follow their footprint. Hence, the most incredible and impressive aspect is the opportunities provided for the “Differently-abled’ people. We believe they are ‘special and significantly-abled’.

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Steven Covey s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important

This blog is part of Steven Covey’s Management Matrix on Urgent and Important. 

Quadrant 2, as highlighted is the one highly recommended where the Project Team should ideally spend. More than 80% of our time on this quadrant indicates that it’s a self-organized people/team. What does it require to get us there in to Quadrant 2? Priority of the Tasks/Activities. We tend to spend our time on trivial and insignificant activities. This happens when the priority and critical of the work/tasks is unknown. Well defined plan. One should know when each task needs to be delivered and what exactly to be delivered and how much effort is required to deliver the same. When a resource knows what needs to be done and by when, it makes management more organized to commit about deadlines and deliverables. Blockers which could potential reasons for not being in Quadrant 2? People – Behavioral. (Important to get the team’s buy-in in any mission. Also avoid unnecessary distractions. Inculcate self-discipline and accountability for the hours spent. Otherwise your burn rate can bring down the work.) Lack of Tools When people are not equipped with proper tools or system, it will be difficult for them to be organized, which could potentially lead them towards other Quadrants. Vision/Objective – Person or Program or Project Whether it’s individual or Program/Project, one should have a clear understanding about mission/vision - be it short term or long term, which will help them to plan the calendar and apportion hours accordingly. The short term generally addressed as milestones will help the team to plan in line with scheduled scope and work, to make the most in Resource utilization and execution. How PMP can help to bring the team or Program move to Quadrant #2? * Project managers can be proactive in their roles as decision makers, marketers, problem solvers and team builders. * Beginning with the end in mind is analogous to starting a project with a good requirements definition. * Putting first things first relates to proper task prioritization. * Think win-win means that project managers need to understand the sources of conflict in order to best resolve them. * Seek first to understand, then to be understood (#5) highlights the importance of communications. * Synergize relates to the project manager's coordination skills, and * sharpen the saw reinforces the project manager's drive toward continuous process improvement. (Courtesy

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The Cost of Employee Engagement may be a lunch HR Management

(an account by one of our staff) Personal stories really connect. One of the employees seeking a day off met the HR for sanction. When queried for the reason, the employee responded “wedding anniversary”. Offering her congratulations, the HR requested for 5 minutes time. And then came around "where would you want to take your wife out tomorrow?” The puzzled employee was taken aback by surprise and blurted “we don’t have any such plans. Just spend time together.” The HR persisted“will it be lunch or dinner? How about candlelight dinner?” Still in a daze, the employee politely declined the offer and thanked her thoughtfulness. “I am not sponsoring. It’s the company’s gift. Why don’t you call your wife and let me know.” “Thanks. Then we would prefer lunch.” “Where exactly do you stay? I mean, your residential address.” The HR made careful note and sought another 10 minutes. “A table for two booked tomorrow. The venue details messaged to you. Congratulations and hope you guys enjoy the lunch.” She greeted and parted. Reaching home, the employee shared the ‘luncheon’ with his spouse, who smiled “hey, that’s really nice. Which place?” “I don’t know but HR will message the venue.” And checked his phone. It was some name not that familiar “at least we can check it out and hope the food tastes good.” When the couple showed up at the place, they were taken in by surprise. It was not some non-descript restaurant as expected but star hotel. He would recollect “we were treated royally from the valet to the manager. First time I have ever been to a hotel like that and of course, it was quite an expensive lunch.” His wife was intrigued and unspeakably impressed “never expected it to be so grand. How come we never heard and that too within our vicinity.”The employee understood why the HR took pain to know about the address. The drive was less than 3 miles and the food fabulous. And the place close – unthinkable, even for a wedding anniversary lunch. Over that ‘umpteen’ course lunch, someone always waiting upon and filling the plate with something to munch, it was an amazing experience. Over ‘chow’ time, the wife queried “why this place? And why you? Do they do it for all the staff?” "I dont know. First time for me." responded the employee lost in thoughts. It was difficult a choice – which was more sweet? The dessert or the company’s decision. “You know what, you must stay here. Even the place I work could think of something as ‘personal’ like this lunch, “stressed the wife and surprised employee looked up “you mean, they just bought my loyalty for this table full of food?” “It’s not the food or star-studded hotel. It is how they treat you. The kind of personal touch that makes you feel truly special. Respect. It gives a sense of belonging. Come to think of it, why didn’t my company surprise me with such an invite? Because, the personal connect probably missed the preoccupied minds. I am planning to offer the same to my team. Your company left an indelible mark and I am going to remember this lunch for a long time. Terrific HR. I am amazed. Seriously. “ that was an awesome toast. She is right. Respect. You can’t buy anyone with a buffet. Commitment is a call within and how you a strike a chord matters. The company’ thoughtfulness in celebrating an employee’s milestone ‘measured in full’ their worthiness. Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. Booker T. Washington
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PMP One of The Possible Pitfalls is Procrastination Project Management

Many talented professionals who are capable of cracking the PMP® exam at their first attempt fail to do so for a number of reasons ranging from domestic to demand of the day. But the most common amongst the reasons attributed is ‘Procrastination’. “No Time” is the often heard refrain. Whether they develop cold feet or deeply immersed in their work to take shift their attention, the PMP Exam is given a pass and pushed to another day. Some of the professionals interviewed cited reasons that might sound unbelievable, but then that’s their version. We have listed some for your reference as a precautionary note not to delay or defer in taking up the exam. Every single day you lose is something lost forever. On case your mind is set in appearing for the exam and obstacles of any kind can appear as stumbling blocks, you still can overcome the odds and not use or search for excuses.

Here are some reasons listed for Procrastination:

 “It’s too tough” - of course, it’s tough. PMP® actually moderates from average to tough and calls for dedicated study and determined efforts. The view from the top is terrific but you got to toil to get to the top. “I AM BUSY. I don’t have time” – No one has the time to spare. Try checking with anyone and a volley of reasons backed with rationale will be thrown in return. MAKE TIME. You can always apportion time. You really don’t consume all the 24 hours. So late nights, early mornings, and of obviously, the weekend is all yours to prepare for PMP. We do find time to make ourselves free for occasions and get-together by freeing up bandwidth. Studies are a struggle since childhood and in adulthood with more responsibilities sagging the shoulder, and hence it’s no easy feat to sit and burn the midnight oil. ‘Nothing great was ever accomplished without making sacrifices.’ “The Job Pressure is too much” – agreed. We all have gone through the grind and it’s difficult to focus when your mind is constantly analysing multiple scenarios and multitasking. Despite the pressure, can you rise up to meet the challenge? Determination. When the traffic too much, do you just reverse the vehicle and go back home or maneuver to find way to office? Studying despite the hardships is likewise. Most succeed because they are determined. “May be next month” – the worst excuse. If something is to be done, better do it immediately. Tomorrow never comes, so how will next month? We only avoid accepting to spell the truth and instead pretend using the pretext of ‘another day’. As it is written, ‘If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives’. “I am not good enough” – that’s accepting defeat even before the fight. How would you know unless you attempted. So, all those appear for the PMP exam pass? There are no failures? Wrong. Even those failed should be applauded for their audacity to make an attempt, and failure will push them further to fare better. So long you qualify with the prerequisites set by PMI®, you are as good as any applicant. Just that you are poor on confidence. Build self-confidence and go for it. You will emerge triumphant. The reasons to slow you down or stop may be innumerable. Bear in mind that it’s the strong that survives and succeeds. SO DO IT NOW.

“Its not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

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PMP Did You Know About the Demand Project Management

Did you know the rise of the demand for qualified project managers? 12%* Did you know number of jobs expected to be created in the global industries like IT, BFSI, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Construction? It’s about 15 million jobs.* Did you know the median salary of a project manager in the U.S? $108,000* Did you know how much more a PMP credential holder earns? 16% more* Did you know the number of number of PMP credential holders at the beginning of 2014? 600,000 (723,067 as of May 2016.)* * The data presented about is sourced from PMI’s Industry Forecast – “Project Management between 2010+2020”, March 2013. 

So it is interesting to note that the PMP certification has not lost its sheen. If anything, things are brighter for the PMP holder who commands immense respect in the market. The syllabus after Jan 11, 2016 has been upgraded and the exam is tougher than before , thus clearing the certification is matter of pride and prestigious as well. As a certified professional you are an inch taller, and for sure head over shoulder amongst your peers, who are uncertified.

There are some impressive infographics about project management – in terms of need, importance, growth and salary

Source: PMI’s Pulse of the Profession: The High Cost of Low Profession 2014’ PMI’s project Management Talent Gap Report 2013 PwC’s Insights and Trends: Current Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Practices’

The trends forecast job-openings all over the map and the salary structure seems to be growing in pyramid. But the most important insight from the infographics is the 'losing of 109 Million Dollars for every Billion spent on Projects and Programs'. 

You can create a difference. Do you want to do PMP and imprint your own footprint?

What are you waiting for? Do it Now! 

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LEARN While you EARN Professional Certification

Haven’t we read that before? Yes, but it never hurts to read once again. How many times you would have watched the movie Godfather and still not enough! Much has been written about. So let’s look from a personal experience as narrated. The person, a close associate of the author, is presently serving as Vice-President in a prestigious firm. During one of our regular meeting, he reminisced, “If I were to begin all over again, I wouldn’t have accepted the offer made by the MNC. Instead I would choose a startup.” I didn’t interrupt and it turned out to be a monologue. “When I joined the company, everything that existed was set carefully in place and played on. My addition in the workforce was to execute the delegated task. The productivity, I must say, was amazing - machine-like efficiency. No doubt. The system was great. No complaints – whatsoever. It was indeed a privilege, and needless to mention, the pay, perks all the way to the pantry was fascinating. Somehow I sensed despite having everything, something was missing. I must have really done well at work, as I was never appraised less than ‘beyond expectation’. So I was pretty good in getting the job done and very confident about myself overall. That said, the feeling of confined and compartmentalized was overwhelming – even though I enjoyed complete freedom with a caveat: the canvas was neatly dotted for the boundary as if to inform ‘within the territory’. Ah! No trespassing allowed. Absorbed in my work, and moved ahead in my career as rank and file, I missed out on learning aspect other than on the job, being content by staying on the surface or at the most scratching. Never dived deep. Never explored what lies beneath. Because it wasn’t necessary then. We focused on what needs to get the job done. Even some overzealous attempt or any initiatives will be stricken with 'stick to the specific tasks please'. Learn First. Today is a different story altogether. Students brimming with ideas either set up something on their own or settle for a start-up. Money is not the motivation – may be they have back-up or supportive sponsors in their parents. Whatever, but they listen to their instincts – something I didn’t, and always investing in knowledge by enrolling for this program or that certification. So for them it’s ‘Learn First’. Their smirk is almost infectious when looking at your eyes to say “today I am after you guys, but tomorrow evaluating my net worth in knowledge capital, you guys will be chasing me. As such they are not broke or chewing their nails all the way to the finger bones figuring about the next meal. No, they are planning to upstage one another or usher in a revolution. It’s their fierce competitive spirit and dare to do the unthinkable. Fear doesn’t seem frighten them at all, and their risk appetite simply amazes me. Deep Pockets or Schools of Learning. MNCs are flush with funds and can hence afford to shop for talent. Also they hire 'dedicated' resource, meaning hire made exclusively to execute a set of tasks that calls for a particular skill set. All of my career, I would worn one hat that probably grew up in size. A Project Manager will have PMO to shift some of the responsibility attended by delegation and supervision. That’s a luxury in a start-up. Startups are cash strapped. Don’t be surprised even if basic amenities are lacking. If you get back to the industrial jargon of 'Job Rotation' which had every worker engaging in all the activities to get hands-on and dependence of any particular employee is cut down , but then it had its cons as you can’t become an 'expert' by doing all chores. So it boiled down to Jack of all trades or Master of one. In software, especially startup, you actually don many hats. It’s common to come across a Project manager who is also the Business Analyst, Customer Interface, Test Manager, and some even roll up their sleeves and code. That’s versatility. The ability to take up any position and perform. The pay may not be that glossy but the returns are measured in knowledge acquisition. One gains a toe-hold initially and working on different subjects provides a foot-hold. You can see them dress-up their resume with an array of certifications. From my experience switching from one lane isn’t that easy. A Microsoft player will find it difficult to migrate to opens-source languages, whereas a proficient Java programmer with some effort can soon dirty fingers in php, perl or python with little time spent on transition - because the need of the hour is immediate leaving not much time for learning. Some professionals actually learn 'on the go'. It’s a matter of perform or perish, and to keep the head above water they just do what needs to be done. So multifaceted is the word. Certifications really count. Once they are groomed and gained enough ground, then it’s time for making money. The logic offered is ' at the start of the career, expenses are for basic needs and there is enough time to study the trends and shape yourself. But once you get into married life, there are more responsibilities besides the expenses.' So to start, I prefer startup to reinforce your learning. Learn as much as you can. With passage of time, and the need of the hour to settle domestically, marriage and family, money, of course matters. Then on, employment and education must go hand-in-hand. That’s the mantra. I have all that figured out in hindsight and though i can reset the time, I do pass as tips to those who seek my advice. Learn and keep learning. Certifications really count. Had I earned a PMP® certification, the monetary incentives aside, the in-depth study of the subjects has been deprived. I still find myself shallow in terms of learning and understanding, and enrolling for such professional certifications could have altered the landscapes completely. The capital gains from learning are just great for not only you benefits but create so many beneficiaries. There are no walls or boundaries. The canvas is theirs to occupy. Guess that’s the defining moment and even the differing aspect when I relate the past to the present. “ Well said.
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Marketing Traditional Touch to Technology Transformation Digital Marketi

With the advent of internet originality became the first casualty? it might be contested, even disputed, but difficult to dismiss. Lets look at the brighter side – which is broadening. Internet ignited the creativity in a way as no other force before. Check out the innovations and the improvisation. Consequently marketing and promotion are also undergoing radical changes. Now direct marketing is addressed as ‘organic’ and referral leads as ‘inorganic’. The online presence used to complement’ brick and mortar’ or structural outlets. There are shops set up exclusively online with no ‘offline’ presence, meaning there is no shop or outlet to purchase. The only way is ‘shop online’. Of course, the fly-by-night operators might still exists, credibility counts. Integrity is at stake and also offered the best collateral to the customer. Customer comments or complaints can make or mar business. Reviews are treated respectfully When and where did the diversion happen? It would be interesting to note that the introduction and adaptation of plastic money was the game changer. This was even before Google became a juggernaut. But people stuck to traditional and conventional mode of shopping. The online ‘effect’ at its infancy didn’t promise much given the inexperience of the customer compounded with the insecurity. Online shopping was provided more ‘as a service’ initially as compared to the fast growing present day eCommerce, which is proving to be indispensable. Why the surge in online shopping? Anecdotal Narration. Today, the customer is spoilt for choices, and there are more areas and avenues opening. Competition always favors the customer. To generate traffic to the website, companies go all out …when we take pride in ‘eye for details’, marketing is driven on this paradigm of publishing details that will grab your attention – whichever way that will direct you to the company’s products or services or both. So you can avail by landing on the company’s home page or led from other sites by means of advertisement, usually stunning banners or striking slogans. An executive in our workforce applied for an unplanned leave. Surprised by the move, and all the more intrigued, the team queried “what happened?” “I am taking a vacation.” That’s like snow in summer. Thrilled, the team pushed “but then it seems unplanned?” “well”, said the executive “my wife just spotted this awesome offer of plane tickets that covers the hotel accommodation as well. The price is like a steal. Incredible. So we decided to jump on it and just booked the tickets“ “which website?” “its some advertisement that came upon while she was surfing for shopping. The travel portal is reliable and we checked the review comments and also visited the carrier’s home page but the discount offered wasn’t direct. The offer is valid when you book from the travel portal only.” He had the team's undivided attention now. “The carrier might be a no-frill carrier offering dirt cheap prices but numbers of visitors are comparably less to their website and hence, they smartly advertised in a portal where traffic is heavy and also tied up with hotels. If not now, then when? Can’t wait till the next one rolls out. So we decided to go for it. Time is money, in fact, that is the premium. So seize the moment. Make the most of the deal.” The offer is open to all, but not all can cash in the opportunity, and those could, they really would. It’s not serendipity but some smart marketing manoeuvring. Organic or inorganic, the sale was closed. Mission accomplished. We will cover more about Digital Marketing in subsequent posting. Stay tuned.
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The 5 Whys and Root Cause Analysis Quality Management

Mostly employed in root cause analysis, 5 Whys prominently appears in the Analyze phase of DMAIC in Six Sigma. This technique iteratively interrogative in nature, mainly used to identify to the root cause or defect, was developed by Sakichi Toyoda and used in the Toyota Motor Corporation. [source: wiki] Experts have varied opinions about this methodology which is often performed by a fish-bone diagram. There is no single root cause, if observed closely. Usually, it is a chain of events or combination of factors. Identification of the bug is a critical challenge and there are various methods and techniques. One such identified method is 5-why. This helps to understand the top 5 root causes which predominantly contribute to the problem . The method might sound basic but very effective. The question is often posed from the answer received and it’s an iterative model. You can try and picture as some day-to-day issues you find yourself troubleshooting by find the root cause, like the scores of your child in a recently held d test paper. It’s as much questioning your child “why did you grades dip?” and from response offered by your child, there is a counter question –answer, till you are convinced one way or the other. Why did your grades dip? I didn’t do the exam properly. Why didn’t you do the exam properly? I couldn’t answer most of the questions. Why couldn’t you answer most of the questions? The questions were not familiar. Why weren’t the questions familiar? I had not prepared well enough. Why didn’t you prepare? Because I was playing and missed on the time to prepare. Finally, it’s the lack of preparation that led to the poor performance. This might be your conclusion drawn from the conversation. And the advice or course of action is to ‘gear up well and be more prepared to face the next test.’ Here is another example from a professional backdrop: Apply the same to a project to analyze about a failure – which we call it the root cause analysis. There is no rule to stop the questioning at 5-level. It can go further. General studies reveal that ‘5 why’ usually lead to the main reason(s) of failure. To illustrate further the 5 Whys, take a look at the image : Limitation This method suffers from its own share of shortfalls. The technique stops at the symptoms level and fails to dig deeper at the lower-level root causes. The results not being repeatable is a major constraint in this method. Besides, ‘Why’ can lead to multiple root causes but there is an inclination to isolate a single root cause and stick to it. The limitations aside, 5 Whys is nevertheless is significantly used in Root Cause Analysis (RCA).
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How to Prevent Scope Creep Scope Management

Continuing from our previous post of containing creep, we have listed 10 pointers as useful reference to amplify your project management skills. Scope Creep management is primarily handled by a PM and hence it’s a fair expectation to observe the call taken to neutralize creep. Scope Creep is a way of practical life, and hence one can, at best, contain and thereby control. Team management must ensure some overzealous team member overstepping in reach by getting in touch with the customer, who might influence changes that might sound simple like ‘bells and whistles’, and also the peril of Gold Plating –whereby “After having met the requirements, the developer works on further enhancing the product, thinking the customer will be delighted to see additional or more polished features, rather than what was asked for or expected.”

Get the requirements clear Sometimes,

it might be iterative but unless all the stakeholders involved are the in same page, especially the client and vendor an converse in the same language and understand one another, closing all possible gaps, and if possible walk-through the requirements once again. It might burn some bandwidth but it will be worth it.

Pay attention to the detail

From the first piece of code written to a single line drawn in the wireframe, make sure everything is as per agreed terms and within scope. From experience, it may be noted that design and development inexplicable makes way for creep. So ensure that a sign-off is sought on design aspects, and read the requirement document again before commencing coding

Divide the requirement into small logical parts

Smaller projects have a much greater chance of success, so smart PMs do a work-break-down in creating sub-tasks so that the effort estimated and actual; spent can be controlled better. It is always easy to divide the requirements into small logical parts and assign the corresponding effort against it.

Identify priorities

You will need to decide on the scheduling as to which will go first followed by or will there concurrent tasks. And identify the deliverable and break the deliverable into actual work. In case of larger project, it might mandate upgrades which need to be factored for effort and hence breakdown of deliverable helps.

Plan for Prototype

When the requirement/solution is not clear, plan for Prototype/Spike User Story before finalize the scope. 

Understand the requirement

Reverse Understanding/document for the Customer to ensure that requirement/expectation is well captured .

Capture revision/changes

Have clear understanding on implication of the revision/changes in the requirement and document the agreement.

Change Control Board

Make sure there is a Change Control Board in place to track any deviations from the accepted and scoped requirements. Changes, if any, need ti be recorded, communicated to client for confirmation and only upon their explicit the changes can be accommodated, that too at a timeline best suited to the project interest. Bottom line, it’s out of scope which becomes a part of development through Change Request.

Present the impact Analysis in detail

When there is request for Scope Change, Present the impact Analysis in detail as Technical or Design Impact on effort and Cost, especially through rework and lost effort.

Study Intangible impact
 i. Moral of the team
 ii. Trust factor with the Customer

In any case, the Scope Change has to be treated as Change Request. Regular review meeting with Customer on Progress Status Vs Plan should be conducted to eliminate creep as much as possible.

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Scope Creep But Why Always Project Management

This is not some fictitious account but facts presented in the form of a case study. A project in the construction industry with a budget of $10 Million was overshot by 20%. One might wonder what would be the margin then, clearly marking the bottom-line in red. 

Root of the problem

When the builder was questioned about the glaring rise in the overheads, that went way over the budget, "it cannot be reported as scope creep though it turned out eventually." Haven’t we heard that before? “Yes, we have. And before you ask, this is not my first project. I am an experienced hand and I speak from personal experience, and that’s why 20 percent might sound whopping to you, is inevitable to me. You speak about creep, like a leaky water pipe. Then imagine in a massive water plant, one spot in a particular pipe will call for a complete overhaul of the plumbing unit. Don’t assume there is a quick fix like some adhesive pasted to block the leak. That’s a layman’s understanding. What actually takes place is more complex and cumbersome. Assuming, this took away a major chunk of the work from completion, you are looking at lapse in work which translated in hours and converted in dollars and cents can lead to sever deficit financially diminishing the returns. So to identify the root cause can prove painfully expensive. The lesson learned, amongst many, can be the plumbing factor – which we naturally pay more attention and extra-cautious in the next undertaking. Then unbeknown, in the next project there will be some other issue out of the blue – it can be a wiring issue, for all you know. 

Forces beyond

Risk is inherent. No doubt about it. But the nature of risk? How about a team member falling sick? Or the work done by someone isn’t thoroughly checked and impacts the development made so far? Or natural calamity or a strike? These don’t constitute creep but do attribute to scope creep one way or the other. Assuming a team member falls sick and the deadline has to be met. Sometimes, driven by deadline pressure or closure on dependency, one tends to crosscut and aim for closure. There are some risks to be taken, which may not impact short-terms but make you pay with grave consequences in the long run. Well, that again is a risk. So creep need not necessarily be direct, straight and said forth. Creep is not something that can be defined or confined to a particular category. At best it can be contained is not clichéd. Objectively assessing, that’s reality because every project closure will script its own ‘lessons learned’ and yet we observe failings in some form. Incredibly, some repeated; it may not be intentional or ignorant but things that’s possible to be overlooked as trivia can prove to be a thorn and troublesome. To wrap it up, we would want every lesson learnt to be put into use after all what is knowledge without application. Furthermore, the client’s expectation of earning more for every penny needs to be professionally managed. Expect the customer to come up with last minute surprises, that is strictly out of scope but then you can’t say ‘no’ not wanting to offend. Hence one should draw the line somewhere without hurting either party involved. It’s a thin line that calls for a fine act. We don’t want scope creep – it just self-invites. That’s scope creep. I just gave you a long-winded definition." 

Scope Creep

Inevitable? So there is no way out? There are ways to mitigate but Scope Creep control has everything to do with you. We started with why is there scope creep always. And also, we stated categorically that creep can be contained. How do you contain scope creep? We will discuss the ways in our next posting. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas, suggestions, theories, or experience, please do share and educate our users.

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Why Communication is such a Challenge Communication Management

Communicating with others is often overlooked or even taken for granted. Communication is an art; communication is a skill, and now what not. We say a lot and really don't mean nothing much. The most challenging aspect about communication is to ‘tell something in a simple and straightforward’ manner. We are exceptionally talented. but where we fundamentally fail is by being poor listeners and hence poor learners. While the virtue in charity lies in the precept that 'let the left hand not know what the right hs given', communication commands the left hand has to know what the right has to say. But then we are so confused or even too lost in the cacophony to realize the boot is on the wrong foot. A word out of line is akin to the same. You have to be someone easy to talk to – which will give the people confidence to connect. We try to impress with intellect by using dazzling words and difficult-to-understand terms, metaphors, idioms and what not. Corporate communication, of course, prescribes etiquette to be adhered, but it’s not to be misunderstood as something complicated just because etiquette itself isn’t an easy word. Agreed. Etiquette plainly put is rule. The standard for business correspondence is the essence of etiquette but there comes the rub. What standards? As times progressed, formal outlook is perceived as archaic. And give a thought about how the millennial relate and recognize the ‘chat’ language, as they the make up for the majority of workforce. Confluence or compromise? Calling it a compromise would be too crude nor can we uphold colloquial language in a formal correspondence. So what is the benchmark? Well, even this commentary can be critiqued for its strong undertones. We simply don’t communicate. Where there are barriers, aren’t there breakthroughs? Yet, the complexity with which conversation proceeds perplexes us no end. Conflicts arise mainly due to poor communication or mismanagement when words are minced and message loses its meaning. Basically, we failed to make sense, and far worse never ever realized which only made matters worst. 

Cut down the chase

Employ direct lines instead of circling around. Being linear brings its own leverage to the board. Face-to-face is most preferred, and where need be, then emphasis is on the written word than spoken. So there is no hard and fast rule and much depends on the merit of the case. That said, keep it short and straight – be it verbal or written. Stakeholder management sometimes suffers from this very shortfall when the decision makers instead of engaging directly deal through interfaces. That’s typical delay suffered when information has to percolate through different channel before landing on the desired destination.

How can we improve communication?

Connect and contact=communicate. Why fuss about fancy words when simple one will convey the meaning. Articulation has nothing to do with ostentation. In fact, it works the other way instead. The challenge today that 'you might be possess the knowledge of a professor' but can you explain in away that a third-grade kid can understand. Language is no longer a limitation. Use shorter strings. Employ simple and meaningful words. Keep the pitch polite. And learn to listen, not with an intent to counter or cross-question, but to hear and be heard.
 ‘Houston, we have a problem’ – doesn’t that sound familiar Why? Its not astrophysics but plain English.  
Do you understand? Good. Make sure other do what you have to communicate - in a language they can understand, in words they know, in a tone that will make them comfortable. Carry on the conversation...

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Has Trust lost its Trust Stakeholder Management

The word is abuzz about funds being embezzled or malpractice within company. Recent news about controversies and scandals are doing the rounds and ties that were painstakingly built appears so fragile. In the past days a CEO has stepped down, misuse of money in a blue chip company, and non-conformance of standards spells disaster in the parlance of people management. Governance by every company is based on strong ethics and values and yet incidents like these rock the boats, sending shivers down the spine. Many exclaimed in disbelief ‘It’s just not possible”, and yet that’s exactly what happened – trust deficit. It’s in good faith and belief that something is entrusted, but when the person manning the gate gives up blowing the cover then it’s a classic case of the ‘cats guarding the chickens.” Stakeholder Management is proving to be more critical. One might wonder if the company or the whole crew or the entire block that bungled, but all it takes is one rotten apple that makes the basket stink. And despite the foolproof security measures put in place, failure like the incidents cited can not only be frustrating but erode the confidence misplacing the faith. The murky matters cast a long shadow sparing none from suspicion. Paradoxically, the benefit of doubt cannot be passed and things have worsened to a state where one has to prove innocence. So where went the ‘you are innocent unless proven guilty’. We live in different times that demands drastic changes and impose difficult compliances lest we face dire consequences. What makes one misbehave? Chances, conditions, circumstances, or plainly greed. Whatever might be the motive, it shatters everything the individual stood for, and along with brings down the whole house. Integrity is imperative. Character is what you do in the dark – when no one is noticing. Integrity plainly put is ‘do what you say and say what you do’. Hence, it becomes critical that we pay more attention to our human assets by studying behavioral aspects and identify scope for improvement. Not everyone is strong; some are susceptible. It’s up to the management to identify the grey areas and iron out the weakness. A SWOT generally helps – especially from an ethical standpoint. Stakeholder Management involves your internal partners as well, whom at times, are overlooked. Build trust. It works both ways – employers and employees. It is incumbent on an individual to be accountable. You are answerable to your actions. So, the choice is clearly yours. We will like to hear your thoughts about this subject. Please do share and we welcome your inputs.
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