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The Big Three and the Bounty What you can learn for your career

‘Big Billion Days 2016’. ‘Amazon Great Indian Festival’. The headline grabbed as much attention as the conversation that went around it. It was a festival bonanza with the leading three e-commerce companies offering discounts at unbelievable rates which may not be possible offline. Questions of all hue and shades came flying thick and fast. ‘Who is offering the discount? The marketplace or the brand marketed?’ that’s interesting given two of the service providers in the picture commenced e-commerce by selling books online. And then the conversation veered off ‘what about the competition? How will the small business survive this onslaught of deep cuts engineered in the form of discounts that will leave many retailers bleeding? Won’t they be crushed under the might of the online companies that have the money and muscle to move around? And another inquired“Well, why would the west look at east?“ Apple teams up with Flipkart to sell iPhone 7 in India’, Wal-Mart Is in Talks to Invest in Indian Startup Flipkart. Does it mean the well has dried up? Not necessarily, just that another source of stream has been spotted and sellers want to make the most of the opportunity. Market research and consumer behavior might sound as marketing jazz and jargons, but closer scrutiny would help to analyze the information other than those matters that meets the eye. Bank of America estimated Amazon could increase its market share to 37 percent by 2019 from 31 percent now, approaching the 44 percent held currently by Flipkart. Essentially, looking east speaks about synergy. Apple teams with Flipkart for a win-win engagement. While online sales range from anything to everything, the festivity seemed to focus more on the consumer electronics and large appliances categories. Chinese mobile manufacturer Xiaomi reported selling half a million smartphones in just 72 hours by riding on the high wave of online shopping festivals. With the kind of financial backing or by virtue of their own strength, the top three can turnaround the game with a price pitch that others won’t be able to match. Is it all over for the small business? We have to accept that trade and commerce has evolved from wholesaler to retailer to E-tailers. Market penetration is still a challenge – and so is internet connectivity. For instance, Italy has one of the lowest internet penetration rates in Europe. It would be presumptuous to credit every sale to be online. There is market for offline or brick and mortar – apple store is a telling testimony. And market out there is big enough to accommodate but you have to bet on your brand as there is no guaranteeing your slice of the share. End of the day, does the consumer care about the competition? NO. It would be after-sales service. Read through the above passage as an analogy and place it in the perspective of your career. Corporate shop for talent – and your place of origin is irrelevant so long you deliver. You can be a native or expatriate – how does it matter when visa can be arranged, in case required. But the topline is talent.
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Reskill Empower through Education Professional Certification

It can sound so ironical when the soldiers safeguarding the borders endure rigorous drills routinely, even in peace time to be ever ready – war footed, as it is known – why are those civilians enjoying the serenity of the surrounding, buoyed by the security at the borders, lowering their guard? There was a time when a renowned industrialist lamented “we haven't done well is in reducing the number of people who suffer from inadequacy - in terms of education.” So what’s our weakness? Inadequacy. Not so far away are the days that the jobs that exist today will be completely wiped out. That’s the bad news. Don’t despair. There will be new jobs that will be created. That’s the good news. The question unanswered is “are you prepared?” It is not suggested, even remotely, that you are incompetent. But in the coming days, would you be capable enough to compete with Bots, automation and artificial intelligence? What will be the odds on your chances against these competitors? Don’t fret. Help yourself. Start all over again. When you can catch up with the changing times, can’t you toe in line with the ? Yes, you can by rebooting. Start first by dusting off. Any threat perceived, or present, like the ones in the form of these Robots coming to chew your job away or gobble you down is to shake you up from the slumber, the comfort zone that ensconces from the emerging challenges. It isn’t a shield if you can’t defend; rather it leaves you weak and vulnerable. A complacent mind is the most susceptible to fall apart. Shocking as it might be, but if you have learnt anything new of late, then the same flour is ground. The most difficult of all is to learn. Education doesn’t come with an expiry and neither is there a timeline for learning. Sadly, your stock of accumulated knowledge has a shelf-life, while learning is for a lifetime. Brutal facts. “Ninety-five percent of my assets drive out the gate every evening. It’s my job to maintain a work environment that keeps those people coming back every morning,” according to Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS Institute (#6 Best Employer 2016). What drives you to your desk every morning? What makes you wanted at your workplace? What is your worth? Present and future. Do the math. There comes a moment in our lives when we reflect at the days that passed by and wonder why didn’t we make the most of it. You never know unless you lose it might sound so clichéd but that’s the truth. Study today for tomorrow' needs. Succeed.
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ITIL Certification Credit and Career Advancement

According to information published in 2012 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for computer and information systems managers is projected to increase by 15% through 2022. ITIL® (IT Service Management) is the most recognized framework for IT service management in the world. The opportunities presented are plenty – and subjective to a professional’s preference. Professionals inclined more towards managing and leading teams are recommended to pursue the Lifecycle Modules; for those who are process oriented and wish to play an active in service management then it is strongly suggested to take up Capability modules. Certification & Credits ITIL® is undoubtedly one of the most recognized and accredited IT Service framework and helps professionals to pursue career goals. More often not, ITIL certification is understood for service management exclusively. While that’s true, ITIL also complements Project Management. So the scope is quite broad and left to the individual’s preference about career path. How many Credits do I need to become ITIL® Expert? ITIL® certification commences with Foundation and moves forward with Lifecycle or Capability Modules, which eventually will make you qualify to appear for the MALC certification. You need 22 credits to qualify for the expert level – which is usually achieved by becoming certified as Foundation level and earn 2 credit followed by Intermediate Modules and then MALC. Foundation (2 credits) + 5 Lifecycle Modules (each module is worth 3 credits and hence 5 x 3 =15 credits) + MALC (5 credits) =22 credits. Or Foundation (2 credits) + 4 Capability Modules (each module is worth 4 credits and hence 4x4 =16 credits) + MALC (5 credits)=23 credits. The criteria set are to earn 22 credit to become an Expert. You can learn more about the Credit system , please visit Axelos link. Career Advancement Excellent. For a qualified professional, the prospects can be just amazing. Evaluating studies from offer valuable insights about the Employees with a Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Expert Level Certification: There is an increasing need and growing demand for this certification and indicators from the public domain forecast a trend of capitalizing on IT Service Management. ITIL professionals with more certifications earn on average 13% more in US, according to the ITSM Salary Survey by Plexent. According to the survey, certifications really do pay: in 2011, an ITIL Expert made on average $122,000 and an ITIL Service Manager $125,000 in US.
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Bring Work Life Balance with Disciplined Project Management

There seems to be early burn-out in IT professionals. Doctors are appalled at the heart-risks and related ailments; whenever a young person wheeled into the emergency ward, the first question invariably is “are you working in IT?” why is it so? Job pressure, peer pressure, management pressure – the stress is too much. A number of factors collide and contribute to this havoc wreaked on youngsters. Heart attack in the forties or fifties doesn’t shock or surprise but in late twenties and early thirties psyches the physicians, who are perplexed dealing with the predicament. Such is the severity, and cut-throat the companies, employees either by choice or force end up staying late at their desk ‘burning the midnight oil’. Does the number of hours clocked or the contributions count? The misconception in the market is that one who spends long hours in the office is deemed ‘hard working’. Anything less and your talent is questionable or the workload is not just enough to justify your paycheck. So some just pretend to stretch or ‘kill’ time by indulging in other activity instead of freeing up bandwidth to take up additional tasks. “If I do this task or accommodate more chores in addition, will the amount in the salary credited change?” this reflects not just the individual lack of commitment, but reflects poorly on the leadership as well. Devotion to work should be wilful, lest it leaves one dissatisfied and disgruntled. Once resourceful, now turned rebels are primarily due to poor people management. Long and late nights are part of the daily rigor of an IT Professional. Time consumed at office leaves with less for family. Everything ought to be balanced – including work. A project manager, whom I used to report, will sit beside me and plan the ‘tasks for the week’ taking my inputs for the ‘hours allocated’ and sometime let me estimate the ‘number of hours’. Effort estimation is both critical and crucial. Bagging the project by heck or crook, and later slogging the days, night and weekend are typical signs of burnout. It’s like cutting the foot to match the boot. That’s not project management. Weekends usually act as buffer and my manager managed on the maxim of “if you can’t get the work done in eight hour, either you are inefficient or incompetent." People also tend to procrastinate – another malaise with no medicine in sight. Hence there is no blaming the managers alone. Both sides suffer from their own shortcoming and apparently there has to be a middle ground.

The 40 hour week

 Any project manager with appreciable knowledge and experience will not estimate more than 8-hours as man day in the project plan. How many hours does the team work is another question but for the record its 8 hours, and usually the weekends are not factored – and mostly serve as buffers. Remember time is money and hence any inflation in your estimation will have an adverse implication on your cost estimation. If the budget balloons, the project will slip out of your hands. It’s a typical trapeze act or skating on thin ice. So balancing the 40-hour and keeping the project within cost calls for a skilled and smart time management.

Performance and productivity

 No matter how many hours you clock, you are most productive for the first 4 hours. The body might be willing but the mind simply is not up to it. Exhaustion,and fatigue hampers performance. Your ability to concentrate ebbs with passage of time. There should be a reason why Henry For came out with the brilliant strategy of ‘weekend’ so as to boost morale, improve productivity and increase time spent with family. Sources from public domain cite that working fewer hours increase productivity and thereafter tend to wane. 

Work-life balance

 “I am too busy at work” is the usual refrain. You start before the kids awake and return after the fast asleep. Many professionals itinerary falls in to this pattern. Genuine cases of work chewing and even gobbling time is a possibility but that can’t become the norm. Its not family first or work at any cost. One has to strike a balance to do justice to both – stakeholder management. Your internal and external client included, family too is part of stakeholders. And its important to attend on everyone, and if possible satisfy. A gallup study revealed that we work 47 hours – which is 7 hours more. What will all the dollars, incentive, promotions and perks amount when you compromise your health for career. Think about it.

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Layoff and Life After Not the end but a Beginning

Just like corporates announce their annual results, few companies decide to lose weight by shedding or offloading, which is marked metaphorically as ‘deadwood’. In some fiercely competitive employment, top 10% is generally booted out citing uncompetitive or poor performance. Some layoff in the recent days shook the very ground – just like blindsided. Hundreds of developers lost their jobs. The most perilous is the pink slip. Nothing scares the daylight of a professional, especially in the IT industry than the prospect of losing the job. A status of ‘looking for a job’ isn’t exactly tantalizing. It means ‘moving mountains’. The first thing to lose is not the job: it is confidence. And then the slow undoing of everything built thus far. A typical domino effect that comes down crumbling like a pack of cards. Nothing can be as disturbing, particularly when you didn’t see that coming or failed to detect those distress signals. Your credibility is on the line. Confidence erodes, confusion prevails. Like a vision becoming blur, the future looks bleak. Questions of survival and means for sustenance crops from all corners. The wherewithal withdrawn, individuals accustomed to a certain living standards will find it disturbingly difficult in being displaced. And that is to put it mildly. When the curtains are down in your services offered to a company, its not the end of your career – just that the engagement you were roped met its logical conclusion wherein your services are no longer required. Fine. Look elsewhere. Very early in the career, when someone close to the author of this article was ‘fired’, devastating as it was in having shattered dreams and aspiration that dies premature, the CEO commiserated ‘well, may be we don’t find a fitment here but this doesn’t mean you will not shine and succeed somewhere. Play up to your strength’. You might be initially dismayed and distressed. Of course dejected, but never get depressed. ‘Play to your strength’ – and that’s exactly what one should do in the given circumstances. We are in the edtech industry for some time and, Professionals walking into our premise for consultations with regard to professional certification and career counseling makes us under better the anger and unrest when such unexpected misfortune scuttles and chokes career path. ‘Expect the unexpected’ – be prepared always. Learn from the defence services – why is that the army does the drill day in and day out? That’s preparedness. Keep educating yourself. Reinventing – is learning new things and innovation is about iterations in ideas. Figure out your strength and try channeling in many ways – that’s what makes you versatile. Its not about hour hard you get hit – but to collect yourself and stand up to the challenge. You may be down but not out. There is always an opening for those who pursue relentlessly. The reason why we insist on professional certification – to be certified in as many as possible is to become recognized instantly. May be that company doesn’t need you, fine, but someone wants you. There is always someone.
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AI is another Competitor not Your Counterpart

Yet another splash of the waves. The news is about AI. Again. All along, the news beamed over the web had to stress this message to drive home the hard fact that machines are here to replace professionals. It sounds so artificial. Want your business to boom, add on AI. We can argue all day about the robots coming to the rescue, but replacing jobs altogether is something we can agree to disagree. Industrialization introduced the concept of automation – the first of the threat to replace human workforce. Before computers became really personal, typist was a typical occupation. That has been taken over or obliterated by software. Weren’t the threat of AI perceived real then? Yes, just that the impact was less, and man moved on. Today the business runs on a different lane. Cross-selling and upselling is rampant. Technology is making business thrive. A cancer patient can know the course of treatment, courtesy not a doctor but a biotech company. So, software coding for cancer cure? Well, Microsoft too has stated as its long term goals. Wakeup call At some point in time, we all tend to become complacent by becoming too comfortable at workplace – the cushion factor. And it takes something like that of a threat to shake us out of the comfort zone – competition is the ultimate threat. AI is another competitor, not your counterpart. How did farming take place before the advent of tractor? More hands in the field, and more time to till. The tractor proved to be a game changer. Was it warded off as a threat to uproot livelihood? Why is that robots would act as our replacement and wipe out employment? What happens if robots fail to function or malfunction? Even in the worst of cases, it’s the repetitive work that can be automated. What about creative? All your bets on an algorithm. Then try this read. It might help you to revise your opinion. Nothing like your instincts. And who is going to replace that as well? Certainly not algorithms – which has its pros and cons. AI and Writing The writing is on the wall about man’s dependence on AI but not its dominance. In fact, word from the industry has hinted instead of competing, AI can utilize the service of the human mind to complement. “When you talk to an AI chatbot, who do you think writes those professional, peppy responses?” was an interesting read. AI didn’t appear intimidating, rather impressing the significance of the mind power as if to suggest ‘ we can compete against each other and also co-exist.’
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Why You want to wait till they walk out Effective Leadership

As much as companies expect employees to upskill, the attrition rate in recent times has rocked the boat, and almost ran the ship aground. A large IT firm considered a bellwether in the Asian-pacific region witnessed unprecedented exits, especially in the upper management. Sources within cite “performance related issues’ for the departure. With so many legs to march out the door apparently was too much of a jolt, that the leadership itself came in to question as why talent, that too at the top of the pyramid, are hitting the bricks? Resignation are rampant. Job-hopping seems to be most happening that it is no longer a shocker to screen a resume with several companies chequered in the career path. Why? While the companies quote ,b>‘performance’, the employees have a different perspective that paints a different picture altogether. Expected and evident. Both parties need justification and play it out for the records. But the crux of the matter is ‘leadership failed’. Either it didn’t see it coming or perhaps caught off-guarded. Either ways, the executive cant be excused or exempted. Observations made from the key trends of human capital mention that ‘Only 30% of CEOs said they were confident that they would have the talent they needed to grow their organisation in the near future’. Companies have little idea or limited information behind the reasons of resignation of high-profiles despite digging on data available. At best, they turn out as conjectures and not conclusions. offers insights in why employees choose to leave. Some of them aren’t sure of their call to quit, some chose to get out and some shunted out. If innovations are the guiding force of the future, then the best and brightest can’t be possibly let go just like that – which does happen when paths collide or for the sheer pride. Effective leadership is to know when to reign in and when to cut loose. Stop the flow and stem the tide. To influence beliefs and behavior to beget the best in result.
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Fix the Fix Technology making us tardy

We all misunderstand and misinterpret that technology can solve everything or rather it will eventually. While right and wrong, sometimes we lay too much emphasis on technology that faith on our own prowess fails or simply overlooked. Weren’t we able to memorize and remember a truckload of telephone numbers? Weren’t we able to do math mentally? Remember birthdays, anniversaries of near and far. The mailman was our main source of communication exchange. We had our own internal database – that can store number, words, equations, law and rules – and that’s why we call it ‘by-heart’. It was not a super computer, but it was superb processing unit. 

 With the advent of the sophisticated machines – starting the simplest calculator, to the latest scientific calculator, life of course became sophisticated – but at what cost. Today, kids seem to struggle to divide 1 divided by 2 and by instinct they reach out for the calculator. ‘That’s the way we are taught’. 

 Software coding used to be in notepad as the ‘tool’. Its more advanced in the present age. These modern gadgets, tools and techniques are welcomed and embraced. Inexplicably, the solid grounding one had with the ike of notepad is missing in the IDE (integrated development environment). We are indeed the torchbearers for technology. Codes are now reused, instead of writing from the scratch – after all it’s the same ‘Login’ module. So why reinvent the wheel. The public domain is full of that one has to trowel and one has tinker. If you give it back or make it open – call that open source. Certainly, computers have reshaped. Consequently, sophistication has slackened our skills instead of sharpening; allay instead of rending us active, dependent instead of dominating [we don’t even bother to get the spelling correct – why? The system will take care. The flip side is auto-correct can actually end up misleading. Such instance are one too many when correspondence of suffered when we leave it to the control or total mercy of the computer]. This is not just with business correspondence but in all our walk of life. No machine is immune to malfunction. But how does one detect the malaise before the damage is done. Advanced minds. This means less reliance and dependence. Self-sufficient. Get back to the basic. Use technology to supplement and complement, and not as the substance. Today robots are capable of creating blogs and write-ups – and did they get it right? Today robots can replace waiters in a restaurant – were they able to take the order or serve appropriately.

 Human endeavour is to make progress and be at it. The trade-off should not be our intelligence erodes or corroded. Not at the cost of dependence for anything and everything. They are supposed to improve our lives, help us overcome difficulties, but not own our sense and sensibilities. We are much more competent and capable but the bane of machines curbing the complexities had made inadvertently reliant that instead of masters, we are slave to the system. we are less communicative with each other, less inactive, less agile and less usage of our faculties , so when fail to exercise our body and mind its makes is overall unhealthy. are we getting back to the old times? life has gone on a full circle??

 A customer recounted a very hilarious encounter. This happened in India, where the three-wheeler called as ‘autorickshaw’ driven around manually without GPS or any such gadget but rely on the acumen of the driver. The customer with no idea about the geography and supremely confident of his ’GPS’ boarded for lack of a better transportation at that time, and instructed the driver the ‘destination with address’ but insisted in guiding as he had his ‘GPSs’. The thoroughly amused driver with a smirk on his face and a cynical ‘yes sir, as you wish’ complied with the “10 meters take left and 20 meters take right” and it just guided. The busy customer glued to the gps was horrified and jumped out of shock “we have come to the same lace we started.” 

 The driver threw a “you got it all wrong. You could trust my experience but went for some device that made us dumb”. Customer conceded “ok champ, you win. Now can you take me to my place?” with the vehicle swerving right, left, and sometime straight, they reached in 10 minutes. The driver didn’t sermonize but offered some unsolicited advice “sometimes we work better than that ‘device director’. His christening of GPS was really humorous and so was the narration. The customer concluded “I paid that guy twice the fare: one of the ride and the other for tuition.” Incredible lessons learnt.

 Technology should lead us. We should not be led by it.

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Whats stopping You from learning now Reskill Up skill

How long can you dwell in the past? Dust up and wipe the cobwebs for the mind needs fine-tuning and freeing up the bandwidth these cobwebs occupy. Its going to be a hardsell. We need to step up to sync with the trend that’s fast changing like shifting sands. Steam engine won’t work in 2000 and electric engine will not be powerful enough to pull a bullet train. Just as we change with times and arise to the calling, learning is no different. We have an understanding about illiteracy. But, ‘The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn’ – Alvin Toffle The threat of robots replacing jobs looming large just the long shadows on an overcast skies that met with differing and disastrous results. This is not the challenge per se. This is just a part. For the algorithm in the robot can be reworked to make it more intelligent. But what about you? If much is expected from a robot, the expectations for sure will surge when it comes to man. Man competing animals ( Jessie Owens raced), and later man versus machine(remember, Deep Blue). We are stepping into an era which mandates man to be more dispensable. The endeavor is to eliminate the dependence on human – for instance, the driverless car, self-engaging instruments, even flying cars in the future. We are speaking the language of artificial intelligence with robotics gleaning away the role meant for humans. If the sky is no longer the limit, then those fancied becomes a possibility. That’s the philosophy now. Its challenging times – critically and constructively. Lethargic, lackadaisical, and laidback attitude wont carry an inch forward. To be on your toes, you need to stay abreast with the rapid changes all over. 360 degrees. How will you able to negotiate despite the years of experience to your credit if you cant comprehend the latest appss launched by google yesterday? google is just a reference, to imply in vogue. Your ‘value add’ for the day can be contested. Companies are extremely competitive that they only want A players. Steve Jobs was known to be ruthless in flushing out those that didn’t add value in his team. How can you become the part of the A team? Confronted with such uncomfortable poser might sound uncivilized, but then that’s inevitable. If not today, it’s going to pop tomorrow and you better brace yourself. You have to be significantly superior to justify your hire. How? Unlearn and relearn. You will realize that your learning will help you winnow the wanted from unwanted. Its about reskilling and upskilling. When a product needs an upgrade, the mind needs more of it. Sounds surreal? Check this from the movie matrix: “As Morpheus says to Neo in the film: “What is real? If you are talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, smell or see, then all you’re talking about is electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” Don’t have to get psyched and worked out. The positive connotation communicate the simple truth - that you can better machines – for they too are just a bundle of wires that communicate through electric signals. So start enrolling for the latest workshops, boot camps, certifications, knowledge hubs – whatever it takes that will act as knowledge enabler. Desire to be one step ahead. Broaden knowledge. Stay relevant.
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What is the challenge for Organization and Individuals today Stakeholder Management

What is the challenge today? To keep stakeholders interested and engaged. Stakeholders are wrongly read as customers. Employees too are stakeholders, same goes for every participant in the business eco-system. Why is it so difficult to engage? That’s not much as an issue, rather keeping them engaged. It’s the attention span. For instance, observe the consumer behavior – a person visiting your website. More than 5 seconds, nothing on screen, the person fidgets, and 10 seconds later seeing nothing, the person move on to something else. So, whatever drew the person to your place was whittled in that 10 seconds to feel withdrawn, and shutdown. You just blew away a prospect – blame the bandwidth, or the brainstorming that sat on the site design, nothing can be done to salvage the damage. If you want to dismiss it as ‘website issue’, then remind yourself of the personal branding being pulverized. The site is your reflection. If you weren’t able to sustain the interest, how do you probably expect people to engage? Like writing, the stroke starts with a single dot, which often is either ignored or overlooked, we miss out on the basics and begrudgingly admit after the deck is done. Most companies do the product first and then look for customers. Apple did and succeeded. So, is that the template for achievement or tried model for accomplishment? Then its own iterations were based on the consumer behavior and customer response. You just can’t get everything right in your first attempt. Alright. But neither can you create something and then create a demand. It’s not reverse engineering. 

 An anecdote

 It’s a two-way street. What’s in it? Is asked by both the actors – employer and employee. For me to retain my position, what is required of me? The employer may seek an alternative if you are unable to meet the KRAs, or you might start shopping for openings if you feel dissatisfied at work. And that brings an anecdote in support of the statement. One of the fellow students, a prodigy, known for sheer brilliance, and silence, an extremely soft-spoken engineer. He was not just smart but super-smart. This is the incident that happened during a campus drive with a fortune-500 company. Posed with a typical challenging and complicated integration problem to solve, he rose up from his chair within minutes. When the interviewer approached “any doubt’, he just handed the paper gesturing ‘done’. The person stood transfixed and there were no further rounds or grinds. They offered him the ‘letter’ then and there, and expressed their keen intent in absorbing in the work force. Once on board, the company would periodically check with him for any ‘wants’ which they ready to fulfill. ‘you name it and you got it.’ Instead, it was met and returned with his trademark smile that said ‘thank you’. The attitude of ‘no airs and feet firm on the ground’ endeared him as the MVP – most valuable person. A telling testimony of talent.

The ground reality

The humor doing the rounds quoting an imaginative discussion between a CEO and CFO of “what happens if we invest in developing our people and they leave us?” and the CEO responding “what happens if we don’t and they stay” might bring a smile, but then that’s the reality as well. Isn’t it? The challenge today is all about expectations and engagement. Attrition or exodus of talent is the direct impact of engagement management. Why should I stay in this company? What must I do to find a fitment? Read it again and you will observe the difference in terms of perspective. The company questions your existence and you question the company’s prudence. Win-win alone can survive and sustain this eco-system. So long one needs to survive and thrive, then it’s by challenging oneself. Keep raising the bar. It takes two to tango. So validation in isolation wouldn’t be fair. How come an individual with an accomplished track record failed to deliver in the present organization? One cannot shine selectively, and that too when he nature of job demands excellences, yet we are witnessing burn-outs and drop-outs. So, an organization is as much accountable, just like the individual to meeting deadlines and delivery. Sounds like a lead pulled out of stakeholder management?

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e Learning for Employee Retention

Two decades before, aspirations ran really high in securing a seat in one of the prestigious colleges – which often was an analogy for ‘springboard to successes’ or the ‘launch pad’. A good and sound education ensured you can eke out a living that hopefully will enrich the future. You can’t be done with education, and you just can’t have enough. Knowledge never erodes. Back then, education was the primary means to meet your ends. To graduate, find a high-paying job and learn on the ropes and settle in life was the well beaten path, which has been stamped by worn out feet. That was then. Today is telling. The mindset of a millennial is interesting and intriguing. Hiring manager are witnessing a tectonic shift in the attitude and approach of youngsters, especially, ‘freshers’ out of colleges whose outlook has been completely influenced by today's’ trends and tomorrow’ expectation. There is a paradigm shift – as compared to ‘how much can I earn?’ they are questioning ‘what will I learn?” while the assurance then was “learn while you earn’, the audacity today is to challenge 'learn “what” while I earn.' The pride in joining a prestigious organization or fortune 500 company can be just about the same as working in the latest technology. It’s to the inquisitive mind that can ignite thoughts to touch zenith, and not only youngsters but those that are ambitious in giving whatever it takes uttering “if required sleep under the desk”. 

 The conundrum
 Downsizing, the companies are trying to eliminate ‘deadwood’; and at the same time sharpening its competitive edge to stay relevant and superior. So the question is often on the lines of “are you comfortable learning, or challenge learning?” That makes learning all the more exciting – and enterprising. “Why do wizards leave?” - should be the question when your top talent is treading towards the exit door. They leave because there is not much of competition or nothing to change status quo. So with the lack of incentives, the motivation to grind the same flour in a different flavor makes the occupation dull and engagement uneventful. Where went the education? And the extended use? Admittedly, the pace at which technology has accelerated is just incomprehensible. Generations in its times witnessed changes and resisted as well. But the way this generation has embraced and endeavored simply exceeds expectations. Star wars kind of things, were conceptualized and soon Self-driving cars becoming a possibility is no more a novelty. Well, that’s the reality. Soon flying cars and mission to mars. Impossible is nothing. What excites this generation is the gauntlet to take the future by its holds, emboldened with the education and endeavor to push the boundaries of resistance. “The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.” as stated by Naipaul. Call it savage or systematic or severe, that’s the world for you to survive. It’s ‘perform or perish’ ultimatum.

Fresh start and startups 
 We are familiar with startups mushrooming during the peak of the dotcom bubble, but the present valuation of the startups in the Asian-sub continent can be dumbfounding. And for varied reasons, we find more youngsters opting to kick-start their career in startups and one of the powerful pull cited is ‘fresh lease of life’ in the form of learning and working on new technologies. ‘Data scientist’ is a newly coined designation which didn’t exist a decade before. Big data, Hadoop, Robotics, Data analytics, AI, Space Programs, the internet of things – becoming the cynosure in the life of the curious geeks. Algorithm was more confined to Coding. But today technology is driving scientific progress, and algorithms are used in airline pricing, stock trading, ecommerce, transportation and what not.

eLearning will help in retention
 Companies take pride in what they are offering other than that specified in a job description. For a fresher, it doesn’t matter – or does it? The perks in present terms are more knowledge acquisition. E-Learning is a powerful tool to harness the potential in the talent acquired. Remember the shelf life of the talent is less than a banana. Some who reported in the morning failed to show up after lunch. Attrition can be so menacing that reining in manpower is almost magical. There are always aces up in the sleeves – the carrot dangling is the promise of pathway to learning. Try eLearning. In empowering your workforce through training, make effective use of eLearning. Just as you would light-up a runway for take-off during night, try stacking those novel and niche expertise in career pathway which must be hard-to-miss. Its not enticement; call it engagement. No matter how you wish to label, will it be strong enough to seize their attention to make them stay on? Its about managing their expectations. Surpassing will ensure their stay. To impress your workforce, it’s recommended to invest on them. Technology is an enabler; eLearning a tool. How you wish to leverage in retaining your talent – is left to you.

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Conflict Management How to Resolve Conflict at Work Place Project Management

Conflict amongst co-workers is a common occurrence in the work place. If there isn’t none, call that a monastery, even where doubt persists about domestic disturbance. We aren’t programmed metallic boxes but people with a myriad of emotions that at times, distracts from some difficult and disturbing disagreements which stem mostly from difference of opinions, when taken personally proves toxic and dismembers from the team. Too often distancing away, avoiding eye-contact, building blocks of hate, digging wells of anger and raising wall of resentment are too many symptoms of this malaise. This further deteriorates to forming allies who would have endured something similar and hence a common thread that connects the complaint. So a tussle between two extrapolates in numbers, and before the situation could be brought into control, its blown away out of proportion as finding a way to settle personal scores can’t find a better timing than the present confrontation. So one versus another turns out to be they vs. them - factions of dissent. And of course, those defectors within the dissenters and add to the woes, the fence sitters. So two embittered employees embroiled in an encounter escalate to the point of livelihood endangerment? Better to sack than put up with the strife? Ridiculous. The best is to resolve. Interpersonal conflicts is a given in our daily walk of life from haggling with a vendor – and hence the disgruntled customer, to the ticket collector in the bus short of change fuming at you for the lack of, and so will it be in an organization. Conflicts can be due any reasons from skirmishes or stress or pressure or plainly put, ego. An argument is usually an assault of words, and accusations hurled out of which conflicts arise in your work and outside work as well.

why should you resolve conflict?

Strained relationships do more harm to the organization and employee engagement calls for a dedicated role. Negotiation is the primary means of arbitration in ironing out the differences in bring out agreement and harmony. Usually the differences are tabled and handled professionally without preference or prejudice thus reaching for a fair settlement. Some are straightened out in the first attempt but some case might have deep roots and hence calls for more time to bring the person/group in the same page. Some really take time to work out a peaceful solution. 

when should you resolve conflict?

There is a no stress barometer and neither is an ideal situation. The moment the ugly head of conflict raises, neutralize. Conflict is like gangrene which left unattended can start spreading making other parts dysfunctional. So resolve at the earliest the possible. 

how should you resolve conflict?

There are no hard and fast rules. Some seek the formal route and others informal channel. Diplomacy pays. Chemistry works. It all boils down to the skills of the handler in dealing with the opposition through dialogue and diplomacy. The arbiter can earn the confidence of the affected parties through trust and transparency in effectively resolving the crisis. There are other methods as well. Have you come across such a situation and successfully resolved the conflict? Please share your experience.

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eLearning the altruistic way of promoting learning

A learned person passed on wisdom and insight about eLearning – which itself was altruistic. The selfless act to dispel the darkness of ignorance by lighting the torch of education is perhaps the brightest of illumination. It’s a beacon of hope to the uninformed and underprivileged. The brilliant and beautiful quote of Durant ‘Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance’ characterizes our pursuit of knowledge and excellence as the more we learn, the more we confound our understanding. So when a deemed expensive education at one of the prestigious academic institution is beyond the possible reach of those who can ill-afford, e-Learning proved to be the panacea in making it possible. The educated are morally obliged to educate the uneducated. Hence, altruism is still a long way. 

Is it a catharsis for the curse or cleansing the system?
  Those dealt with a distinct disadvantage, are deprived of their due, that they see the door of admission ajar and yet accept the very odds that distances their prospects. Think of a person who lives in less than ‘advanced country’ standards, for whom aspiring to pursue a course would be to ‘shoot at the stars’, can only keep yearning . Illustrious institutions like “MIT’s open courseware ‘ offers its course without any charges. You may not be able to appreciate as much as that person vying for a spot. Isn’t altruistic? eLearning can be a powerful tool in philanthropy and business pursuits. It enables you and me to have a fair shot at success.

Are companies truly altruistic?
  Corporates are known to commercialize. Well, how do you expect it to survive otherwise? But with that cost comes some compassion or benevolence. Are companies truly altruistic? So, it’s just about self-gains? We tend to get washed away by public sentiment that a company that’s capitalist at the core can’t just find its footprint in philanthropy. Who foots the bill of your training? Who sponsors your certification? Who provides the platform for learning? When you are roped in as part of the workforce, the drill begins and never ends. For the rest of your life, you are on the bench – learning. When you stop learning, you cease to grow. Standing still, means, walking backwards. So step up with the crowd or as they say gain ‘appreciable head start’. All these glorious adjectives aren’t bequeathed at birth. You might be right in protesting “I have earned it.” Of course, all the stripes and stars. But do pause for a moment. Someone offered you an opportunity – now this applies for entrepreneurs too. Its not without reason ‘the customer is king’. If there is no audience, what good is the stage?

Isn’t there an Investment on YOU?  
 Every project – short term or long term you engage, is an education in itself. In fact, failures teach you far more than success. Bill Gates quote is telling “success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” So, isn’t it like ‘you can’t have the cake and eat it as well’. Well, you do. Don’t you? If the company is good, then the compensation should range from good to great, plus the perks and other goodies that go with the job. Sometimes, its swelling to feel seated on a trash of cash. You live the life. Again, ‘you earned it. Hence, entitled.’ Then in the race to glory, there are pit stops. Those are gentle reminders that you live on ‘borrowed time’ and ‘endowment’. The world is neither flat nor fair. Just as uneven, so in the inequality that exists. In this rat-race, instead of being privileged, find it a ‘privilege’ to be employed for many are called but few picked. And to ice the cake, the company gets to sponsor. Whoa! That’s the cherry on the top my friend, because you are the cream of the crop. So short-sightedness may not spell the motives to be truly altruistic, but in the longer run you will appreciate every dime and nickel that picked up your bill and paid in full.

Where are the Returns?
 Times have changed. There were the one your father decided to offer his services and retired from the very place joined years before. He would have aged along with the company – weathered the good and bad and seen it all. That was ‘loyalty’. Its always wise to invest because they are true, tested and trusted assets. Today, training an employee, at a cost comes with associated risks. Retention is the worst risk – the carrot on top theory is not for the prime donnas, better try elsewhere. Today talent is not just tapped; its poached. At a price – at times unreasonable and obscene. So where went all that training and certification the company invested in you? Not exactly down the drain as you would have contributed your share fairly, so your conscience is clear. What about the company’ bottom line? The ROI is not met with you serving a stint. It has to be many more stints before the company can break-even, but by then, you have cut off ties and fastened your belts to take-off. The asset just flew out, leaving the company in the red. Literally. So when there is nothing binding upon you to serve, why should the company bother to spend? Yet, it does. Isn’t that altruistic? Think about it. Isn’t incumbent on us individually and personally to repay the debt? Yes, that’s why to your teacher, you are indebted. The legends, living and departed have attributed their success to teachers. Bill Gates attributed, Steve Jobs acknowledged Reeds College for calligraphy. Commerce and compassion might sound contradicting, but buried beneath the business is the sense of benevolence.

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eLearning Keep them motivated

First, it’s an efficient educational system, and inexpensive as well. It’s self-driven and hence the sense of admission and accountability is all-time high. It’s not bound by anything – be it place or time. So you can do-it-yourself anytime, anywhere. Being Boundless, eLearning clears bottleneck and opens up any opposition you might have harbored against the system. The freedom is unrestrained and unhinged. You are absolutely free in apportioning your time according to your convenience. The same is applicable for both the employers and employees. Many are well-acquainted with e-Learning, and the positive highlights. The rapid rise in technology removing any hassles with regard to the reach, access is not the issue. It’s the approach. Left to themselves, are they really accountable? This is a valid poser as learners (read as employees) fail to take training seriously misusing the very advantage e-Learning offers – the freedom to choose time and place. Just because it can be accessed anytime, there is a tendency to procrastinate. Since there is no one to monitor, complacency creeps in making one lethargic and even lazy and listless. We expect self-discipline, and regretfully, the instances of utter disregard to discipline are just incredible. There can be umpteen benefits, but like a full blown balloon all it takes is just a pinprick. And that’s the reason why e-Learning had failed to establish as one of the standard more of learning like classroom or virtual online class training. So as many positives are nullified or neutralized by the ill-effects. Wait a minute! Hear the other side of the story. “Oh! Its so boring and the monotony can wear you out.” Many opt out or just fake it because there is a mandate to complete the course. The completion might be the basis for some points, perks or even promotion, and one just can’t afford to ‘skip’ the classes and hence just ‘sit through’ the hours leaving the learning cycle in a limbo.

So, how does eLearning evens it out?
  Transform your training 
Think Technology, think mobile. We witness the mobile surge and surpass any other electronic usage or for that matter any invention. The medium is mobile and the mode is mobile. Empowering your employees I enriching their education in the way forward would be, naturally, mobile. You can choose your training modules and create it in an interesting and engaging manner to make the learner more involved and absorbed. It increases the attention span and greatly improves retention. The present and the future belong to mobile. A holistic approach is to look for a win-win situation. Reliable information picked up from the public domain reveals that ‘among the highly advanced companies, as much as 18% of all training is now delivered through mobile devices’. 

Close the gap
 It is often the case of ‘learn what we want you study’ without much emphasis on the content and packaging. It was understood from a Towards Maturity report that learners prefer a more personalized content that’s relevant and fast paced. Instead they are made to study subjects that best befits classroom setup. So there clearly exists a gap – that needs to be closed. E-Learning will help you in customizing to the crowd, and also identify and individual needs. That’s the flexibility made possible – kind of custom made or made to order. Its basically“to get them on your side”. And for that ‘you need to see their side.’

Promote a strong learning culture
 For a company to report growth, it is imperative to nurture talent and promote a platform for knowledge acquisition and upgrade. Companies need to look beyond the conventional classroom and look for means that can effectively leverage technology in advancing the workforce skills. E-Learning, instead of interpreting as ‘competing mode’ to conventional education should be viewed as complementing knowledge and development. Technology is the trump card, and you play it smart to emerge triumphant.    “The most important principle for designing lively eLearning is to see eLearning design not as information design but as designing an experience.” - Cathy Moore

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Maslows theory of needs rewritten Needs and wants intertwine But wants outshine Professional Certification

Expectations are always high. One of Abraham Lincoln’s letters goes like this : “Let Him Have The Courage To Be Impatient, Let Him Have The Patience To Be Brave.” In changing times, especially in the IT realm surrounded by gadgets and flooded with apps [to the point that alert about rogue apps are being circulated], the millennial and iGen just can’t be restrained by patience. They are already pampered with the luxury of living that one hears the lament of ‘I want it and I want it now.” Cost isn’t the criterion; it’s the catch – what’s new and exciting. Inventive and innovative. It’s the desire to stand alone by owning either that’s something new to the market or that has something better than existing. The glint of pride lies in the possession. Try with a kid and it could be anything from a tablet or the latest game to greet the market. One wonders the psyche of long queue to get hold the new gadget. People lining up for apple’s products are legendary. Their needs long met, kids are screaming about wants. The adults fare no better. Oversupply and undervalue The market is skewed when it comes to skilled professionals. We have an oversupply and hence undervalue, which is inevitable. The Asian sub-continent is known to roll out hundreds of thousands of engineers and yet recruiters are finding it a hard time in zeroing on the ‘right’ candidate. Why? Those who line up for openings somehow fails to measure up to the expectation. In the milieu that’s driving professional mad with its demands and infinite possibilities NEEDS no longer suffice. It’s the WANTS. For instance, how many certified PMP®s are available to be engaged in typical waterfall methodology? It may not be surplus, but let’s say, sufficient enough or barely adequate. Alright, assuming the same professional is expected to work in an agile environment, and the norm is to possess a PMI-ACP® certification, now check your human capital that holds these two certifications? What’s the count? Professionals holding a dual certification of PMP® and PMI-ACP® are much less in numbers that recruiters would have to really look into the talent bucket to scrounge and scrape. What’s now a ‘good to have’ in your resume will become a mandate as ‘must have’. So brace yourself, as times ahead aren’t going to be any easier. Get certifications, get higher salaries Globally renowned and internationally acclaimed certification, especially in niche technologies like social, mobile, analytics, cloud including big data and internet of things, is a clear recognition of acquired skill, and when they address the mission critical initiatives , then their ‘ worthiness’ will soar for sure, commanding attractive compensation. It’s becoming passé to excel in a particular field or specific area of interest. Professionals these days are expected to be more fluid, without bracketing into a particular bucket, but to meet ever changing and evolving needs. They need to be flexible enough to accommodate as many tasks as possible - is the minimum expectation. In how many possible ways can I use the same resource to increase the ROI - yes, multitasking and that translates as 'monetising'. You are an asset and there is substantial investment. And as an investor, it’s only fair to expect an enhanced return on investment. Here again, the need is replaced with want. Let’s accept that not everyone becomes an entrepreneur. Segment the society and sift the populace and find out how many families run on salary as bread-winning source. Most remain salaried. So your job matters. Disruption in technology is understandable but automation is not only perceived as a mere threat of disturbance but uprooting your livelihood . Why is that threat real? Because the same skills don’t serve all time always. Like system upgrade, human capital too should reboot and reinvent. When one need is met, another arises. Redefining Maslow in the present, would it be off the target to postulate when one want is met, one more emerges. Needs and wants intertwine. But wants outshine.
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Forms of Business Communication

Communication is the cornerstone for the success of any venture. Preceding blog discussed about the importance of Communication in Project Management, and this post will draw your attention to the different forms of communication. Communication put simply is sending or receiving information. Be it person to person [one-on-one] or with multiple contact [one with many] or within contacts [many to many], the bottom line is effective and efficient communication will prove decisive in the success of business venture. Timely call and timely action underscores the indispensible need for communication. The insights from PMI’s Pulse of the Profession™ In-Depth Report: The Essential Role of Communications are interesting in its findings. “Highly effective communicators are also more likely to deliver projects on time (71 percent versus 37 percent) and within budget (76 percent versus 48 percent).” The methods and means to communicate are as important as communication itself. It’s a difficult fact to digest that despite understanding the significance of communication at the required hour, there is still a struggle to keep concerned informed of the critical details and updates. To get everyone associated with the project on the same page, it is necessary to speak the language of business. Communication is often glorified as a dialogue or discussion between figure heads or ‘key’ personnel, especially decision makers, sponsors or business owner. The last person is counted whose views, opinions, suggestions and response matters. 

Communication is a two-way street when “we reach out by speaking and listening”. 
Communication is of two types in the context of business: internal and external. 
Be it internal or external, communication works mainly on the following methodologies: 


It’s the spoken word, which can be face-to-face, particularly individual to individual (one on one), or groups (conferencing) or one to many (interviews, stakeholder meet or client meeting). Verbal communication these days are empowered by employing media like phones (direct conversation) or radio and television (passive listeners). Some stakeholders meetings in the Asian-pacific region are known to be held in football stadiums. Verbal communication is the traditional form and cuts out the clutter or confusion. Unless recorded, which can have legal implications, the verbal exchange can at best be captured as minutes or notes, which can be less accurate.
Written Communication:

Anything in the written format that include letters, memos, bulletins board, circulars, notice, posters, articles, magazines, and books. This method is chosen when communication is intended to reach multiple persons who are at a distance that voice can’t reach or in a different location. Before the advent of technology, this was considered as the predominant method of communication. For authenticity and authority, written format can best serve the purpose like offer letter, or user manual or business related correspondence like agreements, invoice and other legal documents. Also, records in writing serve as proof or testimony and in legal parlance as evidence too. The downside is the delay in delivery and failure in acknowledgement can leave the fate of the correspondence in hanging; too much of paperwork and hence housekeeping could be cumbersome and the adverse impact to nature by felling trees to make papers. 

Electronic Communication:

Technology has revolutionized communication. Electronic Communication includes email, sms, social media, websites (enquiry and feedback sections), web conferencing, and online chats. Pen and paper are fad, other than signature or the occasional notes. With gadgets governing the order of the day, it’s electronic all the way because of the access, use, reach, convenience, comfort and connectivity. The communication can be complete with a click of a mouse. E-mail is the most preferred form of communication, especially in the written format. Technology enabling voice, it will not be necessary to type or key words, as the system will intelligent to input the words from voice software technology. Web conferencing is where remotely located person or people can connect either face-to-face meeting take place on a secure connection. Web conferencing can be leveraged for instructor-led online training and alternatively a recorded session can become the course content for self-paced or e-Learning for training, lectures, presentations, workshops and the like. Social media sites also act as good platform, especially for marketing and promotional activities with its vast network, they help to connect and collaborate in exchange of information. Such sites are also used in the sphere of learning where the learned impart their knowledge and thereby serve the community. There are of course, online chats for customer service provided by any merchant put up a shop online or service provider offering services. As technology advances, newer ways to connect are created strengthening communication. There is always a downside to anything creative or innovative but the evaluation will always be based on the pros and cons.

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Are YOU worried that Robots will take your Job

With the rise in AI, amidst the cheers that hailed the new arrivals, there were few that suffered some anxious moments wondering ‘will I be out of a job?’ Finance fuels the journey of life. Disruption had a negative connotation but the perception has altered peculiarly in the parlance of information and Technology. More so in Robotics. So far humans have been in the control of machines. What happens if it reverses? Automation in large-scale, like manufacturing wherein a robotic arm could effectively handle the operations of many a skilled workers and in effect replace them. Public didn’t panic then other than sympathizing with the misfortune that befell on the displaced workforce and largely embraced the change and went about their lives. If robotic arm wasn’t artificial intelligence that failed to give the jitters, why is that the, a superior and smarter robot of the present makes us feel weak and vulnerable? Could it be the ‘thinking aloud’ of the leading lights about the advent of AI and its impact on humans affect our composure or we become too complacent by ensconcing in the comfort zone? It’s a rude jolt or a rough wake-up when a technocrat and an economist point in the same direction and almost articulate alike. The imposing power of artificial intelligence “will eliminate a lot of existing types of jobs” by Bill Gates and former IMF Economist Rajan raising reservation about the “anxiety in middle class” because of the technology progress can be unsettling. It sure doesn’t send the shiver down the spine, though apprehensions are shared by profession about the doomsday.

What made us worry?

 “Occupations most at risk including administrative, clerical and production tasks” was opined by Bank of England’s chief economist Andy Haldane. The possibilities that Jobs from customer service to security analyst might be replaced in two decades are dictated as real by some pundits. But quoting Bill Gates, who famously quoted that the “shelf life of Intellectual Property is that of a banana”, two decades must present the timeline for you to draw and discern the postulation. Some say ‘possible and some ‘preposterous’, and it remains to be seen what will be your stand in this scenario. 

Look at the possible scenarios:
 Chatbots: customer service will turn out to more effective with computers answering customer calls. It could send customer call executives reeling, but some employees given the stress and at times toxic exchange and environment seems to embrace the change – even before arrival?

Some even speculate the ‘most at risk’ opportunities in employment would be Anyone working in telemarketing Anyone stitching by hand Maths technicians Watch repairers Insurance underwriters

And the recently introduced Betty of Milton Keynes who actually joined as ‘trainee robot manager’ engaged in a trial run for months, which can discharge several duties from monitoring personnel on work to welcoming guests. 

And some statistics as well:
 The author feels fear is misplaced. What happens in the breakdown of machinery? What about malfunction or virus attack? Despite numerous attempts are made to insulate from the onslaught, immunity is far cry. Everyone seems to be engrossed with Bots , Taco Bell announced the TacoBot, Microsoft Tay , Facebook AI Assistant “M” and the list can go on.

Are you worried?
There were instances when Robots failed and dismissed from service. In a recent occurrence, two restaurants in China were forced to shut down due to the faltering Robots which couldn’t pour water or take orders from customers. Another occurrence worth mentioning would be Microsoft’s Tay which malfunctioned and retired from service. Microsoft subsequently offered an apology and admitted that despite factoring many scenarios, it wasn’t prepared and made a critical oversight for this specific attack. Microsoft Tay was pulled offline and will be featured once ready in address all possible human misuses. For now it’s not possible to predict all ‘all possible human interactive misuses without learning from mistakes’. So we would be unduly worried to fear professional prospects robbed by robots. Even in the worst case scenario, human will upgrade themselves. The author took this survey and responded in the negative. The result depicted as under reflects that the majority negate the worry factor.

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Artificial Intelligence Sounds so Artificial?

Information is wealth and knowledge is power.
  Mankind has underscored the importance in its time and today data reigns supreme. Hereon and hence forward, the challenge would be to ‘challenge the supremacy’. With a data now and digital is future, the internet will influence a whopping 50% of purchasing decisions. In the world in which we inhabit, there is an information avalanche or a data deluge, and what all that amount without application will be just data dump. From core computing to commerce, it’s all about data points. Business is driven by numbers. Message is strengthened with statistics lest it lacks in substance and becomes an opinion. If its fact, then furnish data. Google, in its inception, was driven by the mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," and did anyone gave much thought about its ability to market and monetize back in the late nineties. There were many search engines at that point in time that have disappeared or probably obscured by the numero uno status held by Google today. Websites apportioning real estate for advertisements to milk money as a strategic revenue stream didn’t hold weight for all despite their might. Publishers started studying traffic and the one that gained more traction in terms of attention and active participation proved pivotal in assessing return on income. This report acknowledges Mary Meeker’s 2016 internet trends as key inputs to arrive at different inferences and interpretations.

Some highlights from the presentation more pertinent to this passage:
Internet advertising in the US has grown by about 20% since last year, reaching $60 billion—two-thirds of that growth has come from an increase in spending on mobile ads. Facebook’s yearly advertising revenue (up 59%) grew much more than Google’s (18%) last year. Online video ads are ineffective: 81% of people surveyed mute video ads, 62% are annoyed by pre-roll ads, and 92% have considered using ad-blocking software. Internet sales have increased from less than 2% of all retail sales in the US in 2000 to about 10% in 2015. The rising Snapchat generation: Millennials communicate with text, but Generation Z prefers to communicate with images. The average Snapchat user plays with sponsored lenses for 20 seconds. There are now over 3 billion images shared daily between Snapchat, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp—all but one of which are owned by Facebook. 55% of Pinterest users use the site to find products they want to buy. Messaging apps are moving from simple text tools to communicate with friends to platforms for commerce. There are 10 million business accounts on WeChat, and about 80% of all users follow one. Generation Y is the first generation to prefer chatting over the web or social media to talk to businesses, rather than over the phone. Computer recognition of speech has gone from about 70% to 90% accuracy in the last five years. 65% of US smartphone owners now use a voice assistant. By 2020, at least 50% of all searches online will be through voice or image search, according to Baidu’s chief scientist Andrew Ng. It’s time for self-driving cars: The average urban US worker spends about 42 hours a year sitting in delays on their commute, and the average person’s car is only in use about 4% of the time.

 1. Intelligence driving computers is not something we stumbled upon. It was a given. ‘Search’ engine started with a search by returning results that’s near about or no way near to the ‘search input’ and a distant to the expected ‘result’. Then search engine pushed it way and propelled itself to the way forward, by retrieving ‘right’ result with minimal iteration. You don’t have to be brainy or super smart to string a nice ‘search query’ – the system should be able to fetch you the search ‘result’. How did it do it? Intelligence reared its head up – defying logic, reason and rationale. Over time, Google has amassed a wealth of information to mine and monetize – using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

 artificial intelligence like voice interaction, personal assistants and automation take center stage.

 With advancement, where we did we witness the acceleration of intelligence? Try the search engine. The accuracy in the search results has gone exceedingly high and to the cycle or attempts taken to locate the result has reduced way below. The machines are able to recognize through images and words used. How? Check the newsfeed in Google news section. Or observe the image results. Or the X-Box that feeds body movements as inputs to read and respond. Personalization is not the pinnacle of AI. It’s just warming up. Next cars will drive and diagnosis can be more specific. We see more players actively engaged in AI as direct line or dotted. Ford is not a player in AI but its investment in AI for its vehicles has risen manifold. Google came out with ‘allo’ and Facebook launched ‘DeepText’ and startups mushrooming by the hundreds in this space.

The Trends 2016 put forth by Meeker
Search Engine 
Try hailing a cab from your office corridor or the home confines, and check your device with the app and study the screen up close. The GPS fueled intelligence is just compelling or at times, breathtaking by the sheer spectacle of the number of vehicles traced and screened in the smart device with the possible time to reach in minutes. Perhaps the details complemented with depiction dazzles. This is a common and known scenario that happens in our daily walk of life. Now Google is a well-known search engine. Facebook, given its information capital wants to leverage and launched DeepText for better engagement. The conundrum with regard to privacy is an admittedly complex. It’s the ground breaking development that’s fascinating. Google search and DeepText have ‘search’ as common and still exist as chalk and cheese as the domain is different for both. 

AI-driven messaging Apps
 Microsoft has one - ‘Skype, while Facebook has two: “whatsapp and messenger” and Google joins with its own AI-based app “allo”. The apps have built-in ability to enhance and enrich user experience. AI enabled assistants have been in the news lately with one or the other behemoth rolling out their product. Times have witnessed the launch from Google, Facebook, apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and even as this article is penned, the buzz in the industry is Robot Betty joins office as a trainee office manager. One wonders with this evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the looming threat of people’ interest superseded by machines introduction into the workforce – cases as in chatbots which can automate repetitive mundane handled by humans cutting on the cost and drastically enhancing the productivity.

Image Recognition and Voice Software
The advancement is alarming that machine can think like man, act independently and intelligent enough to communicate to another robot. Google image recognition can be amazing study and awe-inspiring in its implementation. Powerful algorithms can read from millions of pictures and map with the face scanned by the camera and throw a result – the identification is another break ground in terms of innovation, especially the high-level abstraction in data and multiple processing can be mind boggling. Voice-function enabled search is another incredible innovation. We had voice software but enabling search with voice is so powerful in its enablement. You speak faster than read or type. So the ease and comfort with which the user is empowered is unbelievable till you do the search yourself. For instance, if it’s an android phone, you can experiment by simply asking “Ok Google, what is the temperature outside” and within second you hear the answer. Try any other question but make sure your question starts with “ok Google’ because the system understands this command. The voice and image have undergone incremental changes to arrive where they are at present. The voice recognition when complemented with image and retina can become dominant in determining user identification. Summing up, the progress of AI is exponential that it entwines in our daily life. As we resort to AI for almost anything – reminders, communication, travel, sports, entertainment and what not, even the skeptics will forced to look harder and question their own beliefs. It’s no longer the distant future.

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Importance of Communication in Project Management

Records reveal that 90% of the productive time engaged by Project Managers is on communication. The PMI’s 2013 Pulse of the Profession report states that effective communications to all stakeholders as the most critical in project management. The report further cautioned about the high risks due to poor communication, which is a shocking figure of 56% percentage. One of the reason attributed to this rise in risk is the negligence to proper communication as project managers, at times, tend to take it for granted. Communication during the inception, especially about requirement walk-through can prove critical and impact the outcome of the project. It’s important all the stakeholders well informed and educated about the expectations. Capturing the requirement correctly – usually exchanging notes and drawings or prototype – is again typical communication management. If the start is good, it’s as good half the battle won. Most of the failures when analyzed point to the requirement analysis when the customer and vendor’ understanding failed to match. Furthermore, effective communications prove to be main reason(s) for successful execution of projects by meeting deadlines with some delay and at cost. It spells top performance of all the stakeholders. For the scope of this article, let’s look at key aspects that stress the need for effective communication in a business project. Understanding stakeholders’ expectation: it’s easy to misread as ‘requirements’. Stakeholders always have an expectation as to how the project should evolve and shape up. It will be difficult to gauge the expectation in the first call and hence it’s iterative. The back and forth exchange is a necessity till all involved are able to read and interpret the message in voice – unanimous. The objectives agreeable mutually should be engaged as the mission of the project. Risk Mitigation: Any undertaking will have its share of risks. Black and white is almost picture perfect. There will be some grey area, which is expected in a business engagement. . When the communication is free and frequent, chances are good in ironing out the difference and closing the gaps. The worst of risks are the assumptions made in the absence of valid or required information. Correspondence between different stakeholders will cut down the clutter and enhance understanding. The better the understanding, lesser will be the assumptions. Assumptions are inevitable, but efforts should be made to keep it to the minimum with least impact. Transparency leads to trust. Communication helps to earn the stakeholders confidence. Much depends on the matter and manner which is being communicated and the manner. Its time bound and information critical to build a good rapport in order to build credibility. When there is nothing to hide, why will be the need to doubt? Open and transparent communication always clear results in garnering goodwill and establishing trustworthiness. An honest response that conveys an unpleasant message might be difficult to savor but that’s how integrity is build. Trust deficit or erosion can create serious conflicts in slowing or stopping project. On the other hand, earning stakeholders’ confidence will help in better understanding within both the parties to allow some leeway or latitude. All said and done, it boils to the trust – how reliable you are, and more importantly, truthful. Precise and concise communication. Prompt, punctual and proper exchange of information using appropriate channels defines communication. How many actually acknowledge a mail receipt – though it’s the best way to assure. It doesn’t need to be rich in prose or sound poetic – a simple message using simple language is enough as long it communicates the required and desired information. Besides, stakeholders, especially decision makers are always short of time and may not be read the length of the letter. Hence it’s recommended to keep it precise and to the point. Regular and frequent communication. It’s never construed as disturbance when it comes to the messages affecting the commitment. Free and forthcoming communication that’s scheduled or unscheduled is always welcome and never understood as an intrusion specifically about project updates. The daily status report, weekly status report and similar reports are scheduled ones that are expected. And any alerts, warning or clarification exchanges are unplanned or unscheduled. Frequent communication will help in project navigation and better understanding of the actual progress made as accountable stakeholders will confirm or raise flags as concern to undertake remedial measures, if required. Communication Management features as one the knowledge areas in PMI’s PMBOK® A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). If you have a comment, please drop by and we can discuss it further. We are one of the leading educational service provider offering project management programs as part of niche certification courses. In case you are interested to know more about our programs, please visit our website
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What does it serve to hold a Professional Training

It’s a well beaten track, and oft-walked path and probably worn out. Even after it goes a full circle, sometimes we are back at square one. So what does it serve to hold a professional certification/training? Maslow postulated that ‘when one need is met, another arises’. It’s a two way street between employers and employees. While one is on the lookout for extraordinary skills offering position and perks, the other is on the pursuit of offering its services to best bidder. The employer-employee relationship is reciprocal. ‘How can I help you’ to ‘what do you have to offer me’. As a professional aspiring to move ahead in the corporate ladder, what are the expectations from an individual standpoint as well as collective?

Skills Specialisation

Show uncommon skill.

It will become banal if you could do the math with the headcount, out of which how many really can be counted in?

“According to a report by Talent Sprint in 2014, only 27 per cent of the 7, 50, 00,000 fresh graduates would be employable by 2020. “

So the number of candidates who actually make it to the talent pool is disproportionate to talent available. Employers are really vetting a recruit’ worth because getting a new hire onboard is expensive and cumbersome. The trail of links from start to closure can be long and winding. So how does professional training help developing skills? Expectedly, your knowledge base should be broad and it’s strongly recommended to specialize. Academic knowledge is acknowledged and professional development will complement in carving your professional profile. Capabilities in line with the current standards, relevant knowledge about the changing trends and times in your track; closing your knowledge gaps and help you become a potential contributor.

Non-professionals as active participants

 How do non-professionals get in? That’s an interesting poser. There are prospects in the industry which facilitates non-actors in to active participants through professional development programs. For instance, you have enlisted for Arts but interested in design, or your major is Math and penchant for Analytics, and the industry will surprise with the opportunities abound. There I nothing non-inclusive. In fact, heavyweights and bellwether companies have opted to look beyond the conventional method even in campus selection shifting primary focus on skills. Those who have the appetite to ‘go beyond’ is succinctly encapsulated in this crisp comment “people who like figuring out stuff where there is no obvious answer”. More than academic, it will be the analytic, innovative, think out-of-box approach that draws more eyeballs. Every player is deemed to have traits and skill primary followed by secondary. It will be through honing and fine-tuning, especially when professional migrate from their line of practice. And that’s when and how training, workshop or certification courses actually lend merit to improve skills in a planned and structured way.

International acceptance and recognition

With economy opening up profiles today are pancontinental. When visibility is high, the stakes too are high and hence it’s significant that your credentials take center stage or go places – literally. Some niche certification is renowned for its compelling grip to hold international audience. A professional certification course is a key enabler in making your profile visible and far reaching – by speaking in the same language that’s universally understood and upheld. When you can demonstrate with the expected skill, expertise and authorized by a professional governing or certifying body, it not only recognizes but endorses your commitment in a global business analysis community. 

Job opportunities world-wide

Job opportunities will be a corollary to international recognition. Once the threshold is reached, doors are opened. The industry is not short of opportunities. There is a dearth of quality and qualified professional and this supply vs demand is grossly skewed underscoring the need for skilled personnel. Interestingly, professional training enabled many non-actors to get into the fray and find a place in the workforce. 

The 74 million next-generation workforce of 15- to 24-year-olds who are unemployed are not skilled to fill the skills . 

Ant crisis presents an opportunity and how can you capitalize the chance by leveraging on your knowledge and understanding. For a power-packed performance, you need support in the form of grooming and guidance and perhaps where professional training will pitch. 

Career-path accelerator

The total costs of replacement can reach 200% of an employee’s annual salary.

Now that’s huge. A certification can ensure consideration, if not confirmation. Building your career will depend much on your personal branding. Just as in any job search, distinguish yourself head-over shoulder by positioning yourself. There are programs conceived and delivered to help you progress faster and further in your career with promotions and compensation. How does training impact career advancement? In addition they can provide linkage to training in the right modality to facilitate development, It’s not enough for you do good. You have to take control of career and make it happen. We engage in knowledge transfer in the form of professional training and certification courses. You may please call on us or email at to discuss more about career-building counseling offered as courtesy.

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Challenges with Project Management

The iron triangle is too tough to balance. Too often or not, it was observed that one axis is either long or short compared to the other two. And it might be near perfection to maintain equidistant axes. Project stakeholders are left perplexed tearing the hair wondering what went wrong, and ‘how didn’t we see that coming? We failed to detect and decipher the warning. Did we throw caution to the wind?’ that will sound too critical as due diligence is done through detailed discussion and deliberation before inking the contract, yet, projects going off the rails poses serious threats in damage control and contingency measures. What went wrong should be a lesson learnt for the next or projects in pipeline, yet projects seems to stumble in the same spot flummoxes and shakes the foundation. It might sound clichéd or routinely repetitive but professionals tread on a beaten track and worn out path, and ironically can’t sight the pitfalls and potholes? What possible oversights that project suffer – that are ‘known’ knowns and still found wanting on action and remedy.

Identify Project Objective and Goals:

The stakeholders stating the objective should make sure that project goals are identified and make sure the message reaches out to the team. Chances of disconnect is disturbingly high when objective isn’t clear or communication incoherent. Minor addition to the original scope will result in a major reshuffle, transfiguring the original requirements. Consequently, the project fails to progress on expected lines. It can be any field and platform independent and technology agnostic as project is a temporary endeavor with a start and end date. The dates differ because the project team plays a different wherein goal posts keeps keep shifting. 

Determine the Project Scope:

Always the slippery slope. The in-scope and out-of-scope tends to blur and blend, and the risk is inherent. Is it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle? It might be appear as exaggeration expression. Most experienced project managers would agree that ‘admission and accommodation’ that starts as a trickle is difficult to stem as a tide. Nudge here and poke there and scope is nowhere near the ‘original’ scope. 

Emphasize Project Communication across Stakeholders:

Stepping up communication will set the expectation right. The fundamental reason for any misunderstanding is poor communication. In a technology advance professional work environment, gap due to improper communication is unacceptable hampering hampers productivity and performance. Be it manual or electronic exchange, there will be greater degree of transparency and accountability only when communication between stakeholders is crystal clear and timely on delivery.

Prepare proper Project Deadlines:

Delivery deadlines must be realistic. Setting up unreasonable timeline is self-destructive. It can lead to serious issues running your project progress and workforce morale. Raising the bar is good to groom but poor governance to reflect in the target. The date of completion can be setting after taking stock of the soft skills and availability. The resources pose an intrinsic risk, admittedly, and hence there is a standby or fall back provisions made in the ‘resource plan’ but the usual practice of engaging someone on something is strictly on ‘evaluation of excellence’ and securing confidence. 

Evaluate Talent Pool:

Expectation are always high – be it employer or employee but rising up to it and staying in ‘top of form’ consistently is breaking grounds in terms of performance. Team, inevitably, will be a mix of talent pool. Any shortcoming or deficit will be offset by outstanding performance and that’s how it becomes teamwork. The delivery and deadline should be worked out only after factoring your Talent Pool. Assessing your resources becomes critical before committing about the possible time of completion. Besides, it strongly recommended conducting the SWOT analysis on every team member to evaluate the team’s strength and weakness. Sometimes there is too much of reliance on a particular resource that can lead too much ‘burn’, and ‘wear’. There is only so much a resource can perform and efforts are to optimize. Beyond that the very resource is put in peril – too much of a risk. To know more about Project Management programs, please click or visit our website

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Deep Blue and the AI

And its not another chess game. Way back in 1996, a super chess power named Garry Kasparov agreed for a match with IBM’s Computer [it was still ‘computer’ without the intelligence aspect amplified] named Deep Blue. Was the name an inspiration from Deep Throat?Or is just the phonetics? The incredible then happened. Deep Blue won the first match. History was created. Unbelievable! If it stunned the world, the chess champion shattered would be an understatement. Kasparov would recollect later about playing with computers but none like Deep Blue. Kasparov, as the reigning champion, was so confident about his strength that the might of the machine that made its move in the chess match was no match. It wasn’t just the champion, but the pundits and public never for once doubted. No one doubted. Just the same no one expected. Computer to dethrone the champ? It happens in the time when google was probably in incubation and software was limping its way in to our lives. The impact was limited, restricted to few and used by fewer. Times when people remembered phone numbers of their contacts and reliance on ‘hardware’ like computers was confined to space, defense and research. All things around too hardly smelled anything close to ‘software’, and programs was yet to be synonymous as software just as search with google. It was in this exciting backdrop, the fight between a human brain versus a relatively unknown machine was pitted. It might sound Ayan Randish, but there is no such thing called a ‘collective brain’ and should it exist, then it will not be mortal but machines, and rightly positioned, Deep Blue was a result of many a mind with innovations and inventions. Chess is an amazing, sophisticated and brilliant game where the mind is really placed at a premium. Its philosophical too ‘you cannot reach the white square without stepping into a black’, and game is a strategic one, just like wars fought with ‘horses and bayonets’. A great tactical move or act of blunder – whichever way, that’s the game of chess. So imagine Kasparov moving a pawn, what should Deep Blue do in response? Defense or offence? So the machine had to think of all possible scenarios and also think further about the countermove. Its about preempting and predicting to an accuracy that’s alarming, and even freaking IQ. A normal mind cannot fathom as much, and hence Kasparov was deeply respected for his intelligence and ability to look ahead – way ahead that he could do the mental math to break all barriers or detect a breach from a distance. That was baffling. Even more would be Deep Blue, for it shocked not just the millions of multitude, but Kasparov himself was baffled by the way the system battled “But a computer, I thought, would never make such a move. A computer can't ‘see’ the long-term consequences of structural changes in the position or understand how changes in pawn formations may be good or bad.” So when he conceded, rather, Deep Blue won, Kasparov would acknowledge the brilliance and the intelligence “I GOT MY FIRST GLIMPSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON Feb. 10, 1996, at 4:45 p.m. EST, when in the first game of my match with Deep Blue, the computer nudged a pawn forward to a square where it could easily be captured. It was a wonderful and extremely human move.” Kasparov will go on to win the next game and eventually the championship, and we all recall that near to impossible win of Deep Blue and cheered the challenge posed to the champion. Today the odds are reversed as we almost revere AI to the point of ubiquitous in our lives. There is no aspect in our life that AI has not penetrated. All along we lived without the knowledge of its existence. And our dependence on data is almost complete for even simple and mundane chores are reflective in our inability to store data in a machine than carry in person. Why call it artificial? We have seen advancement exceed advancements in AI. We have seen job creation to job destruction by the very intelligence. It works both ways. Automation and robotics disrupted human lives by replacing their services and unseated their position and unsettled their lives. That’s the typical trade-off for change. Its not the cry of a luddite but all things come at a cost and technology today is the most powerful inclusion. Kasparov would state “my instincts told me “. So a celebrated chess champion still relies on his behavioral response. Till that day, artificial will be artificial. Then again, wasn’t it a terrific wake-up call that made us stand up and salute. We owe as much to Deep Blue in enabling us to deep dive in AI. And what the future holds…… machines might rule but will never master the creator.
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The PRINCE2 Practitioner Open Book Exam General Tips

The PRINCE2 Practitioner exam is an open-book format which enables those taking the exam to access Book(s) prescribed by Axelos.

PRINCE2 Practitioner Examination format 
 . Objective testing 
 . 8 questions - 10 question items per question, each worth one mark 
 . 44 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 55%  
 . Two-and-a-half hours (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time  
 .  Open-book exam (official PRINCE2 manual only)

Open-Book -General Tips.
Open-book – is in support and not as main ‘source’ 
It’s easy to be misled that answers are inserted in the book and all one has to do open and everything will unfold. Progress is based on preparation. So an unprepared attempt relying on the open-book completely will expectedly make no headway as the exam is not about rote learning or remembering and recalling answers. In a scenario-based exam, the challenge lies in applying the learning in the given context for which the open-book can serve as ‘aid’ and can never replace the hard hours bunt to bridge the knowledge gap. So open-book serves more as pointers and reference and surely not the study-material during the exam. 

Well-versed with core concepts and subject matter.

The recommendation is to become conversant with core concepts like reading the back of your palm. How else you would able to know what lies where. In the pile of information, searching for the reference to the untrained eye is like being blindsided. The open-book will act as a guide in offering direction to look for material that can be useful while attempting on the answers. The more conversant, the easier it is to track and trace, which saves you time to spare while attempting the hard questions. Besides, you can check and confirm the probable answer by verifying the open-book, provided the answers were known prior and not by chance or second-guess. 

Read, and read again.

the question If you can’t get it in the first read, try again. The instinct is to eyeball or examine hastily the exam paper to run through all the questions. Understanding the question is the key in answering, and scenarios, in particular, poses the need to read the finer details for better grasp and reach. It is very much possible to miss out on some information or become confused. Enhanceyour comprehension.

Engage. The exam is not extempore effort.

Participation without prior preparation results in poor performance. Exceptions aside, it will be ill-advised to attempt an exam without the groundwork and grooming. One has to engage with the exam planning and readiness to clear the exam in the first attempt. There are mock exams, study aids available, and sample papers similar to that of the final exam. Attempt as many to empower with the relevant knowledge and understanding so as to acquaint and anticipate. It’s never extempore.

Don’t overestimate or oversimplify.

The confident mind can feel supremely strong and takes it easy and consequnetly, complacent. It is not the same as being cool before an exam. A sense of caution is expected than fear or foreboding, at the same time lethargic and laidback attitude will not take you far. Human, by nature, assume the worst and hence overestimate – which impedes progress and success. Open-book, as stated above, is again reiterated not to be interpreted as book of answers. This might make the 'smarts' ones to oversimplify or the 'unprepared' fraught with exam fear to overestimate. Attempt on its merit.

DOs and Don’ts.

You are allowed the access of the Axelos-approved manual. You can mark or add handwritten notes on the manual that can be referred. You can also use post-it notes for identifying sections or jumpstart to a page. You have to validate the admission of the referenced book by clearly by presenting to the webcam. Open-Book should be emptied of any material concealed intentionally or inadvertently. You need to open the book and flip pages in front of the camera to ascertain about hidden notes or papers. You can take the exam from an authorized examination center or your training provider or online. In case, you are doing it online from a place of your choice, ensure complete compliance. 

You cannot attach or affix any sheet or papers other than the allowed ‘book’. Any inserts or attachments or pullout that violates the rules and guidelines will disqualify your candidature. You cannot have hidden notes inside the book, and hence a prerequisite that the ‘Open-book’ should be subject to inspection of the web camera before the start of exam. You cannot use any additional information, like sheets or papers other than the book You can always call on us to clarify any doubts or queries about PRINCE2 exams. For contact information, please click the link or visit our website

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If you have PRINCE2 Foundation certification, then the calling is to commit to the next level and complete - The PRINCE2 Practitioner certification. As a PRINCE2 Practitioner certified professional, you are empowered with the knowledge and understanding in applying your learning to a real-time situation or scenario, and expected to lead and manage projects in an environment that supports PRINCE2. 


The prerequisite to appear for the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination, as stated by the governing body Axelos, is to possess 

a ‘proof of passing’ from one of the following:

PRINCE2 Foundation 

Project Management Professional (PMP
.  Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
. PMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director) 
. IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager) 
. IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
. IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)

Exam Format 

The exam format is as follows:
Objective testing
8 questions - 10 question items per question, each worth one mark
44 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available) - 55%
Two-and-a-half hours (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time 
Open book exam (official PRINCE2 manual only).  

Please note that this exam is available for participants registered Accredited Training Organization.

 Sample Paper,

Having completed the certification course, it is strongly recommended that you try the ‘free Sample PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam’, offered by Axelos. This will present an overview and help you become familiar with the exam pattern, type of questions, severity of questions and so on. It arms with you awareness and helps you to prepare with a sense of anticipation. You have the option to take the test soon after completing the course to assess you own level of understanding and knowledge transfer or you can prepare prior to the test to get a first-hand evaluation of your own competence in cracking the exam. 

Objective Test , 

The objective test will vary slightly from the usual objective answers, wherein, one correct answer needs to be selected. PRINCE2 Foundation follows this pattern of answering. However, in PRINCE2 Practitioner, there might be questions that may have more than 1 correct answer, and hence be informed about this departure from the tradition ‘objective answers’.

Knowledge Areas, 

There will be eighty questions in all and each carry 1 mark. You have to score a minimum 44 to clear the certification exam, which is 55%. The question will be posed from knowledge areas and hence it’s imperative that you cover all topics and become conversant with the syllabus areas.
The PRINCE2 Syllabus contains 15 defined syllabus areas covering each of the seven themes, each of the seven processes and an overview area also covering the principles and tailoring PRINCE2 to a project environment.
Within the Practitioner Examination, there will be 6 “theme” questions, each testing one of the 7 themes, and 2 “process group” questions, which will test 2 of the 3 groups of processes as identified below.
Each of the eight questions will test a minimum of 2 syllabus topics from within the syllabus area. Syllabus Area,
Business Case theme ,
Organization theme ,
Quality theme,
 Plans theme ,
Risk theme ,
Change theme ,
Progress theme ,
Starting up a Project and Initiating a Project Processes,
Directing a Project, Managing a Stage Boundary and Closing a Project Processes,
Controlling a Stage and Managing Product Delivery Processes.

Open Book, 

Within each question the syllabus area to which the question refers is clearly stated. The exam is to be taken with the support of the PRINCE2 Manual only. Remember, you cannot use any other book or resource, that is i.e. no material other than the Question Booklet, the Scenario Booklet, the Answer Booklet and the PRINCE2 Manual is to be used and ‘Open Book’ conditions as have to be complied. We will discuss about open book more in detail as a blog post. 

Types of Questions

You can expect the 80 question posed in the certification exam. And they are presented in 5 different formats as detailed below. Classic Multiple Choice Questions: the typical objective-type question wherein you need to select a right answer from the given choices Multiple Response: you have to select 2 options from the list of 5 options. This marks the exception in the pattern by prompting for more than 1 answer. Matching: the options on the left column need to be mapped to the correct answer in the right. Please note that there is only one match and there are possibilities of multiple matches. Meaning for 5 options on the left column, it is entirely possible that option 1, 2 and 3 can have the same mapping on the right column. Sequencing: ‘position events in a sequence’. You need to answer the options like stacking in a sequence. Assertion/Reason: You need to evaluate two statements a (an assertion and a reason) and confirm if they either, or both or neither with the help of reasons detailed in the question. 

Capturing the Answer  

In the answer leaflet, make sure the oval shapes are completely filled with PENCIL only. You have 150 minutes to answer questions. Hence your time management and answering ways should be 100% fill. Its an electronic submission and correction and hence filling the oval shapes that you find as the correct answer should be neatly and completely is the compelling factor. Failure in doing so may result in the making the answer null and void as system will be unable to ‘read’.

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Areas of Improvement for the ITSM IT Service Management Sector

The Internet growth has reshaped service and its outlook. The ITSM best practices and processes put in place so that organization can step-up potential, performance and profit. The service aspect, unlike the software, is not the cynosure yet the product lifecycle will be incomplete, if not, stunted without service in its place. More often, repeat orders [read as customers] are the key business drivers, and in order to gain confidence and increase traction, improve service. In the ITSM realm, the stress of service is on information and technology (IT) – as the definition states design, delivery, manage and improve IT services within an organization to meet its business goals. Process optimization: The most pressing issue as highlighted by a number of service management experts is Process Optimization. How can you maximize efficiency at minimum cost? Process Optimization. The key is to identify the areas which have the best impossible impact to effect. A typical scenario to understand optimization is automation. Setting auto-response to any query, instead of acknowledging receipt manually is the basic automation that goes unnoticed but very effective. Process optimization will ensure compliance adherence, increased accountability and avoid wastage. Self-service: Self-service is a hard-biting issue that still finds itself lagging and lacking for want of a better system. ITSM should be optimized to offer the experience of self-satisfaction. While customer-satisfaction is paramount, the interest of the self shouldn’t be delayed or discarded. The Self-service issue was a priority in the previous year 2015 which went unaddressed as expected and given the lacuna, the need to close the gap and plug holes took precedence over other priorities for 2016. Any issue important can be read as a good opportunity to make the most and hence focus is on improving the service standards. IT – business alignment: The synergy between IT and Business always results in a greater yield. to understand IT-Business alignment, you need to understand how and where does IT and Business connect. How are your meeting with customer captured? And how does technology enable business? You might want to look at dashboards that typically summarize the events and present critical information to empower informed decision-making. Its very much a strategic call, like IT Governance with risk and compliance management. The insights posited as trends or ‘Opportunities’ for 2016 is more of reflection from the remnant and projections for future. While Process Optimization was closely followed by self-service, the value of aligning business needs to increased customer satisfaction too was a pronounced call for action. Strong indication was sounded for Automation mainly to streamline process and resources and avoid waste of time and material. The list also featured Budgets, Digitization ESM and ITAM. While Budget and Digitization are prospects, ESM and ITAM stem from the remnants of 2015. The Status of 2015: The trends of 2015 was studied to understand the reach and addressal; and the understanding is that Services found wanting and fell short on Self-service, Service beyond management and IT Asset Management. The table below depicts the findings. Self Service: When user is self-empowered, the dependence on others can be cut down to improve productivity. Usually time-chokers, when issues have to be resolved by ‘someone’ always burdens the user with increased reliance on resources. Instances when access to a particular site is blocked that not only interrupts your work but arrests the thought flow, scuttling spontaneity and slowing work as a result, all in the aspect of security? There is always a better way to get things done without compromising security and still serving the self-service. The ITSM can step-in to sort out the mess and streamline flow to avoid interruption and enhance engagement. The service desk inexplicably, fails to empower self-service Service management beyond IT: It is also known as Enterprise Service Management (ESM), which can optimize service management to pass on benefits to other departments like Human Resources, Finance, to improve delivery. If you have to follow-up on a leave request or a loan applied, will it not be necessary to touch base with HR for eligibility and approval, and pass the request to Finance to disbursement? The services that can make the entire process seamless, cutting out the delay and accelerating the request-response will result in greater satisfaction. IT Asset Management (ITAM): Software management is significant because of its need and value, and also the adherence, compliance and audit check makes it increasingly important to manage your assets. Its observed from industry practice and use that aligning asset management with service management will result in substantial cost reduction. You will be able to better control and become cost-effective through screening and shortlisting to prioritize and take preventive measures to ac\void any attack or breaches in safeguarding your assets and value. Some of the critical shortcoming in 2015 were lined up for redressal and remedy in 2016 and prominently featured were self-service and IT Asset Management. You may please access the white paper which requires registration. For more information about our ITSM programs, we request you to visit our website all-courses or call the nearest branch close to your locality.
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Its the way you type not what you type the amazing development with Artificial Intelligence

Password could be a pain, particularly when you have multiple web sites to access many sites. The consumer complains that passwords are fast becoming a psychological burden – an albatross that weighs down the person with too much data dumped in the head that’s hard to decipher. And apparently one can sense discomfort and disconnect. It’s like having too many keys to open one room and woefully, you can’t pick out the right one which will unlock. And the real hassle is when password is forgotten and the allowed number of ‘attempts’ gets exhausted, the system locks, leaving you stranded but the chore running back and forth with the back-office executive walking-through the password retrieval process leaves you fuming ‘is technology a boon or bane’. Anything will have its downside – including technology. You might want to have a turnkey system that does the trick and get you going.

Password, PIN and Breach
Recent times have witnessed worst security breaches because of weak passwords. How private information lands in the public domain makes it a necessity to ensure that safety mechanism are in place and hence stronger password. But too many passwords? Why? Google has single sign-on to access all its application. Why can’t life be simpler? Or are we complicating in the name of security? The easy way out would be to have one password for all sites so that you really don’t squeeze hard your memory like sifting sand from grains. If it makes your life easier, then think about the breach and there it goes – with one key all of yours is ‘gone for good’. It was this paradox that actually turned out to be the problem statement. Single-point of entry is swift but so would be the theft. In this era of technology, and digitalization, all access points are fortified through authentication. Multi-tier security system or secured transaction or secured authentication service. Still, we are not done with the password for an alternate method that’s more convenient and confident. Almost everyone with digital experience would have yearned for that day they could dispense with password or PIN (Personal Identification Number) which earlier was recommended to be bolstered from breach by creating an alpha-numeric string with a heady mix of special characters to safeguard from sabotage, and now some institutions like Banks make the usage of special characters mandatory visualizing that invincible predator preying on vulnerable victims, and soon emerged phishing as one the worst attack on data integrity. With reputation in ruins, name in tatters and business rocked in its very foundation, damage control and image building exercises not only resulted in spiraling costs with a dent on the bottom-line, but kept the stakeholders on tenterhooks. So it would, by no stretch of imagination, become too much to bear for all the stakeholders and so far the necessity of the hour and lack of alternative left the end-user with no choice but coin the Password or PIN as complex as possible and remember it for good and retrieve on-demand. Further, it was strongly discouraged in storing the information in hard or soft copies, and science dealing with encryption and decryption made it even more mystique and technology related to secured socket layer took over.

Abacus – the painkiller? 
It is possible to solve every puzzle? At least, for the password related problem Google believes it can achieve a breakthrough by getting rid of the stiff impositions of barriers – NO PASSWORD.

How in the world would you access your information whether it’s an email or your bank account? Google assures that there is a ‘fix’ and will test with bank first and based on its success, offer for others. Dan Kaufman, Head of advanced technology and projects at Google, commented at the company’s I/O developer conference “We have a phone, and these phones have all these sensors in them. Why couldn't it just know who I was, so I don't need a password? I should just be able to work," 

How does it work?  
The technology uses biometric data and supporting information to identify and authenticate access. It uses Trust API to determine ‘trust score’ by employing and engaging different parameters like facial recognition, location, typing styles to ascertain the identity of the user. To access sensitive information, the ‘trust score’ should be high, and that’s the reason the testing begins with a financial institution. The higher the score, clearer is the identification and access provided, else, denied. Interestingly, Kaufman, has this to say about authentication "What we're going to do with this is be able to get rid of the awkwardness of second-factor authentication," Google assured to introduce this ‘password-free’ feature to every android developer by this year-end. 

Is there a Precedent for ‘No-Password’?
The answer is in the affirmative. Yes. Let’s not take away the shine off Abacus and assess on its own merit. Scandinavians will be familiar with this concept of logging into their bank accounts using behavioral biometrics and not a password. The password is queried only when the usual signs and symptoms fail to be detected and is treated as a legitimate case in validating the customer identification . In Norway and Sweden, major banks employ BankID for doing daily banking transaction to booking tickets or applying loan or paying taxes online. It was estimated that by 2014, BankID is used by over 3 million Norwegians (over 75% of the adult population(pdf). BankID can identify the user through a combination of factors like assessing the way the screen is swiped, the pace at which data is keyed – meaning the pressure with which you punch-in data is critical to analyze and evaluate your identity. It is behavioral science at an advanced level that any change in pattern or shift in style will trigger the system to confirm with a ‘password’ prompt. The system has studies the user to identify as its customer. This is made possible by behavioral biometrics layer of BankID. So Behavioral Biometrics is nothing new; the anticipation is the evolution of technology in this space of biometrics in the context of identity crisis. We may to have wait till the year-end to see what the future unfolds.

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Can Artificial Intelligence alert Project Managers

This blog is written in the backdrop of Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai heralding “Artificial Intelligence’ as “We will move from mobile first to an AI first world." in the recently held Google I/O 2016. Science becomes spectacular in its endeavor to make possible the deemed impossible, reminding Robert Kennedy “There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” Sometimes it’s so surreal. When the movie ‘Minority Report’ , a concept conceived in the late nineties and hit the silver screen by 2002, the reviews about the sci-fi was superb and many wondered what could the world be in 2054 as set as timeline in the movie. It was half-a century away. Everything can be put in place past the event or outcome but possible to predict something to happen with precision? Plausible? From a technology perspective, the spectacle that dazzled us with 3-D, touch screen depicting data on-demand, transportation and logistics, the movie ported us to a scientific space of sophisticated software and advanced intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence as the key driver

The breakthrough in AI is simply breathtaking. and going places that Mars may not be the final frontier. Today you can key-in or just use voice for search – any kind of search. Different people have different needs and the system is so intelligent and efficient to identify the ‘searcher’ to serve customized results and also recommendation on the screen. IBM is working on digital advertising screens that can play advertisements best suiting the consumer’ preference using the RFID technology, picking their shopping flair and taste from their payment cards and phones that use RFID chips. A Japanese company has created digital signage that can organize through The customer facial recognition software and cameras helps to identify the gender, age and range in displaying advertisement best fitting the democracy - Typical customer-centric campaigns to promote products and services. If anything, AI is growing from strength to strength. Look no further for evidence – just search for something in Google and check how soon and swift the results came through. Does it rain or shine? The forecast for the week? Or check the kids play Mariocart or Xbox where simulations or gesture-based gaming to the driverless car. In the movie Minority Report, the newspaper will update itself for latest news. Today, why don't you check the Google news page which is almost there with its updates, though not auto-refresh. There is much more than that meets the eye. This is an era of information overload and hence developments sometimes are overshadowed or even go unnoticed. Impressively, human’s pursuit to make ideas to realities is relentless. 

Artificial Intelligence and Project Management

What’s the probability that the lead programmer in the team will show up for work tomorrow? Will the server hold up till the end or tank all of a sudden? Will the project meet its deadline and deliver? Your guess is as good as anyone. For the scope of this account, let’s confine to human resources and hardware. If Big Data is growing powerful with predictive analysis as a powerful and potent tool, what will happen Artificial Intelligence is employed to study and predict personnel about presence and performance. Can the Intelligence available alert about the impending change(s)? Can we leverage on behavorial biometrics for human identficiation and expand its scope to mine data? In Seoul, AlphaGo, an AI system created by Google, crushed Lee Sedol, an 18-time world champion who is regarded as the decade's top player of Go - an abstract strategy board game. The victory meant that "AI-calculated-faster-than-a-human”. Agreed, but the AI-calculator was again created by human mind and its very unfair to state Seedol lost, rather collective brains won that day. So if Big Data can do the imagined and beyond, can it rise up to the challenge is by providing statistics and information about human behavior, more from human physiology and psyche? Efforts are underway and research is ongoing, like ‘social character’ , or ‘Human Genome Project ‘providing insights into genes, which hopefully can wade into rough waters to understand the incredibly complex human system. Though the goal of this study of Human Genome is to create personalized medicines, use analytics to check a cure is within a particular timeline, can it not encompass behavioral traits as well? The if-only theory that a Project Manager applies in analyzing team’s composition and hardware infrastructure – “if only the server didn’t shutdown without warning”, “if only the programmer didn’t fall sick”, “if only the architect didn’t drop his papers ”, “if only there was a backup before the power failed”…….all these can be written as useful Use Cases with alternate scenarios. From a Project Manager’s desk, Technology in the form of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence can empower at arriving at informed decisions – especially about health reports of both men and machines, then risks can be mitigated to a greater extent and the assurance of the success of any undertaking will be expectedly high. Artificial Intelligence, in this context of human understanding and analysis, is extremely challenging given the multi-layered, multi-dimensional and multi-faceted undertaking that’s complicated in its complexities. Many doubt its possibility, but then so did the skeptics when “Minority Report’ was released. Spielberg views sounds psychic “I wanted all the toys to come true someday. I want there to be a transportation system that doesn't emit toxins into the atmosphere. And the newspaper that updates itself...” Mankind shares the same sanguinity that Artificial Intelligence arms the Project Manager with the ability to view way ahead in predicting scientifically about a project holistically - the entire ecosystem.

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Are you Reading the Risks Right or Is It Target Missed a Case Study Project Management

Profile A high-tech company in the travel industry has bagged a contract from a reputed Client for data migration with phased delivery over a period of ten quarters. The project plan was created based on the requirements available. Since the project spanned in time, the data points presented covered only a year, which was deemed good to start by stakeholders. The visibility was for only one year and hence the limitation with data available – which is expected and accepted in this kind of engagement. The budget for the said timeline was apportioned. The team identified to undertake the project was present in different locations as a strategic call. The Pain Point It will be the assumptions that will turn out to be the worst of risks. The stakeholders agreed it was a long tunnel but not quite certain about the length. Since it was a time bound, the requirement gathering was focused for the first quarter as agreed by the stakeholders and signed-off. Assumptions can become one of the major risks. The team initially settled on a framework only to change after the first sprint. The change would impact the team composition calling for ‘sourcing’ soon after launch that sent the human resources scrambling for talent. The need of the hour is never met and that’s the lesson learnt and hence due diligence paid to the selection from talent pool. With new resources inducted, there was already burn on time and cost, the knowledge transfer turned out to be to be too steep and the project plan revisited to factor the changes. There were different verticals within the team which started concurrently, and it was the approach of the scheduled milestone that sent the alarm bells ringing as one of the core development team failed in meeting the deadline and thereby derailed further developments adversely impacting other teams as the output will be the primary feed for them to move forward. It had a typical domino effect shaking the entire team. When the causal analysis was conducted, the results unearthed many issues that seemed to be swept under the carpet. Communication weren’t open and transparent; accountability absent and leadership clueless as team members tried passing the buck and concerned about safeguarding their position. The most baffling will be the lack of attention to basic details. There should have been a single point of contact for escalation; People Management and Stakeholder management. The root cause clearly spells poor communication and lack in understanding. The bottleneck undoubtedly was communication management. Clearly the opportunity would have been squandered if not for the milestone. It was the worst wake-up call for a company known for its intellectual capital and track record. Analysis revealed that the actual against planned in the project plan left a gaping hole and lacked foresight for risk mitigation particularly to problem faced as such a scenario was never contemplated. How? That’s why the absence to attention on basic details. Too much rode on assumptions. The impacts due to the imbalance resulted in # changes in the team composition which proved too expensive at that point in time as investment and Knowledge Transition and team ramp-up # Conflicts in the mid-management The squabbles stressed the need for conflict resolution through effective people management and stakeholder management. Troubleshooting It was back to basics about team-building with open communication, more transparency and greater accountability. The team met frequently till all onboard were on the same page. Having ceded grounds, it’s more prudent to save and salvage and move on. Since it was the first milestone, the impact on the short-term goal was severe and long-term could be contained. The positive impact can be captured as # Commitment from the stakeholders on requirements and delivery # Transparency /Clarity to all the stakeholders Recommendations The Plan B that somehow missed the plan should be prepared. The alternate scenario for worst cases should be assessed and addressed. The assumptions must be studied again and stakeholders should provide clarity in closure. The team should be cohesive and engage effectively to expedite delivery. The Start of the Day and End of Day of meeting must analyze the day’s target and plan for next day deliverables. The leadership to introduce SPOC and take stock at regular intervals (smaller intervals as possible) till things are streamlined and then schedule the standard stand-up meetings
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Apples Oranges and Big Data

Didi President Jean Liu said "Our company's legal name is called 'little orange,“ so apples and oranges today do have a connect – as companies. While it was gathered from industrial sources that Didi was on the lookout for working with investors on products and technology, Tim Cook of Apple Inc., said in an interview that he saw opportunities for Apple and Didi Chuxing to collaborate in the future. It also presented him an opportunity to better understand ‘critical Chinese market’ as reported.

The investment and other investors
Apple Inc made news recently by investing $ 1Billion in Chines ride-hailing service Didi Chuxing. This move is also interpreted in the market circles of Apple trying to make peace with Chinese government after it shutdown iTunes in the country. Apple was forced to view the impositions seriously after China pulled down iTunes and iBooks. In the wake of such developments, its significant to note that Billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who is Apple’s largest outside shareholder sold his apple shares stating Beijing could “come in and make it very difficult for Apple to sell there”. The crackdown by China forcing Apple to bring down the curtains on Apple’s s iTunes Movies and iBook services pushed Carl to pull the trigger to sell his shares. Ironically, Apple’s manufacturing plants are located in China, and despite the investments pumped, didn’t prove a deterrent for China to shut down iTunes, which did sour the ties shared. So investing in Didi, instead of Uber, Apple is trying the smoothen the rough edges and improve relationship with China. Apple’s investment is the biggest so far, alongside with other investors like the Chinese technical heavyweights Tencent and Alibaba . 

But why Apple chose Didi?
One theory that was floated was Didi shares a good equation with the Chinese government. Didi’ initial strategy was e-hailing taxis. When the Chinese government clamped e-hailing as illegal, Didi collaborated with the taxi companies by providing Didi’s mapping and routing systems. Didi’s partnership with Haibo, a Shanghai taxi company is telling about its willingness to offer space and not crush competition. Didi, is putting up a stiff competition to its American rival Uber through its strategic partnership and expansion with the US based Lyft and Grab in Southeast Asia and also investments with Olacabs in India. It’s also widely speculated that Apple is pressing on the pedals to speed up its own electric cars that’s been in the pipeline. Apple, in this context, faced with foreign policy pressure of China for ‘foreign online services’ that disallows competing directly with local companies, investment with Didi is strategic given that Apple Pay is supported in Didi's cab-hailing app. Besides, the investment hopefully should become a beachhead for further developments in the automotive segment. The advantage with Didi is its peer-to-peer service is legal in China as it works together with ‘labor companies endorsed by government and leasing companies to confirm conformance of automotive regulations by its drivers. 

The Billion and Big Data (Collected from public domain.)
Didi says “it’s doing 3 million rides per day compared to Uber’s 1 million”. Didi Chuxing referred to as “China’s Uber” completes more than 11 million rides a day with 87% of the private ride-hailing market in China. Today, Didi is profitable in 200 out of 400 cities in which it operates and holds 99 percent of the taxi-hailing market, according to company vice president Stephen Zhu. Didi provides Apple with a rich data source for its self-driving vehicle push. It also could provide benefits to Apple’s mobile ecosystem. Ride-sharing apps are closely linked to payment services, such as Apple Pay. They also can be the foundation for other mobile commerce transactions such as deliveries “We understand the Chinese market,” Tony Qiu, director of Didi’s strategy group, commented “We know every day where people are traveling from or to, so we try to aggregate those demands.” Tim Coulling, of Canaly - an analysis firm opined that Apple has good reason to want to link up with a company that boasts 300 million users in 400 Chinese cities. “What this gives Apple is access to a large user base of people within China from which they can harvest data,” he said. Apple may be able to make use of data about driving habits and China’s complicated road system for its mapping functions as well as development of a car. · Derrick Cogburn, an associate professor at the School of International Service at American University, said almost every tech company is in the race for big data that informs product development and marketing. They are “all collecting lots and lots of aggregate data about our patterns and our habits,” he said.

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Now that you filled the PMP Examination forms What next Write the PMP Exam

As a prelude to appearing for the PMP® Certification exam, few pointers worth to ponder.

1. Fill the PMP® application form

Filling the form can be time consuming and extensive in preparation with an eye for details. Please be informed that PMI® will provide 90 days to fill your form online during which you can edit and make changes but cannot cancel the application. PMI® will post a mail to your valid email about the completeness of application.

2. Response from PMI® about Application’s completeness

Once you submit the PMP® application, PMI will get back in about 5 days about the ‘Application Completeness Review’. Soon after you submit the PMP® application, it becomes mandate to appear for the examination within one year of submission. This is again for the benefit of the participants to stay concentrated about the exam. A lot many aspirants develop cold feet due lack of time constraints, unexpected events, and hectic work schedule or plainly lack of preparation. Also, some aspirants wait to become completely conversant and extremely confident before they can start filling the form. These are exceptional cases, besides PMI offers you enough time for the kind of confidence and conversance one can work upon and build in due course of time.

3. Make the Payment

This is the third step. Once your application is vetted for veracity, reviewed and ratified, the PM will post a send you a confirmation email with an advise to make the payment towards the PMP® examination fee. Now you can make the payment. You can visit and become a member by paying fee of $139 which can save $11 and also provide soft copy of PMBOK and study aids.

4. Scheduling the Exam

After the form is submitted, you will receive a mail from PMI® stating ,
Your application is approved ,
You will receive confirmation that your application is approved. Further, the email will provide the payment link to pay the exam fees. For PMP® certification fee, PMI members will have to pay USD $405 while for non-members, it will cost SD $555. 
The application is under Audit process. The PMI audit will seek to substantiate certain details recorded in the application form. The applicant will receive an audit document which needs to be printed, verified and signed by the supervisor/manager as mentioned in the application form with the respective company seal. The printed hard copies need to be posted through ‘traceable’ post. Note: there is no need to get worked-up or become anxious. It’s just PMI is cross-checking with the information provided in the application and validating any gaps observed. It can happen due to oversight despite checking and double-checking some information or may be certain data failed to capture. PMI will provide 90 days for you to post the required documents back to its head office. Its advised that you always you’re your superiors informed about your certification endeavor and they will do the needful when taken into confidence. PMI will require 7 days to approve your application, subject to the orderliness of the submitted hard copies, and will mail you the link to make the payment and schedule PMP® Examination date.

5. Appear for the Exam

The PMP® certification prep courses, multiple model papers, study aids, Resources available and the numbers of hour spent preparing will definitely make a difference. As stressed in our previous blog posting, preparation stress the need of heightened anticipation – which is what we meant as ‘state of readiness’ so that the date scheduled by PMI will not take you by surprise, and also you can keep sharpening axe. Practice and preparation are the keys.

 NOTE: You must retain the unique PMI Eligibility ID located on your scheduling notification. This number will be required to register for the examination. [courtesy: to read more, click here} “I try to prepare for everything beyond the extent of preparation. Taylor Swift” We wish you success!!

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People a Project Manager s perspective

Penned by a Project Manager

When my friend passed this book, it had a sacred aura as if a parchment of scriptures was being handed. Amused thoroughly by this hand-over ceremony, I was more intrigued to read the title “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Another Motivational book? Perhaps. But I have seen guys hooked to 'Good to Great' by Jim Collins like a manual even citing page numbers and personally enthralled with sheer statistics in Malcolm McDowell’s ‘Outliers’. Come on, to quote Beatles were ‘also a band’ that did the gig and grind in German clubs for hours before they achieved the cult status made my eyes blink with disbelief. So in a way, Stephen Covey’ 7 Habits as its referred by my contemporaries made me feel nervous like holding Fluid Mechanics by PK Bhansal or Thermodynamics that did give the jitters then, when we were new and naïve as newcomers. The fear is either misplaced or we reel locked up in a panic room. As Truman said ‘we have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ The title alone was enough to get me going because it doesn’t assure to make you successful but to succeed follow the 7 habits. The more I read, the more I wanted to apply the learning to my professional sphere and as a Project Manager, Interestingly, we can apply the 7 habits into project management practice. Socrates said ““I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.” So a book that makes one think is an amazing resource of education – the eternal spring of knowledge. Louis L'Amour was exquisite “Reading without thinking is nothing, for a book is less important for what it says than for what it makes you think.” Without much ado, here are the 7 habits BE PROACTIVE, BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND, PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST, THINK WIN-WIN, SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD, SYNERGIZE, SHARPEN THE SAW. 


It’s all about ownership and shouldering responsibilities. It’s the reactive that are influenced by other factors to indulge in blame game. It will be pertinent to point L'Amour to stress about being proactive “Up to a point a man’s life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him; then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be. Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow.” You can only manage things that are under your control. The proactive persons devote their time and effort on things that can be controlled., primarily through Circle of Influence ·

These are the group of the people who will focus on issues in take care of things those are under their control · 

They don’t blame other for the actions as their focus is more on the solving and resolving. Basically solutioning.

à You can relate this with Risk Management & Stakeholder Management,

Begin End in Mind

It’s the ability to vision objective with action plan. Every organization has a mission statement and any undertaking (read as Project) will have its goals and mission. The prototype or blueprint is basically the model of the end-product. If development is connecting the dots, then planning is all about creating and placing and positioning the dots. Begin End in Mind typically stresses on the scope. You should know what needs to be done and also what is NOT to be accomodated. You can plan on your resources and apportion tasks and assign by preparing the project plan.

 à Relate this with Overall Project Plan – (Scope, Quality, Time & Cost)

 Put First Things First

Plan all the tasks that can be done first by specifying the severity and assigning priority. It’s about organization, management and execution. Balance it out. You don’t have to burn out. Revisit your project plan for prioritization as some developments might mandate that some tasks take precedence as against the planned action item or a resource originally delegated for a particular requirement need to be deployed elsewhere. à Review of the Project Plan and Execution

 Think WIN-WIN

Spell success mutually. It has to work both ways. We are all in together and so should the benefits that are accrued as a result of the association. The budgeting must ensure the project doesn’t bleed and scope should be contained from bloating. It wouldn’t be fair-game if the vendor emerges as the victor at the cost of customer as a victim. Don’t over-price or undervalue. Be reasonable so that it’s a collaborative and co-operative effort wherein all the stakeholders involved share the results to realize the returns on investment.

 à Relate with Communication Plan


Perhaps the toughest. We seek to be heard before hearing. The loudest is one who is heard, lest voices are drowned in the din. We are quick to judge than reason; prejudice prevails above principle. We want to have the last word and have to be right always. Learn. And for that listen first. A willful listener who is genuinely interested and not merely pretending to hear. There are instance we hear with the sole intent to give it back not as a reply or response but retort. Also, there is the element of sub-conscious bias that creeps unnoticed and adversely influences our decision and deliberation. The essence of communication is to understand as well as to be understood.

 à Relate with Conflict Management


Fundamentally teamwork. Synergy by definition is “the working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects”. It is indeed true that “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” Meaning we draw strength from each other that makes us formidable team and a force to reckon. It would be a mistake to obscure an individual’s contribution – there are some stars that shine brightly. How the individual contribution broadens the funnel of opportunities and possibilities for team members makes it even more significant. Some team members come forward to wear multiple hats or some are made to multi task to further project’s progress and team’s interest. Synergy is the collective strength and combined effort expending in achieving a common goal.

à Relate with Conflict Management and People Management


It was Abraham Lincoln’ who famously quoted “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Work smart. It’s wise to invest time in figuring out the best possible ways to get the work done efficiently so as to enhance productivity. The best output in the given timeline, sometimes limited time always calls for smart work. Its left to you in managing the given time and to optimize, you must reinvent yourself and be at it. Its always about conserving your energy to combat challenges and crisis that comes in the way of work. The monotony of work – to be at the desk from dawn to dusk drains you down. Wont you feel weak and worn out? You want capitalize on newer opportunities or crash out because of overdoing? Try to lead a balanced life. Take your mind off by mediation or relaxation or spiritual activity. It helps to unplug once in a while to recharge and revitalize yourself.

 à Relate with Monitoring and Control
The above article was penned by one of the panel members who is an active and experienced Project Manager. iCert Global is a global learning provider specializing in the fields of Project Management amongst other offerings. You can learn more about Project management by signing up for our PMP® or PRINCE2 programs. We wish to thank you for visiting our blog and hope your stay was productive and purposeful.

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Advance your Career with Certified Business Analysis Professional CBAP Certification

There was an interesting and exciting write about Business Analysts - The 21st century business analyst is a liaison, bridge and diplomat who balances the oftentimes incongruous supply of IT resources and demands of the business. Forrester's research found that those business analysts who were most successful were the ones who could "communicate, facilitate and analyze." Business Analyst, as a role and title, is often connected with IT industry given its dominating presence and dependence in the scope of business. This is not to discount or discredit Business Analysis in other industries but this article’s premise is clearly IT. It’s the customer who drives the business. The stakeholders help create the ecosystem and the principal players play their part to progress and ensure profit. The endeavor should end in business value. The eyes are set at the topline and bottom line, and any business venture should demonstrate capabilities to monetize. The bottom line is the backbone. We have always toiled to profit in any profession and in software parlance Solution, as a way of business, is created based on the customer’s problem statement. In business, the most difficult part is to please is your customer. Try as you might, they are never content. It’s an uphill task and times, unreasonable too. It’s unwise and unfair to expect the customer will record the requirement in their Business Requirement specification. The specification is subject to change as it evolving in nature but the scope should be pinned right at the start for change in scope can prove catastrophic.

Who is a business analyst and the importance of business analysis?

Mind Is always applying to matters and in that sense we are all analysts. Business Analysts is a specialized skill wherein a smart combination of strategic smartness as that of a diplomat and analytical approach of an intelligence community. A Business Analyst should be able to handle aspects of both functional solution and technical solution in response to the business need in proposing a solution that s holistic and realistic. Requirement gathering can be done through conventional ways like elicitation, ideation, brainstorming, or employ modern tools like prototyping, wireframing drawing the big picture or the end-product. Who knows the scope better than a Business Analyst? Business Analysts are not just touch points but the interface between the organization and the customer, translating business needs and providing feasible solutions that can be implemented at the agreed cost – which effectively contains scope. As the primary window for requirement gathering the Business Analyst is better placed at a vantage point in assessing and analyzing the scope better. Continuous dialogue and constant touch helps in shaping up the specification to systematically document the scope and bring on record ‘the out-of scope’ aspects as well. The customer of today is more empowered with data points at their fingertips and fluent in system architecture and talk technology as good as your technocrat. So quintessentially Business Analyst ought to be 2 steps ahead to preempt the perils and possible scenarios. Its that sense of anticipation that heightens the alertness which really sells. In case of scope creeps, it will become an undersell. Therefore, the best to identify the scope is left to the Business Analyst and contain will become imperative upon the executor (Project Manager).
Why Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP®)?

 As a professional, you need to establish credibility and build trust. CBAP® certification criteria make it a mandate to possess 7500 hours of hands-on business experience which makes it extensive in terms of learning in terms of time and talent. Its given to understand that CBAP® certified professionals are ‘experts in identifying the business needs of an organization in order to determine the best solutions’ as stated in Just like PMP® for Project Management following the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® ) Guide, organization these days are stressing on the significant of a CBAP® certification for Business Analyst which follows The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® Guide V2.0.) and is fast gaining currency as one of the best known benchmark for business analysis. CBAP certification enhances the human capital of an organization and builds competency in business analysis practice. Also the recognition and career advancement potential for the professional makes it a synergetic growth for the organization. It enables effective work with stakeholders associated and helps better understand the profession as an expert. 

As mentioned by, CBAP® trained managers or provide CBAP trainings enjoy following benefits:

 • CBAPs are acknowledged as competent individuals who perform a role which is increasingly    recognized as a vital component of any successful project.
 • CBAP can be identified as individuals with an advanced level of knowledge and qualifications
 • CBAP follow established standards as outlined in the IIBA BABOK® Guide V2.0.
 • CBAPs produce reliable, quality results with increased efficiency and consistency

Records sourced from states that there 6208 registered professionals and the number is growing at a staggering pace. There are 6 knowledge areas as prescribed in the BABOK® Guide V2.0.which you will have to become proficient to pass the certification. Our CBAP® certification course will provide the necessary training and learning based on BABOK® Guide V2.0.Some key modules are listed below for reference as part of the course agenda:

 .Introduction to CBAP
 .Enterprise Architecture 
 .Developing A Solution Scope
 .Developing A Business Case 
 .Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities,
 .Elicitation Techniques · Requirements Planning
 .Risk Analysis and Management Enterprise Analysis/Business Case
 .Enterprise Analysis Tasks 
 .Requirements Management and Communication 
 .Managing the Solution Scope Requirements
 .Inputs to the Solution Scope
 .Managing Requirements Changes 
 .Risk Analysis 
 .SWOT Analysis

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Manage Multiple Projects Effectively with a MSP Certification

Amazing. Astounding. Awe-inspiring. The technology revolution has taken the industry by storm and dazzles with “disruptive technology “ or ‘creative destruction. Buzz words by the horde appear on the headlines startling you by its sheer ‘sentence-construct’. Many couldn’t decipher disruptive technology then but we are now used to and even conversant to the point of expecting more. If you are someone juggling with more than one assignment – then talk of multi-tasking. Now when its managing multi-projects, then the unknowns and unexpected changes complicates to a severity hitherto undefined. So as one entrusted with the Program management, how do you anticipate the unexpected and negotiate the unforeseen changes? Please note that a program is a portfolio comprised of multiple projects. Its common knowledge that managing large-scale programme can be very complex in terms of planning, organizing and execution. The business environment has changed drastically with the advent of mobile apps in every sphere of life and digitization of every dot, which demands completion at a pace that’s fast and yet cost-effective. While the scale and size in project and programs are growing, qualified professionals who can consistently perform and contribute are found wanting. We recommend MSP® ( Managing Successful Programs). Your organization would want to continually improve, manage multiple projects to the minute detail, manage stakeholder expectation, provide value for investment, capitalize on business opportunities and become an enabler of change – which is why MSP® is strongly proposed to be pursued by your Personnel managing programs. MSP’s framework enables organization to break down complex programs in to manageable interrelated projects, balancing on the budget and staying on time without compromising the quality. Thus it’s a strategic approach to accomplish a complex engagement through transformation activities whereby a file is split as dossiers, organized, implemented and executed to achieve the intended outcome or business result, in other words, business value.

 MSP® sets out successful programs

Pcubed has found MSP to be an effective platform upon which to develop a program or assess the effectiveness of those already underway. MSP® sets out how successful programs - portfolios of projects - can and should be accomplished. It emphasizes that a program will involve considerable resource commitment from a number of areas: "a significant budget, lengthy timescales, potential disruption of extant projects or programs, and major business or organizational change."

MSP® helps in delivering business outcome/output

MSP® is a flexible though not prescriptive business framework and best practice that helps organization with its pragmatic approach to realize present project objectives and enhances its business operation and processes. It enhances organization efficiency, makes resources effective and encourages innovation. The business goals, objectives are strategically aligned so as to improve operational efficiency, and act as a catalyst for delivery capabilities. Since MSP is developed from collective experience and expertise, it adds tremendous value, and benefits largely from the insights from experience.

MSP® is good enough for any type of organization

Big or small – the size is no constraint at all. So long the senior professionals, usually mid-level managers or higher are trained in MSP , preferably Practitioners will serve well to measure up to the organization’s expectations in terms of yield. the certified MSP Practitioners are adept in handling exigencies and resolving issues with enhance decision-making prowess. MSP certification is globally recognized and hence the talent pool of any organization with certified practitioners enhances its image and builds trust and credibility about the workforce. It must be acknowledged that given global competition, compounded by other factors internal and external, one cannot completely insulate from failure but MSP helps organization to stay as competitive with its cutting edge a fair chance to succeed in the most demanding market that offers little latitude.

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Certification Competency Enablement Makes You Elite and Eligible

The more the merrier. Just as our quest is insatiable so are the expectations. Try meeting a hiring head or a business investor and you will be questioned more about your skillset. Yes! Your primary skills are a given. While the focus on primary skills is paramount, the stress is always about developing additional abilities considered vital in competitive analysis. Those interested in your profile would want to know ‘more’. It’s the additional information that elicits more interest. A quintessential professional is versatile – like a player on the field ready to be placed in any position. So possessing the technical skill (read primary skill) wouldn’t provide that edge over peers, rather when supplemented and complimented with strategic and leadership traits places you in a formidable position clearly pushing your boundary further. With business needs growing with greater unpredictability and technology advancement defying expectation through groundbreaking innovations, the landscape seems to be shifting perpetually, and hence there is admittedly a paradigm shift from the professional perspective without an exception. With time Individual assessment has changed. The organization is looking to fill the slot as Musterberg stated “finding the best possible man, how to produce the best possible work, and how to secure the best possible effects”. What it takes to become top performer with top potential. Potential is the possibility of an individual to do more than current contribution. Aon Hewitt defines potential as the assessment of an employee’s ability to rise to and succeed in a more senior or expanded role. Potential considers individuals’ performance, character, capability and motivation. Today, the critical talent is evaluated in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities. The PMI Talent Triangle™ clearly lays emphasis on ‘more than’ technical skills by subscribing to Leadership and strategic & Business Management As inferred from the PMI’s ‘Pulse of the Profession 2016’, the most successful organizations seek added skills in leadership and business—competencies that support and sustain long-range strategic objectives. The ideal skill set—a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise—is embodied in the PMI Talent Triangle™. When organizations focus on all three skill sets, 40 percent more of their projects meet goals and original business intent. As one of the leading educational powerhouse enabling to become professionally trained and certified, especially PMP®, PRINCE2, ITIL, Six Sigma, we interact with professionals on a daily basis. They are the folks wanting to stand out in their sphere of work. And we regularly hear how ‘Certification’ validates competency and enables your candidature as ‘eligible’. What is the value add You bring to the table? Your bona fide already vetted, increased scrutiny would be on the ‘what else’ as the key differentiator. It’s always about ‘what more do I get’ and it applies to one and all. With the raw aggression witnessed like never before, it will be hard sell in promoting your profile given the spiraling number of applicants competing alongside and here is where ‘the more you have’ makes you leapfrog into the short list – a short one. So dear Professional, what makes you so elite and eligible? Is the spotlight on you to single out in a crowded room? How do you distinguish yourself to differentiate? We, at iCert Global, besides the benchmarked certification courses also offer career counseling whereby our expert panel will engage with you to chalk out the future course of action to steer ahead the crowd and cacophony. We conduct exciting programs that shape your personality and profile to become more competitive and complete . Follow the link to get a glimpse of our offering and feel free to schedule a call with us. Together We Win!
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PMP Certification Compliments Compensation See Your Salaries Soar

Did you know the average annual salary can go up to $81,000 USD? It’s exciting to study the top 10 countries with the highest median annual salaries for project practitioners. Your resume gets only 6 seconds to strike an impression. The threshold is that small a window. The initial credibility has to be telling to take the conversation forward. The door opener ought to be something valuable. As testified by Project Managers in a survey published in techrepublic online journal, many accounted PMP® certification as ‘the compelling factor’ in being counted. Else they won’t consider your CV. So the counsel is a PMP-packed profile will surely get past the screening process. Experience can further be strengthened with education. The PMP® certification is more about the science of project management in delivering successful projects. Certification is a clear indicator that you possess the relevant knowledge and expertise. Research undertaken by PMI® shows that Organizations that fully understand the value of project management and place a high priority in creating a culture that recognizes its importance report 71 percent of projects meeting original goals and business intent versus 52 percent that place a low priority on it. Besides, chances that one can clear the checks and balances created by PMI are favorably presumed to be equipped with expertise and proficient in their profession. Does a PMP® certificate make a Project Manager more successful in managing project with time, scope and budget? There is a business value to every deal signed. What’s the assurance the Project manager will deliver? Study reveals that a certified Project Manager, when weighed from all distinguishing parameters, has a better shot at success. And more often delivers. For that kind of competence, the PMP® professional commands an attractive compensation as compared to their non-certified counterparts. The ninth edition of PMI’s Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey states that “those with a PMP certification garner a higher salary (20% higher on average) than those without a PMP certification.” Before we arrive at why salaries surge for certified PMPs as compared to the non-certified, let’s first deliberate why certifications count at all. Statistics reveal seven out of 10 projects fail. So what’s the best bet that a certified professional will perform? The PMI's 2008 Pulse of the Profession research found "that having project managers without PMP certification results in a lower percent of projects coming in on time and on budget—especially when less than 10 percent of the project managers in the company are PMPs. Organizations with less than 10 percent of project managers who are PMPs are also much less likely to indicate an increase in projects successfully meeting the goals and business intent." This is not to drive home that certification alone is the clincher as there are other factors that do impact project completion, but one cannot downplay or undermine the significance certification lends to success. That’s the point. The grind in getting a PMP certification is certainly rigorous given the prerequisite of practical experience and the hours invested in preparation to earn the credential. And the paycheck as well. The informed insights as published in PMI’s Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey In the United States, keyed out project managers in the pharmaceuticals industry reported the highest median salary ($125,500), followed by those working in agriculture, mining and natural resources ($120,640) and consulting ($120,000). Other industries posting high median U.S. salaries include aerospace ($115,000), engineering ($112,000), utility ($110,425), government ($110,000) and information technology ($110,000). The median salary of U.S.-based respondents holding a PMP certification was $111,000 versus a median salary of $91,000 for participants without PMP certification. Interestingly, the median salary was based on a number of key demographic factors, especially the Country of employment, PMP status, and years of project management experience, project team size and budget. Some of the salient highlights listed below for your immediate attention: 

Number of Years of Experience in Project Management

The median salary ranges from $47,657 (USD) for those just starting out in the project management field to $131,972 (USD) for those who have been in the field for 20 years or more. This represents an increase of 177% from low to high experience in the field. The difference in median salary is not as striking in China. For those with less than three years’ experience, the median salary is $21,073 compared with $29,178 (USD) for those practicing project management for 20 years or more.

PMP® Certification Status
The majority of participants in this study have the PMP® certification. Those with the certification earn more than those without in virtually all of the countries, though differences do vary by country. The largest differential is noted in South Africa where PMP® holders have a median salary 47% higher than those who do not hold the certification. Another telling factor is the length of time a person has held the designation of PMP® In nearly all countries, median salary steadily increases with PMP® tenure. In Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, the median salary of those who have been certified for 10 or more years is more than double those who have been certified for 5 years or fewer.


Within the various levels of project managers, salary appears to increase with added responsibility. The rate of increase again varies by country. In Belgium, the median salary increases from $55,927 (USD) for a project manager I to $77,738 for a project manager II to $89,482 for a project manager III. In Saudi Arabia, program managers earn a median salary of $79,962 (USD), and portfolio managers earn upwards of $11,500 (USD) more than program managers and over $23,500 (USD) more than the highest level project managers.

 Project Size

The size of projects managed, in terms of average number of team members and average project budget, also appears to have a positive correlation with annual salary. For instance, in South Africa, those managing projects with larger teams (20 or more people) have a median salary that is 72% higher than those managing teams of one to four people. Likewise, in Hong Kong, those managing projects with budgets of $10 million or more earn 81% more than those with projects under $100,000 and 54% more than those with projects with budgets between $100,000 and $499,999. The detailed report can be accessed vide PMI’s Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey. This article should help you decide about choosing the course about career acceleration development, especially Project Manager aspirants and Project Manager at the start of the career. Good luck with your endeavors.

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More often parroted of any other virtues and clichéd by now, the strength and success behind every organization is always attributed to its assets – human assets. And corporate capitalize on their human capital. It’s only a natural corollary in terms of objectives and accomplishment for every organization to get its recruitment process right. Skill and strength go together. Given the backdrop does Certification count? We will come to it soon…. ‘ whatever carried you this far won’t take you no forward’ – is well worn by now but that’s the truth of the matter. Someone who wish to be employed or already employed needs to hone skills; keep sharpening the axe and as much a software is updated with frequent release, the software professional is expected to shop for more soft skills. Technical competence is the cornerstone on which the career is built. Scenarios wherein recruitment would routinely involve the rigor of clearing an online test was ensured without refrain. ‘Online’ exams which came free, without cost was clearly the challenge in the candidature being shortlisted for the successive round. Certification from a reputed governing body was a clear indicator about caliber and still some selection process did involve sitting for an unscheduled test. Didn’t Certification count? Present times poses perplexing pathways to steer past peers without nudging or edging but succeed through outshining others in advancing one’s own career path. Could be chaotic and would it send alarm bells rings given the competitive spirit of the market? Education is paid its due respect; experience is rewarded but the proof of the pudding about your expertise and experience can be coalesced in certification. Let’s elaborate: a PMP certified professional stands for someone with stipulated education and substantiated experience without which the eligibility criteria will fall short. Certification is met with instant recognition. Still second thoughts about certification? Yes and No. We will help you cast your doubts aside. Will your mentioning about your competency on a piece of paper and pass as Resume advance as compared to an Accredited Governing Body attesting your proficiency as a ‘professional’. Certificate, too, is a piece of paper – with a difference. Incredible difference. It’s all about recognition and reward follows. Not the other way around. Yes, there is the acid test one must endure to prove proficiency and experience is baptism by fire. As a prelude to the final performance, we at ICert conduct online exams for you to self-assess your standing, and if you successfully pass our exam then a Certificate is awarded in your name recording the grade as well. Try cracking the exam. And check for yourself the ‘value-add’ of our certification. The results will speak for itself. While you are at it, we at iCert wish you the very best in your endeavors. Get Certified; Get Recognized.
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The year that was and the year that will be

When the clock chimed 12, and crackers burst open ushering the new year , greetings galore and goodies strewn around, it was a moment to reflect about the past and look right ahead with renewed hope. How did we fare in 2015 and what’s the forecast for 2016? This probably is deliberation of many a minds both from a personal and professional perspective. 2015 witnessed some great happenings which will make a geek beam with pride – gadgets, gizmos, apps and what not. India observed with heightened expectation the numerous startups, the growing number of entrepreneurs, the surpassing rise in technology as never was the adage ‘happening today, history tomorrow’ proved so plausible. And in all these, the overriding factor and dire demand proved to be the digital presence and exceptional soft skills. Just as we are increasingly online and extremely mobile, the medium and means have changed dramatically. As much as technology is becoming the key differentiator, technologists are the game-changers. 2015 was more about delivering technology at doorstep. Brick and mortar gave way to online offerings and our niche product offerings to professionals saw a surge in Live Virtual Class and e-Learning with corporate accounts in our clientele. In all it was a successful year, having posted results close to the projections. So the ride was bumpy sometimes and smooth as well. Farewell 2015. The road ahead is full of opportunities if one knows how to count and capitalize. There is going to be exciting and engaging times . ‘Education never ends’ – it’s for a lifetime. Knowledge is the key and Technology-enabled services will be the touchstone. Today there is a surplus in headcount if supply is anything to go by, but do they really meet the demand? That’s a million-dollar question. There is indeed a growing gap – from both the employers and employees standpoint. The fitment is really a hard-find. Hence, grooming the greatest asset – human capital – is the critical need as exponential growth in technological developments makes it mandate to embrace existing and emerging technologies. It’s the innovation in serving the digital experience that holds the key to unlock the fortune. More than reaching out to the customer, much will rest on customizing. The blended training is a tested approach and going forward we need to try other practices with technology leading from the front. We will have to rejig our offering by stacking with latest learning and impart to the niche segment. The focus will be on Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital Marketing, SalesForce and list is expected to grow. 2016 – Welcome!
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Project Manager are they really required

What if, there is no Project Manager for the project? At times, people often ponder 'why do we need Project Manager as they neither code nor do QA validation and their effort is of no use to the delivery'. Assume there is a team of 10 in which 6 are developers and 3 QA engineers and 1 Development Lead and all are exceptionally good technically and functionally. They are all aware how to efficiently code and of course all QA engineers are experts in Automation. So in that case do you think we need Project Manager to handle the project? The point is, rather than getting into a debate on whether we need Project Manager, its worth discussing on whether people in the team can take care of required project management activities. In general Project Manager is related to Captain for the Project which means he/she has clear vision & direction for the project. One should know the objective of the project, and who are the primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders; When we should reach where (Milestone details with target dates) and its dependencies and its owners. Another focus area will be communication. Communicating right things to right people and at right time - which includes Risk Management (Dependencies, Issues, & Risks) tracking with right people at right time apart from the Status reporting. When we mention status reporting, people at times think status of the project deliverable, though this is one aspect of the status reporting, but more than that project status should get the visibility on Planned Budget/Effort/Project Scope Vs Spent Amount/Spent Effort/Delivered Scope. This in turn fixes the spotlights on the entity called Project Manager to get the visibility of high level and detailed level also to the respective stake holder. People in the top hierarchy should get the visibility on Budget Spent Vs Ready Scope. The crew might be exceptionally competent in their sphere of work but beyond the call of work is an unfair expectation as it might hamper productivity and thats why and when a Project Manager is pressed into service. In nutshell, Project Manager helps to get predictability of the project all times with relevant information to the relevant stake holders….

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Agile complements traditional project management but how

Agile doesn’t trade places with traditional project management which is centered around water-fall methodology. Hence Agile doesn’t counter against PMI®, long known for its project management credentials through PMP, rather it complements… Let’s get the insight on why do we recommend Agile. It is to be noted that PMI features PMI-ACP® as one of its flagship certification which is fast gaining grounds, if the traction is any indicator. We are one of the leading lights in knowledge and certification of PMI-ACP® and regularly conduct training and workshops on key locations around the globe. Let’s move on to the narrative. 

Cost/Schedule Creep…

Agile talks about how we can be adaptive for changes for the projects which doesn’t have clear scope or which has evolving scope. However Agile doesn’t address about how one should manage the cost/effort against the change and in nutshell Agile talks/encourages the changes of the scope, Cost, effort and in reality as the project runs based on the budget and cost in most cases. Agile can complement within the schedule/cost however there needs a cap for the cost and schedule to avoid the major creeps on the same. PMI standards protect the projects from these variances or it gives us the better predictability on the same. 

 Big Picture Vs Progressive evolution

 One should have big picture in mind which is very important to achieve the final goal. While agile emphasize on changes and adaptiveness, it doesn’t define the boundary wherein PMI plays a key role . We can be adaptive to changes as long as it is within the final goal of big picture. Without having final frame in mind, one cannot evolve in the right direction which means PMI gives you the right direction to evolve rightly. To my view without high level plan in hand, running the project in agile may never predict any time. We need a high level plan to assess ourselves on where do we stand in terms of goal achievements. Agility within the project (Scope, Cost & Schedule) is always recommendable so that we always have grip on the project. Project should aim for success and that success is defined based on Scope achievement within agreed time and cost factors.

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For Commerce or Camaraderie

I am in the middle management and certainly at the crossroad when in conflict with customer and colleagues. This is not made up but picked right from one of the conversation, no, a heated discussion when a team member protested “aren't you supposed to stand by us?” averting their desperate look, I swivelled my chair and stared hard at the table with my eyes focus nowhere in particular but mind probing endless paradoxes and possibilities. Stand by whom? We will have to get educated not to take things personal but when someone slams ‘your idea makes no sense’, how can you detach and differentiate ‘it’s not me that’s criticized but my idea? So that means they are both different? Isn't my thought born out of me and interpreting as impersonal and remain impassive?” Impasse. Don’t dismiss that as banal, as everyone without an exception, at some point in time have introspected on similar lines. “Is it an individual’s interest or collective that matters? Should I have to prove standing by you? Client’s interest precedes and prevails above everything”, the hush in the room was so audible and I knew of touching a raw nerve, and their grievance wasn’t without ground. But if we start listening to such calls and concede ground on behalf of the crew, then there will be no option but pull the shutters down. Clients run the business – we manage. Attitude is all that counts. But a demoralized crew is more dangerous than a deadly weapon, and slighting their service will be huge let-down. So I counsel with an admission “agreed not all calls are fair but we should learn to overlook few just the same way they have accommodated our careless mistakes as ‘oversight’. Eventually business is about give and take, and no need to take things personally. It’s strictly professional. Alright, here is the call: prove them wrong by laying out the outline for closure and I will even it out.” Their eyes lit up. “Wait. What if we fail to deliver?” they sank into their seats. One developer took it up with me “WE WILL DELIVER”. That’s the spirit. I wanted to hear that and those words only. Management are sometime like middlemen who speak for both the side without letting the other down. Not fence sitters, but firmly on the ground. Project Managers must engage stakeholders, who are keen about the bottom line, while also ensuring the team’ morale never suffers at any cost nor become a casualty. It’s difficult to please everyone and unwise to even attempt or aspire. Set the priorities and take calculated risks. It’s not like one’s interest should be affected in order to meet another – that’s a compromise. Make it a win-win for all. Successful Managers are those who factor both the interest – commerce and camaraderie and maintain to sustain a long standing relationship that’s rich in its yield [revenue from client and retention of employees]. The subject is dealt very well in Project Management Certification course, especially in Stakeholder Management, Human Resource Management. You might want to visit know more about our offering
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Risks Vs. Opportunities

Risks Vs. Opportunities 
 What is Risk?

Risk is an uncertainty which could lead to an impact (positive or negative) to the project. When we mention uncertainty, it is related to probability. When the impact of the probable event is positive we call that as opportunity and when it turns negative, we term that traditionally as “Risk” (Negative impact). Does it mean should we care about only negative impacts or Risks? As much as Risks are important to monitor to minimize the probability and impact, its equally important to maximize the opportunity and the impact of positive impact. Risk à Reduce Probability à Reduce the impact Opportunity à Increase the Probability à Maximize the impact Example, we send the RFP (Request for Proposal) to our customer to get the deal which definitely is very uncertain to get the deal and make the profit out of that.

 What are the threats?

Competitors are our threat who have same level of competency or more 

What are the Risks and Opportunities?

commercially, if we spend money on developing prototype and the deal doesn’t materialize then it’s a loss to us. Hence developing prototype can be considered as Risk/Opportunity. hence, we should try to maximize the probability to get the deal .

What are the Risks involved?

The Risks (Negative Impacts) as identified can be Loss in profit

How to reduce the Negative Impact ?
Have alternate business plans
 Credibility with employees
 Have the backup plan for the resources 

What are the Opportunities (positive Impact)? High chances to get the deal as we have all things ready Team motivation

How to increase the Positive Impact ?

Create a prototype
 Resource Plan People, 
Software & Hardware 
Have the ramp up plan ready and it will be easy to kick off the project on time

Learn more about Risk and Opportunities by visiting our Project Management certification courses

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Quality Management a test of the Tester

The iron triangle of project management has scope+ time+ cost and at the core rests the Quality. Meaning none of the axes can be compromised, which consequently impact Quality adversely. So what’s about Quality? Well, everything boils down to Quality. Standards are Quality measure. High standards attributes to High Quality. Well, when thoughts transcend from personal experience as Project Manager, I always ensured the quality team has the final word on everything shipped much to the chagrin of the development team. They often sparred as to ‘who called the shots?’ and I will put my best foot forward “I do” to the eerie silence of the team. A team is a bunch of individuals with their own talent, and that’s why we refer recruitment more as Talent Acquisition. No matter the nomenclature associated, no two individuals are going to be the same. Like-minded perhaps, but unlikely twins in thoughts. So it’s a mixed pool. Fundamentally its still the make, sell, support, and the Quality team falls under the support bucket while developers act as the breadwinners in the ‘make’ stream, and hence feel privileged and even entitled. At the inception of the project, when the Developers roll up the sleeves and get busy writing Unit Cases, testers too are full of activity preparing test cases. So the any claim of entitlement is very juvenile in judgement and I dare say never to expect anything additional other than the allocated. One incident always enlivens and worth narrating. He was a super-duper geek that touching his code is deemed an insult. It’s like rinsed with Listerine mouth freshener every five minutes that the teeth are sparkling white and fragrant. One should marvel at the pride taken in their work that they come down to challenge “check my code and any bug, I am toasted else you are roasted”. I found a demure girl, belying her age, walking up to the rock star “I am sorry but there seems to be a bug”. A volcano just erupted. When the pride is pricked, what else can you expect? Fireworks. I was observing the exchange from a distance but didn't intervene. They are professionals and ought to conduct like one. A dent to his dignity, he mounts a ferocious attack justifying every nook and corner while the tester patiently hears him out. After a full fifteen minutes of explanation, the girl calmly states “I understand but it’s a bug”. The developer slams his forehead and unloads a heap of curses in which one expletive burst out unbeknown. Now discipline and decorum can never be conceded at any cost. Since the unfortunate exchange happened on the floor, the shrill pitch made heads turn around. The lady was unmoved and strangely didn't emote at all but retained her composure. The developer, in sharp contrast, was belligerent and a nervous wreck. However sharp you might be, team play takes prominence and position. Both approached my desk and my silence spelled ANGER. My glare at nowhere but all ears, I wanted to hear one word ‘sorry’ instead he defied everything that’s sacrosanct and conduct hardly propriety. I demanded ‘Apologize. Now’. It was not a counsel but a command, and reluctantly he budged and muttered the apology. He might be a rock star but that lady’s attitude made her much taller and he dwarfed in stature. I then requested the tester to walk through the bug and she clearly made her case which was watertight. Confounded with the bug and confused as how his code can be cracked, the developer was at his wits ends and close to tears. Passion is different to taking things personal. After all to err is human. Managing people is far too different and difficult than project. My call still remained unaltered ‘the tester will have the final word’ and pausing “if the client finds fault in the UAT [User Acceptance Testing], it will the tester who will be taken to task”. Even that developer smiled. Much rests on the shoulders of the tester who are gate-keepers. Nothing can or should slip or creep between their legs. With an eye for details and investigating instincts to sniff something unusual, they treat every test case as a suspect and once convinced of merits pass it for clearance. That tester demonstrated typical traits expected – the poise, politeness, profound knowledge, patience, perseverance, while the other (Developer) displayed pettiness. Her signature statement was bereft of sentiment but well stated “I am more concerned about the Quality of the Project just as you are about the principles of Project Management.” Well said! Quality Management is a key knowledge area in PMP® Certification exam. For more details visit

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Emotional intelligence (EI) and its effect on Management

Many of us are familiar with AI [Artificial Intelligence] but what is Emotional Intelligence? And its relevance in Management, especially people management? One respondent quipped ‘ego’. Though not entirely off the mark, it addresses just an aspect. Look before you leap; right. Do you think before acting? Emotional intelligence (EI) is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to recognize their own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour [courtesy: wiki]. The term EI gained recognition in 1995 and thereafter evolved as a model, namely ability and trait model. So far we have studied human behaviour, but seldom self-behaviour consciously. As individuals, we often introspect about our actions, and those who dig deeper to understand emotions and then associate with actions to adjust and adapt are better as decision-makers states studies. How effective as Managers? More than anything and anywhere, Emotional Intelligence most needed when negotiating with a colleague or peer or team or superior. Man exhibits myriad emotions. To handle and navigate needs successful soft skills for our decision ought to be rationale, objective and holistic. In a chaotic world with its cacophony like – snarls created after caught in traffic jams or embroiled in a heated exchange - it can be anything trivial to most trying of circumstance. Conflict is common occurrence but the choice to respond rest with us. Calm, collected and composed even in the wake of a storm can’t be seen in everyone. It’s a calling at a very high level and hence those who EI is way above are really adept in adjusting response/reaction and revel at interpersonal relations. The ability to recognize, relate, identify, empathize with others plight, connecting with others, commendable communication and control crisis are typical traits. In other words, high Emotional intelligence (EI) proves very effective in man-Management. Emotionally intelligent leadership are recognized by strong sense of self-awareness whereby that can detect one’s emotion and direct appropriate response mechanism. That call is critical. As highlighted above how we choose to respond is always our choice. Failure to manage might prove to fatal to one and all involved. Develop skills to be aware and evaluate the emotions of others, so as to react suitably to the situation. Leaders’ hallmark lies in this reception/response that has a direct impact on gaining confidence enhance performance, Employee retention to total satisfaction. They speak less and listen a lot. Not hear but listen to understand the underlying emotions. The tone, tenor, language, gestures gives scope to study and gauge emotions. Leaders always choose the words and measure before delivery – again in the right tone and tenor. These are exceptional skills to anticipate and in some case pre-empt – emotional intelligence is all about this and such Leaders prove to be remarkable in management. It might sound new to some or even niche, but make no mistake - only the fittest survive. Emotional intelligence is treated as a critical factor in assessing your management skills complementing human capital [education, certification] and fitness aspects. Yes, very much! Project Managers are expected to have a high emotional intelligence, as important and credible as the Project Management certification. One is a testament about your psyche and other about education, expertise and experience. Please visit our to know more of our offerings.
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HR are Humans Not from Mars

One of my close associate failed to show up for work – very unusual given his propensity to be punctual and as the days dragged on, strangely there was no sign of him. His mobile wasn’t reachable. His absence made me shiver with apprehension. A week later, he did report – to quit and be gone for good. I slumped on my desk and the lump in my throat just choked me. Why? Why? “My health mate. Docs scanned, said this and that, none of which I understood other than surgery”. As an act of solidarity “what can we do to help you?” He wasn’t himself. With that tired look, unenthusiastic and awful body language “pray if you can. I have to meet the HR”. After the meeting he came straight to me “HR is asking to serve the notice period. I have to board the train by noon. I came to hand over my papers and walk out and all he is concerned is about notice period‟.” His agony and anguish, in the given circumstances, was unquestionably understandable but for the time served he hardly understood or got to know better of HR. I am very close to HR as we discuss everything under the sun and sometimes the stars and galaxies too. He is a good-hearted guy but with a stoic face that betrays emotions or rather he hardly expresses and reserves a smile especially dealing with official matter. So when my close chum came out disheartened and disconsolate, little did he know that the HR empathized with his plight personally but discharged his duties professionally? The HR would later confide with me “I feel sorry for that guy, but if I came across as cold-hearted, I just can’t help it. I am paid to win heads and meet your needs. It’s strictly business.” What a character! His benevolence is blanked out like that thick fog on a wintry morning and what comes to the fore is akin to a policeman on a beat - Strict and stocky. This is not to be dismissed as delusion because dealing with humans can be far more complex and conversations, if gone haywire, can become catastrophic. I, serving in any capacity, always advocated promoting a culture where everyone can question and be questioned. “Give them what they want and get what you want‟- will avert grudges and grumbling within. There is discord and discontent, as disturbing, could prove detrimental and that’s where HR has a larger role to play in leveling the play area. Of course, I have been fortunate to mix and mingle with some fabulous HR personnel. And continue to do so……. PROJECT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT is one of the 10 knowledge areas in area in PMP® Certification exam. For more details visit
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  • "PMI®", "PMBOK®", "PMP®", "CAPM®" and "PMI-ACP®" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
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