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Top Machine Learning Algorithms

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Top Machine Learning Algorithms

Finding a suitable algorithm can take hours or even days. As they say, the best algorithm is the one that doesn't exist yet. There's a lot of big data in computer science and machine learning —we aren't just talking about your data. Programmers often feel overwhelmed by all the decisions to make when creating new algorithms. In this article, we'll show you some standard machine-learning algorithms you should know about to be an influential data scientist!

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Support vector machines (SVM) are machine learning algorithm that maps arbitrary data to high-dimensional spaces, finding a hyperplane (a line separating two classes) that maximizes the margin between the hyperplane and the nearest data point. The SVM is an iterative method that can be trained by repeatedly approximating the optimal solution for small steps.

SVM is a non-linear classifier that takes advantage of the structure of high-dimensional spaces to find optimal discriminants between different classes. It is one of several non-linear kernel methods for multilabel classification.

Linear Regression

Linear regression is a technique used to predict continuous numerical outcomes based on independent variables. It is a supervised learning algorithm in which we want to make predictions on new data that we have not used to train the model. There are two types of linear regression, Simple Linear Regression, and Multiple Linear Regression.

In simple linear regression, we have one continuous independent variable and one continuous dependent variable.

In multiple regression, we have more than one continuous independent variable and one continuous dependent variable.

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a classification algorithm, which means that it will predict a discrete outcome. There are two types of logistic regression, binary logistic regression, and multinomial logistic regression.

Binary logistic regression is used when we have two discrete effects: pass or fail, fraud or not fraud, and so on.

Multinomial logistic regression is used when we have more than two discrete outcomes.

Decision Tree

The decision tree algorithm is a machine learning technique that makes predictions by analyzing the information in a set of observations.

The algorithm can predict the probability of an event occurring or the likelihood that a specific outcome will happen. It works by creating a tree structure based on the data and then using it to find general rules that can be applied to more complex situations.

In its simplest form, decision trees work by finding patterns in data. For example, suppose you have a database of customers who bought products from different stores and have demographic information about them. In that case, you could create a decision tree that predicts whether or not they would return for another purchase.

Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes machine learning algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm for classification. It can be used for prediction, estimation, and various continuous variables.

This algorithm uses the Bayes theorem to estimate the probability of an event given some evidence. The result of this estimation is called a posteriori probability (PP) or probability assigned to an event or label given a set of observations. Naive Bayes machine learning algorithm is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms used in many fields, including marketing, finance, text mining, etc.

KNN (K- Nearest Neighbors)

KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) is an algorithm that learns a mapping from an input to a target. It is based on the concept of nearest neighbors, which means that if you know something about your closest neighbors, then you can use that information to predict what will happen next in the training data. This is called a "compound document" problem.

The KNN algorithm works by training a model to find the closest possible matches for a query document. Then, it uses the records most relative to the query as training examples and the rest as test data.

This is achieved using a metric called "distance" between two documents (or, more generally, between two instances). There are many different methods for calculating this distance: Euclidean distance, cosine similarity, etc., but they all have similar properties: they measure how far apart two objects are in terms of the number of links between them (or in terms of how many words they share). The larger this number gets compared to 1 (the ideal case), the better match we have found!


K-means is an unsupervised learning algorithm that uses the principle of minimum distance to cluster data points into groups. It works by assigning each point in the data set to a group, or cluster, whose center is the point with the fewest total distances from each end. Then, the algorithm iteratively adjusts each point's location to maximize the within-cluster sum of squares (WCS) and minimize the between-clusters sum of squares (BSS).

K-means clustering involves calculating the centroid for each point by finding its distance to each other in its cluster and then adjusting that point's position to minimize its distance from all other issues in its collection. This can be done with a single weighted average or another function of all individual measures for each point.

K-means has been used extensively in many fields, including computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition. It's considered one of the simplest methods for clustering data due to its intuitive nature; however, it can be inefficient if implemented poorly due to overfitting problems that arise when using training data samples from only one class (such as all red dots).

Random Forest

The Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithms are a set of methods to predict future events' outcomes. The method is based on the idea that many decision trees are created using random subsets of training data. Then, these subsets are combined to produce new sets containing more information than any individual decision tree. This allows for better prediction because each tree has access to more information than previous ones, making finding patterns in the data more accessible.

Random Forest Algorithms can be used in numerous areas of business and technology, including marketing, finance, and e-commerce. They're particularly useful when applied to data sets that are difficult or expensive to analyze in other ways. For example, they could help companies understand consumer behavior by analyzing purchases made at different locations over time or across different demographics.

Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms

With all this data, we must be careful about how much of it we use. Using all of your information is called a full-data approach. Using too much data can slow down your algorithm or even cause it to crash, and that's not a good thing. You want to use as little data as possible to predict accurately. Dimensionality reduction algorithms are used when you want to reduce the amount of data used to train an algorithm. You can use these algorithms when you have a lot of data, but your algorithm might be too slow. There are many different dimensionality reduction algorithms, but three popular ones.

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
  • Random Forest.

Gradient Boosting algorithms

Gradient boosting is an ensemble technique. The idea of an ensemble is to create a team of algorithms. Then each algorithm will specialize in predicting certain types of errors that the others aren't as good at predicting. When you combine them, you get a more accurate model. There are many different types of gradient-boosting algorithms that you can use in your models. Three of the most popular ones are

  • Gradient boosting trees (GBTs)
  • Adaptive gradient boosting trees (Ada Grad)
  • Stochastic gradient boosting (SGDB)


Machine learning algorithms are a valuable tool to use when working with data. When choosing the correct machine learning algorithm, selecting an appropriate algorithm for your data and problem is essential. Many different types of machine learning algorithms are available for various tasks, such as regression, clustering, and classification. If you want to become a data scientist, you have to understand how machine learning algorithms work. In addition, different algorithms are best for other problems, so it is essential to have a broad knowledge of the different algorithms and when to use them.

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