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What is Node.js: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

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What is Node.js: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

With several technologies on board, Node.js has its win and defects. However, there is no denying that it is widely leveraged by a few top-notch players worldwide, from Netflix and LinkedIn to Uber, to build swift, top-notch quality applications.

Node.js is an entirely accessible open-sources that brings several benefits to the table, making it a good choice over other server-side platforms such as PHP and Java. And popular techs leveraged by big brands are always something to focus on when making a career decision.

If you are new to Node.js or are just speeding up on the core concepts, this blog will introduce this platform's basics.

What is Node.js?

It is a cross-platform, open-source JavaScript runtime environment and library to run web applications outside an end-user browser. It's built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, which analyzes and performs the JavaScript code. In addition, the Node leverages an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and rapid. This model is one of the main reasons why Node has become so popular.

Why Use Node.js?

  • Been built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js is swift for code execution.
  • Node.js significantly minimizes the processing time when uploading audio/video files. The applications never buffer data and simply output the data in chunks.
  • Node.js is highly scalable, which create limited threads to tackle requests
  • Node Package Manager (NPM) has more than 50K bundles, so whatever the functionality needed for an application, it can be seamlessly imported from NPM.

Advantages of Learning Node.js?

If you're interested in front/back-end programming, you should think about learning Node.js. Here are five reasons why one must learn Node.js:

1. Job Market Demand

The demand for full-stack developers is high, and we see more job opportunities needing Node experts. Adding Node.js to your resume is a great way to expand your career choices as a stack developer. Moreover, your remuneration is excellent, i.e., an average Node.js developer receives $100K annually.

2. Easy to Understand and Learn

As said, Node.js is written in JavaScript. JavaScript is one of the most sought-after programming languages, and every developer is familiar with it. Hence, understanding and learning Node needs less time and effort, even for a Jr JavaScript programmer.

3. Active Community

Node.js is a very active and electrifying comprised of developers who continuously contribute to its enhancement. This makes learning seamless as you can access several solutions at any development phase.

4. Full Stack js

The increase in full-stack web development can be certified to Node. This web development is when the same creators work on all program aspects such as database admin, front/back-end development, and more.

Before Node, these developers had to learn multiple languages; however, with Node, you only require to know JavaScript to write both front- and back-end web apps.

5. Freedom to Build Apps

While Ruby on Rails is a framework that imposes rules and regulations to create software in a certain way, Node.js provides more freedom to do things our way.

A fresh install of Node only offers you a bare minimum, letting you build everything from scratch and customize every last detail with fewer restrictions.

Products that Used Node.js

1. Walmart

According to Forbes, this is the globe's most prominent organization by revenue, with $59Bn in 2020. The organization chose Node.js because of:

  • Efficient handling of simultaneous requests
  • Asynchronous I/O


NASA is responsible for the civilian space program and aerospace and aeronautics research. This agency chose to leverage Node.js for the following:

  • Ability to tackle data-intensive activities
  • Minimized access times
  • Potential to maintain the server 24/7

3. Medium

Developed by Evan Williams, Medium is a popular online publishing platform that leverages Node.js for the following reasons:

  • Easy server maintenance
  • Data-driven applications
  • Capability to run A/B tests

4. PayPal

It's a US-based organization operating worldwide as an online payment forum supporting online transactions. The reason why PayPal chose Node.js are:

  • Fewer code lines
  • Potential to tackle massive amounts of data
  • Significantly rapid build times

How to Learn Node.js?

If you thinking learning Node.js might be your next motive to advance the career, here are few things how to get started with the Node.js:

  • Learn JavaScript
  • Understand why it’s called Node, so you'll understand better how it works.
  • The main aspect of Node is non-blocking; hence you've to understand how I/O operations in Node are executed asynchronously, with code lines adhering to a non-blocking pattern.
  • Understand the concept of the event loop
  • Learn the global variables
  • Understand how to leverage the libraries that comes with Node
  • Learn to write codes for Node
  • Write a web application on Node, without leveraging any framework

Materials to Learn Node.js

The points mentioned above are only to get you started. When understanding or learning Node, you must program 90% of the time and require more knowledge than we have listed to achieve that. 

However, there are numerous valuable materials you can leverage to educate yourself on Node.js and dedicate more time to programming, including:

  • Node is open source, and so are many materials, including Visionmedia, a tremendous open-source E-book for learning Node.
  • Blogs can help in learning Node.js and staying current with changes.
  • Node courses vary based on the proficiency level you have and the approach to learning.
  • Several coding boot camps can teach you Node.js as part of a MEAN Stack.
  • Diving into documentation may be hectic, especially when you're new to Node; therefore, find videos to learn that might be a better place to start.
  • You can also find free online tutorials to learn Node.js.

For a newcomer who wants to get started in the tech sector, learning Node.js and getting significant certifications can be an effective method to launch your career. Use your time and effort to begin your journey, and soon you'll be an expert in this profitable runtime environment.


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