It can sound so ironical when the soldiers safeguarding the borders endure rigorous drills routinely, even in peace time to be ever ready – war footed, as it is known – why are those civilians enjoying the serenity of the surrounding, buoyed by the security at the borders, lowering their guard?
There was a time when a renowned industrialist lamented “we haven't done well is in reducing the number of people who suffer from inadequacy - in terms of education.” So what’s our weakness? Inadequacy.
Not so far away are the days that the jobs that exist today will be completely wiped out. That’s the bad news. Don’t despair. There will be new jobs that will be created. That’s the good news. The question unanswered is “are you prepared?” It is not suggested, even remotely, that you are incompetent. But in the coming days, would you be capable enough to compete with Bots, automation and artificial intelligence? What will be the odds on your chances against these competitors?
Don’t fret. Help yourself. Start all over again. When you can catch up with the changing times, can’t you toe in line with the ? Yes, you can by rebooting. Start first by dusting off.
Any threat perceived, or present, like the ones in the form of these Robots coming to chew your job away or gobble you down is to shake you up from the slumber, the comfort zone that ensconces from the emerging challenges. It isn’t a shield if you can’t defend; rather it leaves you weak and vulnerable. A complacent mind is the most susceptible to fall apart. Shocking as it might be, but if you have learnt anything new of late, then the same flour is ground. The most difficult of all is to learn. Education doesn’t come with an expiry and neither is there a timeline for learning. Sadly, your stock of accumulated knowledge has a shelf-life, while learning is for a lifetime. Brutal facts.
“Ninety-five percent of my assets drive out the gate every evening. It’s my job to maintain a work environment that keeps those people coming back every morning,” according to Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS Institute (#6 Best Employer 2016).
What drives you to your desk every morning?
What makes you wanted at your workplace?
What is your worth? Present and future. Do the math.
There comes a moment in our lives when we reflect at the days that passed by and wonder why didn’t we make the most of it. You never know unless you lose it might sound so clichéd but that’s the truth.
Study today for tomorrow' needs. Succeed.
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