Did you know the rise of the demand for qualified project managers? 12%* Did you know number of jobs expected to be created in the global industries like IT, BFSI, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Construction? It’s about 15 million jobs.* Did you know the median salary of a project manager in the U.S? $108,000* Did you know how much more a PMP credential holder earns? 16% more* Did you know the number of number of PMP credential holders at the beginning of 2014? 600,000 (723,067 as of May 2016.)* * The data presented about is sourced from PMI’s Industry Forecast – “Project Management between 2010+2020”, March 2013.
So it is interesting to note that the PMP certification has not lost its sheen. If anything, things are brighter for the PMP holder who commands immense respect in the market. The syllabus after Jan 11, 2016 has been upgraded and the exam is tougher than before , thus clearing the certification is matter of pride and prestigious as well. As a certified professional you are an inch taller, and for sure head over shoulder amongst your peers, who are uncertified.
There are some impressive infographics about project management – in terms of need, importance, growth and salary
Source: PMI’s Pulse of the Profession: The High Cost of Low Profession 2014’ PMI’s project Management Talent Gap Report 2013 Payscale.com PwC’s Insights and Trends: Current Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Practices’
The trends forecast job-openings all over the map and the salary structure seems to be growing in pyramid. But the most important insight from the infographics is the 'losing of 109 Million Dollars for every Billion spent on Projects and Programs'.
You can create a difference. Do you want to do PMP and imprint your own footprint?
What are you waiting for? Do it Now!
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