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How much time do you need to study for the PMP Exam?

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How Much Time Do You Need to Study for the PMP Exam?

To prepare for the PMP exam, expect to invest about eight to twelve weeks of study time. But, before we move on, let's address a different question: How long does it take to prepare for a marathon? 

Assuming you are just starting as a runner and have no fitness background, it will probably take you five hours of practice per week in the first few months. Later, you'll need to put in about 20 hours per week of training. 

Remember, these numbers are only guidelines: every runner is different.

Everyone is different, and so are the circumstances that determine how long it takes to study for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam.

For example, you might need to spend months studying, or one month is enough. The only way to know is to plan your preparation schedule and stick with it.

How to Study for Your PMP Exam

You should use the following sources to study for your PMP Exam:

The PMBOK Guide

This is a common misstep among people studying for their PMP Exam Review. The PMBOK Guide is a vital study resource, but it shouldn't be the only resource you use to prepare.

If you're looking to pass the exam on the first shot, you should review as many other resources as possible.

Study the material you learned in your 35-contact hour training program.

Preparation for the exam begins with a 35-contact hour training course, which is a mandatory requirement to take the PMP Exam. 

The 35 hours will help you get on track to understanding the nitty-gritty of PMBOK Guide concepts, and you must use these study materials as your first source of study. 

Many people try to dive into the hard copy of the actual PMBOK Guide. But, unfortunately, they get overwhelmed, so I advise that you start with the training materials instead.

A PMBOK Guide-based reference book

You will find the bulk of information on which you should base your study for the PMP Exam in the PMBOK Guide.

But no single book could cover everything on the exam. That's why it is essential to have additional resources.

You can check out other reference books in the PMI's reference list.

A test simulator offers a way to get ready for the exam.

There is a saying that practice makes a man perfect. Therefore, for the PMP Exam, it is recommended that you complete at least 1500 questions—depending on your knowledge of project management and the concepts in the PMBOK Guide—during your study period.

In addition to the studies described above, it would benefit you to refer to the Internet for additional reference and practice sources. Finally, you likely know that you'll need to study a lot to pass the exam. We have now described what all needs to be learned. The next step is to find out how much time you'll need for your studies.

How long it'll take to Get PMP Certified

A well-planned training schedule makes it likely that you will pass the PMP certification test on your first attempt. 

We have broken down the whole PMP preparation plan into significant components, making it easy to create a personalized study plan.

Follow the steps below to create your study schedule.

  1. The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) has thirteen chapters. You will probably be tested on most, if not all, of these chapters. Study one chapter at a time.
  2. Start by studying the chapter of the study material that your training company provided. Then, you can watch the video and use your training notes.
  3. After studying the material in a training manual chapter, I recommend reading the equivalent section of the PMBOK Guide. Learning both side-by-side helps me focus on how each reference treats similar topics.
  4. You can also include other credible sources that may be available to you.
  5. After finishing a chapter, try some sample questions to test your knowledge. The practice will help you see where you need to study more.
  6. If you feel ready, move on to the next chapter.
  7. After you've worked through the entire book, do some practice tests.

The more time you put into studying, the more you will get out of it. This is because the size and difficulty of the material depend on your knowledge and skills.

For example, a significant and challenging chapter might require more than two hours to complete instead of a smaller and simpler chapter that can be done in an hour. 

In addition, you would need about three-four hours for the PMBOK Guide and reference book study. 

Lastly, you would need about one-two hour each to practice some end-of-chapter sample test questions.

Final thoughts

Exams are necessary for most certification programs, which are valid for PMP. To get certified, you have to pass the exam. 

You can learn about the PMP exam thoroughly by reading all the material available as a study guide. However, suppose you are jumping into studying within a few weeks before your exam date.

In that case, it probably means that you are not ready to take that big step in getting certified. Taking an exam without adequate preparation can result in a low passing grade which is practically useless.

The Project Management Professional certification is a popular accreditation for project managers. 

To pass the exam, you will need to study for it. Therefore, start looking early and finish your studies at least eight weeks before the exam date, or 12 weeks if you have not worked in project management for a significant period.

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