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Data Science Masters Program

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Data Science Masters Program
You will learn the following courses in our Data Science Masters Program:


1. Python Statistics for Data Science Course

2. R Statistics for Data Science Course

3. Data Science Certification Course using R

4. Python Certification Training for Data Science

5. AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow

6. Tableau Training & Certification

7. Data Science Master Program Capstone Project

8. SQL Essentials Training & Certification

9. R Programming Certification Training

10. Python Programming Certification Training

11. Scala Essentials

12. MongoDB® Training And Certification


iCert Global is offering the Data Science Masters Program which is a series of 12 courses that are designed based on data-driven strategies of the organizations. With the Data Scientist Master Program, the aspirants can gain hands-on experience on python Statistics, Python Programming, R Programming, R Statistics, AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Tableau, Capstone Project, SQL Essentials, Scala Essentials, and MongoDB®. 

Program Advantage 

  • Get certified in most in-demand Data Science field
  • Enhance your analytical and statistical skills 
  • Expertise in the latest trend of Data Science
  • Get hands-on visualization tools
  • Lucrative career path

Program Benefits 

  • Gain a foundational understanding of Data Science
  • Enhance your understanding of the data structure used in different tools and languages.
  • Understand and use the various graphics through data visualization
  • Gain a basic understanding of various statistical concepts
  • Understand and use hypothesis testing method to drive business decisions
  • Understand and use linear, non-linear regression models, and classification techniques for data analysis

Target Audience

The top-notch data science program will be best suited for:

  • IT Professionals
  • Analytics Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Banking and Finance Professionals
  • Marketing Managers
  • Network Managers
  • Graduate in Bachelors or Master’s Degre

Prerequisites for Data Science Masters program

  • There are no such prerequisites for taking the Data Science Masters Program
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics and programming will be an added advantage.

Industry Demand

Data Scientist is the most promising job in the U.S according to LinkedIn. 

  • Median Base Salary: $130,000
  • Job Openings (YoY Growth): 4,000+ (56%)
  • Career Advancement Score (out of 10): 9

Also, the demand for Data Scientists is growing exponentially in all the industries. Out of all the openings, 19% of data science professionals jobs are secured by the Finance Industry.

Demand for Data Science as per industry

According to,

Average annual salary for Data Scientists

Python Statistics for Data Science

Python Statistics for Data Science

Python statistics is one of the most important python built-in libraries developed for descriptive statistics. 

Python statistics is all about the ability to describe, summarize, and represent data visually through comprehensive python statistics libraries. The curriculum of the course is mainly focused on the overall concept of python statistics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.


  • Basic knowledge of mathematics
  • Fundamental knowledge of statistics
  • Basic knowledge of Python language

Target Audience:

Statisticians who want to use python for data manipulation, data exploration or statistical analysis.

Industry Demand

There is a huge demand for statisticians with python skills.

According to

The average annual salary to a statistician with python skill can reach up to $109k/year

Average annual salary for Statistician with Python skill

R Statistics for Data Science Course 

R statistics

With R statistics, enhance your knowledge on statistical inference to understand and compute p-values and confidence intervals, all while analyzing data with R. 


There are no such prerequisites required to take up R-Statistics 

  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Basic mathematics knowledge

Target Audience:

Statisticians who want to use python for data manipulation, data exploration or statistical analysis.

Industry demand 

According to,

Average annual salary for Statiscian with R skill

The annual salary of a statistician with R skills can earn up to $100k/year.


Data Science Certification Course using R

Data Science Certification using R

R is a comprehensive programming language and considered as a primary language for Data Science and it provides support for object-oriented programming with generic functions for developing web applications.

R program holds the capability of transforming any data into structured data. R language helps in complex operations with vectors, arrays, data frames as well as other data objects that have varying sizes.


  • Basic knowledge of R language
  • Basic knowledge of statistics

Target Audience

  • IT professionals interested in data science and analytics
  • Software developers wanting to pursue a career in data science and analytics
  • Business analytics Professionals
  • Fresh graduates wanting to build in career in the Analytics space
  • Experienced professionals who would like to expand their expertise in data analytics

Industry demand 

There is a huge demand for data scientists with R programming skills. The annual salary of the data scientists with R skills can earn up to $126k/year

According to,

Average Data Scientists with R skill salary

Python Certification Training for Data Science

Python Certification Training for Data Science

Python is in a leading position in the language used by data science professionals. It is the de facto language for data science. Python has many libraries, especially for data manipulation and data analysis. 

It is used to develop highly efficient and cost-effective applications. It is widely used by data scientists for data mining, web development, scientific computing, and more.


  • Basics of Python language
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics

Target Audience:

  • Data analytics professionals working with python 
  • software and IT professionals

Industry Demand

As per Payscale,

The annual salary of data scientists with python skills can earn up to $130k/year.

Average annual salary for Data Scientists with python skill


AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow 

AI and Deep learning with TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an open-source library used to build complicated AI and Deep learning models and to manipulate the data by creating a DataFlow graph or a Computational graph. It is an end-to-end platform to deploy machine learning models.

AI and deep learning with the TensorFlow program include the concept of SoftMax function, Autoencoder Neural Networks, Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and work with libraries like Keras & TFLearn.

With this course, the learner will be able to use TensorFlow to implement deep learning functions as tools to build scalable AI-powered algorithms.


There are no prerequisites to take this course. The following knowledge will be an added advantage.

  • Basic programming knowledge 
  • Concepts about Machine Learning
  • The basic concept of Deep Learning

Course benefits:

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Build complicated models using best practices of TensorFlow
  • Build image recognition algorithms with deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks
  • In-depth knowledge of Convolutional Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Autoencoders
  • Hands-on real-life industry-based projects
  • Understanding of Machine Learning Paradigms
  • Get certification

Target Audience

  • Object-Oriented application developers aspiring to become ‘Data scientists’

  • Analytics Managers 
  • Business Analysts interested to learn Deep Learning (ML) Techniques
  • Information Architects
  • Data Analysts
  • Software professionals who already have Big Data background 

Industry Demand

TensorFlow is the most popular and in-demand tech skill. According to Forbes, TensorFlow was the top tech skill in the past three years.

TensorFlow demand

The average annual salary of a TensorFlow according to,

Average annual salary for TensorFlow

Tableau Training & Certification

Tableau training and certification

Tableau is a data visualization tool that transforms unstructured raw data into structured and understandable formats. Tableau enhances the speed of data analysis by visualization through dashboards and worksheets. It allows code and customizes the reports. It is easily understandable and is popular in all sectors of the industry. The best features of Tableau are:

  • Data Blending
  • Real-time analysis
  • Collaboration of data

Tableau is integrated with over 250 applications and can extract data from simple to complicated databases like excel, pdf, oracle, Amazon Web services, Microsoft Azure SQL database, Google Cloud SQL.

The Tableau product suite consists of:

  • Tableau Desktop
  • Tableau Public
  • Tableau Online
  • Tableau Server
  • Tableau Reader


Tableau certification does not require any prerequisites, but preferably the following knowledge will be an added advantage:

  • Basic knowledge of SQL 
  • Basic knowledge of DW (Data Warehousing) concepts 
  • Basic understanding of Microsoft Excel
  • Basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics, microeconomics, and marketing

Course Benefits:

At the end of the course, you will be able to,

  • Understand the transformation of unstructured data into dashboards and worksheets
  • Ability to create interactive plots for business analysis
  • Build dashboards for complicated data
  • Work in different industries
  • Higher pay

Target Audience:

Tableau users vary from beginner to intimidate level

  • Model Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Strategist
  • Data Quality Operator
  • Change Manager
  • Data Visualization Analyst
  • Workflow Integrator
  • Business Intelligence Manager
  • Business Intelligence Developer

Industry Demand:

There is a soaring demand for Tableau professionals in all the sectors.

According to Gartner,

For the 8th consecutive year, Tableau is positioned as a leader.

Demand for Tableau

The annual salary of data analytics with Tableau skill can reach up to $89k/year.

Avwerage annual salary for Tableau


Data Science Master Program Capstone Project

Data science master program capstone project

The capstone project is all about implementing data science skills in the real world. This course validates the knowledge you gained in our Data Scientist Master Program. The capstone project ensures you become a job-ready data scientist and enhances the ability to solve complex industry-aligned problems. The course involves an end to end process: preparing the data, organizing data, transforming data, constructing a model, and evaluating results.

The Data Science Master Program Capstone Project includes,

  • Data Processing
  • Data Wrangling
  • Data Visualization
  • Model building
  • Model finalization
  • Dashboarding the results 


  • The candidate must complete the iCert Global’s Data Scientist Master Program.
  • In-depth knowledge of programming languages such as python and R
  • Basic knowledge of data visualization tools like Tableau.

Target Audience

  • Anyone who is interested in solving the industry based data science problem.

SQL Essentials Training & Certification

SQL essentials training and certification

Structured Query Language (SQL) is one of the most sought after languages for data wrangling. Data wrangling helps the user to easily scale the process of a large volume of data. It is used to retrieve answers from stored business data.

SQL is designed to interact with data and to manipulate data in the Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). SQL Essential and training will enable you to code and manage database-driven applications and relational databases. SQL includes MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite with the same application programming interface (API). 

The key features of SQL essentials include,

  • Creating tables 
  • Defining relationships 
  • Manipulating strings, numbers, and dates.
  • Using triggers to automate actions  
  • Using subselects and views.

Course benefits:

After completion of the course, you will be able to,

  • Create and manage tables using Data definition language (DDL) statements
  • Manipulate data using Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Retrieve Data using the SQL select statement
  • Restrict and sort data


There are no prerequisites for this course.

  • Basic knowledge about DBMS (Database Management System) will be an additional advantage.
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft excel

Target Audience

  • Software Developer
  • Student interested to become Data Analysts
  • Research Professional
  • Information Technology Consultant
  • Information Technology Support Specialist

Industry Demand 

SQL is used by the top companies. Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, Facebook, Google, and Amazon use SQL to create their own database systems. 

Especially for the job posting for Data Analysts, the most in-demand listed skill in the U.S is SQL. According to the research report,

Demand for SQL


According to Payscale, the annual salary of data analysts with SQL can go up to $88k/year.

Average annual salary for SQL


R Programming Certification Training

R programming Certification Training

R Programming is an open-source programming language and analytical tool used by Data Scientists, Data Miners, Software Programmers, Statistics to facilitate the performance of statistical operations. R is most popular for its visualization libraries. 

R produces portable and machine-independent code that facilitates easy debugging of errors in the code.


There is no such prerequisite to learn R programming.

  • Basic knowledge of mathematics and statistics will be an added advantage.

Target Audience

  • Software developers 
  • Statisticians
  • Data miners

Industry Demand

In the recent ranking on the popularity of programming languages for March 2020 by TIOBE, R is one of the top programming languages in terms of popularity. 

According to  average annual salary is drawn by a certified R programmer is:

salary for R skill


Python Programming Certification Training 

Python programming certification training

Python is a strongly-typed procedural language, interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. It's high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding.

According to Stack Overflow’s annual developer survey

“Python, the fastest-growing major programming language, has risen in the ranks of programming languages in our survey yet again, edging out Java this year and standing as the second most loved language (behind Rust).”

Python is an open-source platform designed to run on Windows and Linux environments. There are python libraries developed for,

  • Data manipulation
  • Data Visualization
  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing


There is no such prerequisite to learn R programming.

  • Basic knowledge of mathematics and statistics will be an added advantage.

Target Audience

  • Software developers 
  • Statisticians
  • Data miners

Industry demand

Python is considered as the top skill required for data science

demand for python

average salary for python

Scala Essentials 

Scala essentials

The name Scala is a combination of the words “Scalable” and “Language,” Scala is a combination language of object-oriented design with functional programming. Scala uses an object-oriented design with functional programming. Scala enables data scientists to custom functions, parallel processing, and programming Spark with Scala. 


  • Basic knowledge and experience in object-oriented languages such as Java, C#
  • Basic knowledge and  experience in a functional programming language (e.g. Haskell, Lisp) 
  • Basic understanding of database and any query language

Target Audience

  • Software Developer
  • Research professional
  • Information Technology Engineer

Industry Demand

Scala is a highly flexible and functional language. Top companies like LinkedIn, Twitter, Netflix, Tumblr, Sony, Apple, Foursquare use scala. Scala is also used to build  Android Applications and Desktop Applications.

According to Payscale,

Average annual salary for scala

MongoDB® Training And Certification

MongoDB Training and Certification

MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database program. MongoDB is based on C++. It is a leading NoSQL database which means the data is not in a rational format. The data is in documents. MongoDB is used for high volume data storage. 

The main feature of MongoDB is that it enables ad hoc queries and helps in searching by field, range queries, and regular expression searches.

MongoDB provides indexing, replication, and load balancing. MongoDB will help to deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented database.


  • Basic understanding of database, text editor and execution of programs.
  • Basic concept of RDBMS
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript programming 

 Target Audience

  • Database Admin
  • Database Server Engineer
  • Database Specialist
  • Data Analytics
  • Visualization Engineer 
  • Senior Developer
  • Team Lead
  • Web Developer
  • Applications Engineer

Industry Demand

According to ITJobsWatch,

Demand for MongoDB

There is an increasing demand for Certified MongoDB professionals.

According to

The average annual salary of Data scientist wit MongoDB skill is:

Average annual salary for MongoDB


For more information on how iCert Global can help you to achieve your Data Science Certification goals, please visit our Data Science Certification Training Courses on our website.

Know more about our Professional Certification Training Courses for preparing for the above certifications.

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We provide instructor-led classroom and instructor-led live online training across the globe. We also provide Corporate Training for enterprise workforce development.

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iCert Global conducts Project Management, Quality Management, Business Analysis, Agile, Scrum, and DevOps Certification courses across various locations in the United States.

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