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Top Data Science Tools Everyone Should Know

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Data Science is a broad field that entails a variety of data manipulation techniques. To finish your task successfully as a data scientist or IT expert, you need to be aware of the top Data Science tools available on the market. Are you aware that the worldwide Data Science industry is predicted to develop at a 30% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)?


Top 30 Data Science Tools

Knowing how to use Data Science tools that can help you to launch a successful Data Science career. 

Continue reading to learn about some of the best Data Science tools on the market!

  1. MATLAB -
    MATLAB is a prominent Data Science tool which is used by businesses and organisations. It's a programming platform for data scientists that allows them to access information from databases, flat files, cloud platforms, and other sources. 

With MATLAB, you can quickly do feature engineering on a dataset. The data types in MATLAB are specifically developed for Data Science and save a consequential amount of time in data pre-processing.

  1. JULIA -
    Many Data Scientists consider Julia to be the successor to Python. Julia is a programming language especially built for Data Science. Julia can match the speed of popular programming languages like C and C++ during Data Science operations thanks to its JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation. Julia helps you to complete statistical calculations in Data Science in less time. 

Julia enables you to manually control the trash collection process and eliminates the need for memory management and it is one of the most popular programming languages for Data Science because of its autonomous memory management and math-friendly syntax.

    Apache Kafka is a distributed messaging system that helps enormous amounts of data to be transferred from one application to another. With Apache Kafka, you can build data pipelines in less time. Kafka, known for its fault tolerance and scalability that will ensure that no data is lost while transporting data between apps. 

Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system that allows publishers to send messages to subscribers based on topics and the publish-subscribe messaging system allows subscribers to consume all of the messages in a subject.

  1. MINITAB -
    Minitab is a widely used data manipulation and analysis software tool. Minitab can help you find trends and patterns in an unstructured collection. Minitab can be used to make the dataset that will be used as the input for data analysis easier to understand. Minitab can also help data scientists with graph building and data science computations.

Minitab generates descriptive statistics based on the input dataset, highlighting many key data points such as mean, median, standard deviation, and so on. Minitab allows you to make a number of graphs as well as do regression analysis.

  1. SAP HANA -
    Sap Hana is a relational database management system for storing and retrieving data that is simple to use. It is a useful tool in Data Science because of its in-memory and column-based data management technique. Sap Hana can work with databases that store things in a geometrical space (spatial data).

Text search and analytics, graph data processing, predictive analysis, and other Data Science tasks are all possible with Sap Hana. Its in-memory data storage retains data in the main memory rather than on a disc, making searching and data processing more efficient.

  1. SAS -
    SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a Data Science tool which has been around for a long time. SAS helps users to perform granular textual data analysis and generate meaningful results. Many Data Science professionals prefer SAS reports because they are more aesthetically appealing. 

SAS is also used to access or retrieve data from numerous sources, in addition to data analysis. It is commonly used for data mining, time series analysis, econometrics, and business intelligence, among other Data Science activities. SAS is a platform-agnostic programme which can also be used for remote computing and the importance of SAS in quality improvement and application development cannot be overstated.

  1. EXCEL -
    One of the best tools for Data Science beginners is Excel, which is part of Microsoft's Office suite. It also aids in the study of Data Science foundations before moving on to sophisticated analytics. It is one of the most widely used data visualisation tools among data scientists.

Excel presents data in a simple way, using rows and columns, so that even non-technical users may grasp it. Concatenation, determining average data, summation, and other Data Science processes are all possible with Excel formulas. Because of its ability to process large data sets, it is one of the most significant tools for Data Science.

    Data scientists are employed in a wide range of industries and fields, including digital marketing. In the field of digital marketing, it's one of the most often used Data Science tools. In order to better understand how consumers engage with a website, a web administrator can utilise Google Analytics to access, visualise, and analyse data.

Google Analytics can recognise and exploit the data trail left behind by visitors to a website in order to assist marketers in making better marketing decisions. It may also be used by non-technical individuals to do data analytics because of its high-end analytics and easy-to-use interface.

  1. SPSS -
    Researchers frequently use SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to analyse statistical data. SPSS can also be used to speed up survey data processing and analysis

To develop prediction models, you can utilise the SPSS Modeler tool. In surveys, text data is present, and SPSS can extract insights from it. You may also use SPSS to create a density chart or a radial boxplot, among other data visualisations.

    Apache Hadoop is an open-source platform for parallel data processing that is widely utilised. Any huge file is split into chunks and spread among multiple nodes. 

Hadoop then use the node clusters for parallel processing. Hadoop is a distributed file system that fragments data and distributes it across numerous nodes. In addition to the Hadoop File Distribution System, other Hadoop components such as Hadoop YARN, Hadoop MapReduce, and Hadoop Common are used to process data in parallel.

  1. MONGODB -
    MongoDB is a high-performance database and one of the most often used Data Science tools. The collection (MongoDB documents) feature of MongoDB allows you to store large volumes of data. It includes all of the characteristics of SQL, as well as the ability to conduct dynamic queries.


MongoDB is a database that uses JSON-style documents to store data and enables for high data replication. Because it provides high data availability, MongoDB makes managing massive data much easier. In addition to simple database queries, MongoDB can perform advanced analyses. Because of its scalability, MongoDB is one of the most widely used Data Science tools.

    MicroStrategy is used by data scientists who are also interested in business intelligence. MicroStrategy offers a comprehensive set of data analytics tools, as well as improved data visualisation and discovery. MicroStrategy can access data from a wide range of data warehouses and relational systems, improving data accessibility and discovery.


For easier analysis, MicroStrategy helps you to break down unstructured and complex data into smaller chunks. MicroStrategy enables the generation of more accurate data analytics reports and real-time data monitoring.


    When conducting Data Science jobs, Apache Spark was designed with low latency in mind. Interactive queries and stream processing can be handled by Apache Spark, which is based on Hadoop MapReduce. It has become one of the most powerful Data Science tools on the market thanks to its in-memory cluster processing.

Its in-memory computing speeds up processing significantly. Apache Spark supports SQL queries, allowing you to infer various relationships from your data. Spark also includes Java, Scala, and Python APIs for building Data Science applications.

    DataRobot is an essential tool for Data Science tasks such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. You may quickly drag and drop datasets on the DataRobot user interface. Data analytics are accessible to both rookie and professional data scientists thanks to its user-friendly design.

DataRobot allows you to simultaneously design and deploy over 100 Data Science models, giving you a wealth of data. Businesses use it to provide high-end automation to their clients and customers. DataRobot's powerful predictive analysis can help you make data-driven decisions with confidence.


    It's one of the best Data Science tools from the Apache Software Foundation for 2020/2021. Apache Flink is capable of performing real-time data analysis in a short amount of time. Apache Flink is a scalable open-source distributed platform for Data Science calculations. Flink provides a low-latency pipeline and parallel data flow diagram execution.


Apache Flink can also process an unbounded data stream with no set beginning and end points. Apache is well-known for its Data Science tools and methods, which can aid in the analytical process. Flink is a tool that helps data scientists reduce complexity while processing real-time data.

  1. KNIME -
    Knime is a popular data reporting, mining, and analysis tool in Data Science. It is one of the most significant tools in Data Science because of its ability to extract and transform data. Knime is a free-to-use open-source platform in various regions of the world.

It employs the 'Lego of Analytics,' a data pipelining concept for bringing together various Data Science components. Knime's intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) allows data scientists to execute jobs with little or no programming experience. Visual data pipelines from Knime are used to create interactive representations of datasets.

    Because of its ability to build an adequate data preparation environment, RapidMiner is a popular Data Science software tool. RapidMiner is capable of building any data science/machine learning model from the bottom up. RapidMiner enables data scientists to monitor data in real time and perform advanced analytics.

RapidMiner can do text mining, predictive analysis, model validation, comprehensive data reporting, and other Data Science tasks. RapidMiner's scalability and security features are especially noteworthy. RapidMiner can be used to build complete commercial Data Science applications.


  1. BIGML -
    BigML is used to generate datasets that can be shared easily with other systems. BigML was originally designed for Machine Learning (ML), but it is now widely used to develop practical Data Science methodologies. You can easily classify data and find anomalies/outliers in a data collection using BigML.

BigML's interactive data visualisation approach makes data scientists' decision-making straightforward. The Scalable BigML platform can be used for time series forecasting, topic modelling, association discovery, and other tasks. You can use BigML to work with large volumes of data.

    Modern technologies such as Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence regularly use TensorFlow. TensorFlow is a Python library for creating and training Data Science models. You can take data visualisation to the next level with TensorFlow. 

Because TensorFlow is written in Python, it is straightforward to use and often used for differential programming. TensorFlow is a programming language that may be used to deploy Data Science models across multiple devices. TensorFlow's data type is an N-dimensional array, often known as a tensor.

  1. TABLEAU -
    Tableau is a data visualisation software that helps with data analysis and decision-making. Tableau enables you to visually portray data in less time so that it can be understood by everyone. Tableau can assist you in resolving complex data analytics issues in less time. You don't have to bother about setting up the data when you use Tableau; instead, you can focus on the rich insights.

Tableau, which was launched in 2003, has completely changed the way data scientists approach challenges. Tableau enables customers to get the most out of their data and produce insightful insights.


  1. POWERBI -
    One of the most essential data science and business intelligence tools is PowerBI. It can be used to visualise data in conjunction with other Microsoft Data Science tools. You can generate rich and intelligent reports from any dataset using PowerBI. Users can also create their own data analytics dashboards with PowerBI.

Incoherent data sets can be turned into coherent data sets using PowerBI. You may develop a logically consistent dataset that produces rich insights with PowerBI. PowerBI may be used to create visually beautiful reports that are also easy to comprehend for non-technical people.

  1. PYTHON -
    Data Science tools and technology aren't limited to databases and frameworks. When it comes to Data Science, choosing the right programming language is crucial. Python is often used by data scientists for site scraping. Python provides a variety of libraries designed expressly for Data Science projects.

Python enables you to do a wide range of mathematical, statistical, and scientific calculations efficiently. Some of the most widely used Python libraries for Data Science are NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Keras, and additional Python libraries.

  1. R -
    R is a scalable software environment for statistical analysis and is one of the many popular programming languages used in the Data Science area. Data clustering and classification can be done faster with R. R can create a wide range of statistical models, including linear and nonlinear models.


R is an excellent data cleansing and visualisation tool. R presents data in an easy-to-understand format so that anyone may grasp it. In R, you can use DBI, RMySQL, dplyr, ggmap, xtable, and other Data Science add-ons.


    QlikView is a business intelligence tool and one of the most widely used Data Science tools. QlikView may be used by data scientists to find correlations between unstructured data and do data analysis. QlikView can also be used to display data relationships visually. With QlikView, data aggregation and compression may be done more quickly.

You won't have to waste time figuring out how data entities are related because QlikView takes care of everything for you. Its in-memory data processing offers faster results than other Data Science tools on the market.

    Trifacta is a data preparation and cleaning tool that is widely used in Data Science. Trifacta can clean both structured and unstructured data in a cloud data lake. Trifacta significantly accelerates the data preparation process when compared to competing platforms. Errors, outliers, and other anomalies in a dataset are easy to spot with Trifacta.

In a multi-cloud environment, Trifacta can also help you prepare data more quickly. Data visualisation and data pipeline management can be automated with Trifacta.

    Scikit-learn is a Python toolkit that contains a huge variety of machine learning algorithms, both unsupervised and supervised. Pandas, SciPy, NumPy, and Matplotlib components were combined to make it.

Scikit-learn supports a variety of functions for implementing Machine Learning Algorithms, including classification, regression, clustering, data pre-processing, model selection, and dimensionality reduction. The goal of Scikit-main learn is to make complex machine learning algorithms easier to implement. This is why it's ideal for applications that need to be prototyped quickly.

  1. QUBOLE -
    Qubole is committed to making data-driven insights accessible to the general public. Customers of Qubole handle nearly an exabyte of data every month, making us the leading cloud-agnostic big-data-as-a-service provider. Customers have chosen Qubole because we pioneered the industry's first autonomous data platform.

This cloud-based data platform maintains, optimises, and learns to improve itself automatically, resulting in unmatched agility, flexibility, and TCO. Customers of Qubole care more about their data than they do about their data platform. Qubole's backers include CRV, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Norwest Venture Partners, and IVP.

  1. PAXATA -
    Paxata is the first company to use an intelligent, self-service data preparation application built on a scalable, enterprise-grade platform powered by machine learning to intelligently enable all business consumers to transform raw data into ready information, instantly and automatically. Any organization's Adaptive Information Platform weaves data into an Information Fabric from any source, cloud, or environment in order to produce trustworthy information. With Paxata, users click rather than code to achieve goals in minutes rather than months. They provide all firm customers with the chance to learn about material at their own pace. Make your organisation data-driven.

Paxata works with industry-leading cloud, big data, and business intelligence solution providers like Cloudera and Amazon, as well as BI tools like Salesforce Wave, Tableau, Qlik, and Microsoft Excel, to drastically cut the time it takes to get valuable business insights.


  1. ALTERYX -
    Alteryx Inc., situated in Irvine, California, offers a simple-to-use, end-to-end analytics platform that enables business analysts and data scientists to break down data silos and deliver game-changing insights to solve complex business problems. The Alteryx platform is self-serve, click, drag-and-drop for hundreds of thousands of individuals in big organisations all around the world.

Feature Labs, founded in 2015 by MIT data scientists Max Kanter and Kalyan Veeramachaneni, was acquired by Alteryx in order to enhance the platform's capabilities.

  1. JUPYTER -
    Project Jupyter is an open-source platform based on IPython that helps developers create open-source software and interactive computing experiences. Jupyter supports a number of languages, including Julia, Python, and R.

It's a web-based tool that lets you write live code, visualise data, and give presentations. Jupyter is a widely used programming language that was created with data scientists in mind. It's a user-friendly environment where Data Scientists can do all of their responsibilities. It also offers a lot of presentation features, which makes it a wonderful tool for telling stories. Jupyter Notebooks can be used for data purification, statistical processing, visualisation, and predictive machine learning models. Because it is based on open-source software, it is absolutely free.

Collaboratory is a web-based Jupyter environment that runs in the cloud and keeps data in Google Drive.

Wrapping up

Data Science is a complicated field that necessitates a wide range of tools for processing, analysing, cleaning, and organising data, as well as munging, manipulating, and interpreting it. The task isn't done yet. After the data has been evaluated and processed, Data Science specialists must build attractive and engaging visualisations for all project stakeholders to understand. Furthermore, Data Scientists must use machine learning techniques to create effective predictive models. All of these tasks would be impossible to complete without the use of Data Science tools.

We come to the conclusion that data science necessitates a diverse set of tools. Data science tools are used to analyse data, create aesthetically pleasing and interactive visualisations, and build effective predictive models using machine learning techniques. The majority of data science solutions allow you to do complicated data science operations all in one spot. This makes it easy for users to create data science functions without having to start from scratch. There are also a number of other tools that cater to data science application domains.

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