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20 Exciting Technology Trends That Might Attract an Eye in 2022

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2020 has been a year full of technological transformations. But a drastic tech change was seen in 2020, a year none of us were prepared for with an uninvited guest – disrupting the seamless workflow of businesses. The covid-19 outbreak has made IT experts realize that their role won't remain the same in tomorrow's contactless world. 

Numerous promotions and extensive technologies amid the early 2000s had gradually ceased to exist, and new-flanged ones came to light. Several exciting technology trends have come up in 2022 that are most likely to attract an eye and perhaps reach the common man's hands. 

In this blog, we will dive into 20 fascinating technology trends this year and some of the technology certifications offered by iCert Global.  


2022's Exciting 20 Technology Trends

  1. AI & ML

Over the past few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has received several buzzes. However, it is still one of the top technology trends due to tremendous impacts on our lifestyle, workspace and games.

AI has proven dominance in personal assistants (Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant), image and speech recognition, ride-sharing apps (Uber, Ola, Lyft and more) and navigation apps (Google Maps, Apple Maps).

Between the years 2019 and 2020, AI practitioners' or specialists' recruitments were seen to increase by 32%, and in LinkedIn's emerging job report 2020, the role of an AI specialist was ranked #1. 

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI that predicts future data based on previously generated data. It is widely practised in various industries such as logistics, healthcare, manufacturing and more, creating a massive demand for adept. 

Both these technology trends need profound knowledge of statistics, aiding us to identify the outcomes generated by the algorithm for a particular dataset.

Some of the highest-paying jobs in the AI & ML field include:

  • ML Engineer
  • AI Architect
  • Robotics Scientists
  • Big Data Engineering
  1. Data Science & Analytics

From the beginning of the 21st century, both Data Science & Analytics were known to be breakthrough technology. Analyzing data has been crucial for organizations, educational systems, governments, and departments for a long time.

What exactly is the difference between both the technology trends?

Data Analytics focuses on particular areas with specific targets, while Data Science focuses on determining new questions that we might not realize to drive innovation. It helps build connections and shapes the questions to answer them for future requirements.

Data analysis helps us gain insight into process efficacy, employee surveys, and compute people's everyday moods. However, as 2020 has been a new year for digital growth, data analysis also turned digital.

With the swift growth of computational tech, the potentials of data analysis are set to rise further. The good side of having a job in the data science field is that you are the central part of the company's overall venture.

Career opportunities in the new technology trend are:

  • Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • Operations Analyst
  • Statistician
  1. VR & AR

The next-generation technology trends are often Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR); these technologies play a minimal role in our lives. However, they are hyped in the industry. 

VR engages the users in an environment while AR amplifies their environment. These technologies had been superior in the gaming industry; however, they have been widely used to train US Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains using simulation software – VirtualShip.

Usually working in pairs with other evolved technologies, VR & AR has a wide range of marketing, entertainment, rehabilitation, and education applications. We have recently come across a new where VR provides experiences to museum-goers in India, taking us on an inside tour seemingly like flipping a book.

A point to keep in mind is that the average salary of an AR Engineer is above 6 lakhs per annum. Awe-stricken by the engineer's salary? What say about offering a hand to these technologies in 2022?

In-demand AR & VR jobs include:

  • Amazon - Graphics Engineer
  • Facebook - VR/AR Graphics Engineer
  • Apple - 3D Graphics Software Engineer
  • Spatial - AR Engineer (SF)
  1. IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) - physical objects are embedded with software, sensors, processing ability and other technologies that link and exchange data with other system devices over the internet or other networks.

This technology trend is the futuristic trend that has proven its superiority in devices, home appliances, vehicles and many more. The IoT is safe efficient and enables business decision-making as data is collected and analyzed. It also helps in quicker medical care predictive maintenance, offers benefits, and enhances customer services.

In an article by Cisco - by 2025, more than 75Bn IoT devices will be connected to the internet, thus expanding the tech applications. We are familiar with an IoT device 'Fitbits' which tracks the calories we burn. Another added advantage of the device is remote locking our doors, preheating our ovens on our way back home and a smart voice assistant.

IoT career opportunities include:

  • Cell & User Interface Development
  • Embedded Program Engineer
  • Professional in Sensors & Actuators
  • Network & the Networking Structure
  1. 5G

5th Generation (5G) of the mobile network is a much-awaited call for the 2022 technology trend - offering a high-speed network capable of connecting multiple objects at a timeframe. Faster than 4G, this technology delivers 20Gbps peak data rates and more than 100Mbps average data rates.

While the 5G was estimated to launch worldwide in 2021 with 50+ operators providing services in 30 countries by last year, the technology is in its developing phase. It is available only to a limited extent and is relatively pricey. The leading countries employing 5G are South Korea, the US and China.

As the technology has become more extensive, it has led to the need for an enormous workforce focused on creating and launching 5G networks.

  1. Blockchain 

Blockchain technology has been a hot topic for a while. Most people think the technology concerning bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. However, this technology trends have several other applications offered with utmost security.

The essential factor about Blockchain is that the recorded data can't be changed. Due to the security offered by it, the data can be shared among parties without complications.

Since the systems are consensus-driven, no one entity can completely control the data. Thanks to Blockchain, we don't require a 3rd-party to validate transactions. Moreover, we could real-time track the product status in a supply chain.

Being a Blockchain expert can help in scaling your profile in different sectors:

  • Crypto Community Manager
  • Risk Analyst
  • Front-end Engineer
  • Tech Architect
  1. RPA

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a lot more than just robots. Like AI & ML, this technology trend is software - leveraged to automate business workflows such as email replying, interpretation of applications, transaction processing and association with data. 

Before the invention of computers, most processes, be it in IT or manufacturing fields are done by humans. Once technology started revolutionizing and workflows started digitizing, the amount of human intervention drastically reduced.

A career in RPA involves substantial coding knowledge, where one has to write codes for a process to be automated. In financial sectors, the automation process reduces the time intended to speed the online tractions, thereby enhancing the overall productivity of the company and its connected ventures.

Some of the opportunities for people with RPA skills are:

  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Solution Architect
  • RPA Developer
  1. DevOps

DevOps is a set of practices that merges IT operations and software development to advance - business value, continuous delivery and software quality. This technology trend is complementary with Agile Software development.

To implement the technology, Netflix has developed a suite of programs known as the Simian Army, creating deliberate latency issues between services, random shutting down of servers, and more. This helped their team develop fault-tolerant and scalable systems to achieve the DevOps principles.

ML and data engineering processes can be automated by leveraging the same principles in DevOps. This, in turn, creates a hybrid network known as MLOps and DataOps.

Some of the diverse roles in DevOps career paths are:

  • Integration Specialist
  • Release Manager
  • Automation Engineer
  • DevOps Architect
  1. Edge Computing

During the initial part of the 21st century, cloud computing was hyped to be the next-generation technology. Around 2010, computing technology started showing up in advent, and by the time it was 2022, the technology had become a mere thing.

In 2022, cloud computing is no longer a technology trend that paved the way for the next big thing - Edge Computing. The technology is developed to help solve latency issues caused by cloud computing and acquire data to the data centre for processing.

Edge Computing is an excellent approach in IoT, allowing data to remain at the edge of the cloud and the device for processing so that commands are followed at a short turn-around time. 

In line with cloud computing, some of the career opportunities you might get with Edge Computing are:

  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
  • DevOps Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud and Security Architect
  • Cloud Reliability Engineer
  1. Cyber Security

Cyber Security might not seem like a trending technology, as it has been lingering around for a while, but it is also evolving just like other technology trends. Once the pandemic set in, almost every industrial sector started shifting to the digital world. It is one of the main reasons why awareness regarding cyberattacks began rising, and the technology continues to be an organization's top concern.

Most frequent cyberattacks occur in storage facilities of giant firms and government data repositories. Simple antivirus software is not enough to protect your systems from malicious attacks. Hence, better and robust technologies are of utmost importance, as malevolent hackers are not going to stop soon.

As the need for Cyber Security professionals increases, the jobs in this field started growing 3 times faster than other technology jobs. Some of the jobs that offer lucrative 6-figure incomes are:

  • Security Engineer
  • Ethical Hacker
  • Chief Security Officer
  • Malware Analyst
  1. Full Stack Development

Full Stack Development means the development of both front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) portions of web applications and is known to be one of the exciting trending technologies of 2022.

According to Forbes, over the last 2 years, internet usage has significantly increased by 70 percent, creating ways for online ventures shortly. The primary responsibility of a Full Stack developer includes server development, mobile platform coding, design UI on websites and databases for website functionality.

The front-end generally needs knowledge of Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. The back-end side requires knowledge of C++, PHP and ASP.

Career opportunities in Full Stack Development include:

  • Web Developer
  • Front-end and Back-end Developer
  • Web Designer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  1. Quantum Computing

The next big thing of 2022 in the technological field is Quantum Computing, which takes advantage of quantum phenomena like quantum entanglement and superposition. 

This technology trend also had a significant role in preventing the covid-19 spread and potential vaccine development because of its ability to query, monitor, analyze and act on information.

Another area where Quantum Computing proved its dominance is finance and banking, to control credit risk for high-frequency fraud and trading identification. To shine in the latest trend, one must have experience with ML, linear algebra, information theory, quantum mechanics and probability.

Career opportunities in Quantum Computing are:

  • Software Developer
  • Computer Architects
  • Algorithm Researcher
  1. Snowflake

Snowflake is a cloud data warehouse that enables data storage, analytic solutions, and processing that are quicker, easier to leverage, and more flexible than typical offerings. Its data platform is not developed on existing database technology or platforms like Hadoop.

This technology trend that stands out from the crowd is its ability to scale, compute and store independently. It has 4,900+ customers, including 212 of Fortune 500 and the average salary of Snowflake data warehouse engineer is 15 Lakh per annum (INR).

  1. IoB

The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) is an area of research and development (R&D) that seeks to understand when, how and why people use technology to make decisions before purchasing. It combines 3 fields of study - IoT, behavioural science and edge analytics.

Have you wondered how Facebook and Google display ads according to our needs? Well, it is through IoB. This technology trend helps ventures connect with their audience and track their advertising behaviours via click-through rate.

  1. Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics is a branch of advanced analytics that predicts future results using historical data associated with ML, statistical modelling and data mining. Companies leverage the tool to find data patterns to identify risks and opportunities.

Companies seek to develop services and products in crowded markets with increasing competition. This technology trend creates more precise forecasts, enabling efficient resource planning.

Career opportunities in the Predictive Analytics field are as follows:

  • Marketing Operations Specialist
  • Research Analyst
  • Associate Decision Science
  • Data Scientist
  1. Autonomous Vehicles

2020 has been a year of the self-driving or, in other words, Autonomous Vehicles, with large companies continuing to update their algorithms to develop cars that do away with drivers ultimately. 

The technology trend has 5 levels of driving that range from no to full automation. Levels 0 to 2 need human observation, while Levels 3 to 5 depend on algorithms to observe the environment. Tesla has been the leading Autonomous Vehicle manufacturing company, though the driving levels are 3 & 4.

It is estimated that by 2025, the driving range will be 5. But even if the level is reached, it will not replace the cars; instead, it will create particular roads and spaces for Autonomous Vehicles.

  1. Metaverse

Metaverse is a digital universe in which virtual and physical worlds are merged in a shared online space that will entirely change how we communicate, work and shop.

This technology trend will offer more choices for organizations, ranging from an increase in the social presence to office work, product purchase, payments and healthcare. Tech giants such as Microsoft, Facebook and Epic Games are some companies that have joined the Metaverse concept.

  1. Smart Homes

The AI trend in our homes is ongoing and will only accelerate over the next 3 to 4 years. We have already adjusted to such a transformation with Amazon's Alexa and Google's Nest.

With the most internet-related things, Smart Homes are benefitted from network impacts. They will eventually acquire customer trust when more functions are added, from brewing coffee while opening the blinds to the bathroom temperature rise when someone senses getting up.

  1. Mega-constellation Satellites

Over the next few years, Elon Musk-owned company SpaceX plans to deploy 42,000 satellites to develop an internet connection from any part of our planet.

Other companies that have joined the technology trend are Amazon. They plan to introduce 3,236 low-orbit satellites to cover white areas, and the OneWeb constellation planning to launch 600 satellites by this year.

Mega-constellation of satellites has been made possible by low-cost nano-satellite launch. However, the deployment of several objects in space might create an issue in terms of collision risk, weather and disturbance of astronomical observation.

  1. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a tradable digital asset built on blockchain technology. Though many people say the technology trend is the future of finance, it poses 2 major problems.

Its primary appeal is that Cryptocurrencies are trendy, but they never meant to sustain the attention they received in 2017. The technology might work, but there's just no mass market. The second issue is that its value is subjective and always in pre-bubble or bubble territory. Hence banks and governments will seek to discredit.

iCert Global Certification

The company conducts both Instructor-led Classroom training workshops and Instructor-led Live Online Training sessions for learners from across the United States and worldwide.

  1. AI & ML

AI and Deep Learning Certification Training Course

ML Certification Training Course

  1. RPA

RPA Certification Training Course

  1. Blockchain

Blockchain Certification Training Course

  1. IoT

IoT Certification Training Course

  1. Cyber Security

Ethical Hacking Certification Training Course

CISSP Training Course

CRISC Training Course

CISM Training Course

CISA Training Course

  1. Data Science

Data Science with R Programming Certification Training Course

  1. DevOps

DevOps Certification Training Course



Although technologies are evolving around us and in the year 2022, we will see the world economy's transformation. Our lives will transform entirely shortly with the promising technology trends mentioned above. Jobs and skills in these technologies will be invaluable, and gaining education related to the trends will help you in your career over the long run. 

Choosing and being an expert in the right trend will make you more dominant in the technological field, and you will be the future proof of it.



The company conducts both Instructor-led Classroom training workshops and Instructor-led Live Online Training sessions for learners from across the United States and around the world.

We also provide Corporate Training for enterprise workforce development

Professional Certification Training:

- PMP Certification Training

- CAPM Certification Training


Quality Management Training:

- Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (LSSYB) Certification Training Courses

- Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) Certification Training Courses

- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) Certification Training Courses

Scrum Training:

- CSM (Certified ScrumMaster) Certification Training Courses

Agile Training:

- PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Professional) Certification Training Courses

DevOps Training:

- DevOps Certification Training Courses

Business Analysis Training by iCert Global:

- ECBA (Entry Certificate in Business Analysis) Certification Training Courses

- CCBA (Certificate of Capability in Business Analysis) Certification Training Courses

- CBAP (Certified Business Analysis Professional) Certification Training Courses

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